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*FLUSHED* Dictator Trump / US politics thread 🚽


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12 hours ago, Jazzy Jan said:

Do people not have an issue with the protests and storming parliament to overturn an election ?  What I find so staggering.   That is fascism to the dot.   I understand that people are conservative voters but there is a huge difference between being conservative and supporting fascism and crazy conspiracy theories.  

When I see Trump and the likes of Marjorie Taylor Green etc having support, it is like we have regressed back to the dark ages.  

Jazzy, I don't know. I just have no explanation for it. 

He has such an ironclad grip on such a large part of this country. I'm terrified to think of what he'll do in office if he wins again. 

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I heard many Republicans saying they hate TRUMP, but they are Republicans and they will vote for any Republicans no matter who it is. 
This is so dumb !!

In the end they don't even know why they are Republicans anymore.

....... same can be said for Democrats, though.

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23 minutes ago, KalamazooJay said:

Jazzy, I don't know. I just have no explanation for it. 

He has such an ironclad grip on such a large part of this country. I'm terrified to think of what he'll do in office if he wins again. 

Same here.  I think he is a compete ticking timebomb.  Just stunned at the grip he seems to have on the Republican party and how much support he still seems to command. 

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The fact that recent polling shows Biden and Trump virtually tied is terrifying. A recession or Biden having a significant health incident in the next year could easily tip the scales into full blown fascism. Project 2025 should be enough for anyone who cares about the future of this country to get out and vote.

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  • 3 weeks later...
16 hours ago, Camacho said:


What an asshole. Never missing a loan? Well, what about missing lots of payments to contractors. And what about those loans? Except for Deutsche Bank no one was providing Trump with any more loans. And the Deutsche Bank executive that granted the loans is on the run, from what I have heard. He is wanted by US and German authorities for illegal practices. I don't remember exactly. There was a report on German TV some years ago and allegedly some shady things were going on between that ecexutive and the Trump Org. At this point no American bank would grant a loan to Trump. They all knew. 

An exceptional company? For building exceptionally ugly and cheap buildings. I was visiting Trump Tower in 1997 and thought what an outdated design the interior had and that it was all designed to impress people with no knowledge in good interior design. It was all "nouveau riche". The rose coloured marble or granite on the floors, on the walls, on the floors combined with the polished brass already looked passé in the late 90s. But what to expect from a guy who thinks having Louis 14th to 16th furniture in his apartment with low ceilings is a great idea. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Trump has been disqualified from running for president by Colorado supreme court for engaging in an insurrection! Fingers crossed it stays and he can't overturn it!

It could determine if trump can remain on the ballot in the other states.

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On 8/30/2023 at 3:22 AM, ULIZOS said:

I'm already prepared for him to be the president again. 


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  • 3 months later...

Yes, it’s a scary world we live in. And I fear we’ve well gone beyond the tipping point. There’s just too many people who have been systematically ill educated, who then ‘Quelle surprise’ vote these people in.

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Trump guilty on all 34 charges! Could be jailed on July 11th!

Of course he's saying it's rigged and so are people like Caitlyn Jenner.

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2 hours ago, jonski43 said:

Trump guilty on all 34 charges! Could be jailed on July 11th!

Of course he's saying it's rigged and so are people like Caitlyn Jenner.


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