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Jazzy Jan

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About Jazzy Jan

  • Birthday July 17

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  • Favorite Madonna Song
    Into the Groove

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  1. It is so obvious that Melania can't stand Donald Trump. Her body language is more than obvious. She is still with him in appearances only. Which makes her incredibly self serving. Like you said, where was she when he overturned Roe Vs Wade by stacking the court with ultra conservative religious judges whose main objective was overturning Roe Vs Wade. If women vote for Trump, they are idiots. I also find this whole argument of " It should be up to the individual states to decide" as abhorrent. Women's health issues should NOT be up to states to decide. It should be guaranteed.
  2. Trump is such a lying narcissist. I think the word Narcissist is so over used in everyday life but it is exactly what Trump is. A pathological narcissist who can't stand anyone not adoring or admiring him. He constantly lies and is completely soulless and stupid. I loved too how she brought up about all the Republicans who worked with him and exposed how dangerous and stupid he is. His responses to that were foolish, childish and stupid.
  3. Well done Taylor. Great instagram post. Love the childless cat lady sign off too.
  4. Yes Kamala absolutely destroyed him in this debate.
  5. I know. It is like it is a dark comedy movie that you would think would never happen but it is happening. Every single time I see him on the news or read his crazy social media posts that he releases, I wonder how anyone could support him.
  6. Yes. JD Vance is a terrible choice but I still find it unbelievable that anyone supports Trump. Trump is a deranged, idiotic dangerous moron and how he has any supporters is a blight on America.
  7. I truly thought virtually all Americans would completely reject this obnoxious narcissistic idiot after January the 6th. The fact he is the Republican candidate again after everything he had done, is incredibly frightening. Spitting in the face of democracy and truth and supporting fascism.
  8. Exactly. This SHOULD be leading ALL news reports/articles everywhere but it is only through this forum I have seen it. That in itself is an absolute disgrace from the media and is incredibly frustrating and frightening. Trump gets away with so much because he is so idiotic, obnoxious and offensive that people foolishly shrug him off or tune out to the danger to him. What he is saying here though is against everything America stands for - the destruction of democracy and it is being planned meticulously by others smarter than this fool who are dangerous, insidious and have no guilt about bringing their fascist ideology into law. The media should be making this a main talking point.
  9. Yes, the media has shocked me. They are too lenient towards Trump and everything he has done so not to appear biased. We only have to listen to his unhinged dangerous speeches and past actions such as not accepting the election results to see exactly who he is. If someone is spewing dangerous fascist ideas - call them out.
  10. Women who think misogynistic idiots like Trump and Vance represent them are ignoring the signs massively. I am hopeful that women will vote against them in droves.
  11. The fanatical and unhinged adoration that so many Americans are showing Trump is bizarre, obscene and completely bewildering. Virtually everyone I know is wondering how and why so many Americans love him when he is so obnoxious and idiotic.
  12. The way some republicans are still crawling to Trump and his rabid cult is spineless and disturbing. Also how can anyone support that dangerous nutter Marjorie Taylor Greene ? It is mind boggling how she can still be employed after her dangerous views have been fully exposed.
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