It is terrifying and shocking. I did not watch the debate as was working and I honestly don't want to. I know Biden is old, fragile and shaky and don't need any debate to tell me that. However, the fact that people still are going to vote for a man as disgusting as Trump and turn a blind eye to his deranged followers with his support storming Parliament and not accepting the election results, his selections for the Supreme court judges who have overturned Roe V Wade thus taking away women's rights and the conspiracy loving ultra right nutjobs who are in the Republican party is even more frightening. The fact he lies constantly and continues to do so is also chilling.
Both the GOP and the Democrats should have a different leader. The Democrats should have a young, eloquent and vital leader and the GOP should never have let Trump run again. If Trump gets in again, I am afraid for the world. Just listening to his comments already about what he will do if re-elected is awful. I hope that women can see already what he has done and the fact that their rights have been taken away from them, will see them reject the GOP entirely. Democracy could be a thing of the past for the USA if he gets in again and that should frighten Americans a lot as democracy is something they cherish.