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About runa

  • Birthday 01/27/1975

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  • Favorite Madonna Song
    Oh Father

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  1. Village People will be there too.
  2. Why do I want to vomit ? (again, )
  3. Sorry about that @peter ! A real nightmare, I can imagine.
  4. Why do I want to vomit?
  5. Such a tragic situation, this is so sad I hope everyone is safe!
  6. They are so dumb : in a survey, before the election, 67% of Canadians said they would vote for Kamala and 21% said they would support Trump. The others didn’t know. Canada being the 51st state would be Democrat,
  7. When Justin Trudeau, a Liberal, got elected 9 years ago, he promised he would reform our electoral system. He said he was inspired by Germany, @Raider of the lost Ark. But after a few months, he broke his promise, saying no system is perfect and bla bla bla, so he decided he wouldn’t change anything. The next election, in 2019, he lost his majority. Guess he regretted his decision.
  8. Hahaha Freedom of speech !
  9. Not how it works in Canada. I'm not talking of Total population, I'm talking of Total real vote. See my explanation above.
  10. That's a First Past the Vote system, which means the winner takes all : There is 338 ridings, in Canada. When a party gets more than 169 seats (50% of 338), he is considered a majority. Once he has that majority, he does anything he wants. But, in the end, see the image above, 60% of voters didn't vote for him. If the party with the most seats has less than 169, he is considered in minority. He has to work with other parties to get shit done. When I was younger, there were only 2 big parties in Canada (Conservative (right) and Liberal (center-left)) but now there is more than that and the votes are divided.
  11. In our political system, here, in Canada, you can have a "majority" with 33-35% of votes, which means you will decide all you want, no matter what, even if more than 60% of the population didn’t vote for you. This is crazy. Anything can happen, in this case, and pretty quickly.
  12. And it’s just a start. In the last year, I asked myself many times why I was still on Facebook and Instagram… guess it’s going to give me one more reason to leave.
  13. Dana White, very close to Trump, just joined Meta's board : https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2025/01/06/dana-white-meta-board-directors-trump/
  14. Canada’s Prime Minister just resigned. There’s a crisis in our parliament. He knows we’re in a weak position.
  15. All of this is so scary…
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