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Jazzy Jan

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About Jazzy Jan

  • Birthday July 17

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  • Favorite Madonna Song
    Into the Groove

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  1. Watching Trump speak is a form of torture. I couldn’t get through it and had to turn if off. Lies, repetitive propaganda, insulting allies plus idiotic snd easily debunked comments are beyond vile and so embarrassing to the USA. The world is watching and cringing at that pathetic speech by Trump and the spineless idiots from the GOP nodding and clapping like brainless demented fools.,
  2. @Camacho I feel so sorry for your relatives. They do not deserve to suffer this. Republicans should hang their head in shame for doing this.
  3. I wonder how the working class, poor people, veterans, seniors and disabled people of America who actually voted for Trump are feeling now. I feel great compassion and sympathy for all of the people affected who did NOT vote for Trump. My heart breaks for them. Their lives are going to change for the worse because of the people who decided to vote for Trump against their best interests. He and his rich millionaire friends were ALWAYS going to do this. Disgusting heartless party.
  4. I have seen some Americans I know on social media who sometimes post Pro Trump memes - which breaks my heart because they seem so lovely but that is another topic. Anyway, I have noticed they are all horrified at America siding with Russia, North Korea etc over a democratic country in Ukraine. Hoping that finally people will wake up. I doubt any American wants to be on the side of Russia and North Korea and anti a democratic country in Ukraine and this goes against everything they believe in.
  5. Sadly so true. Scary how misogynism is rising so rapidly amongst young men after it seemed to be frowned upon. Thanks for the link Runa. Agree with you Runa, I love reading the thoughts and views of @Raider of the lost Ark on this thread.
  6. Trump is an absolute disgrace. We all knew he would side with Russia ( he adores Putin and dictators in general ) but to dismiss Ukraine, mock their president and blame them for Russia invading them is beyond disgusting. He is going to make the United States the most hated country in the world. He does not care for anyone and mocks his allies. How can he hold peace talks regarding the war in Ukraine and NOT include Ukraine in the discussions.
  7. Exactly, That is what Hitler did. Same with restricting the free press. Why are people not learning from history ?
  8. It is alarming how people are straight out denying there is any problem with the eroding of democracy. It is soul destroying and infuriating. Ignorance is not bliss and history is repeating itself.
  9. Exactly. I know no sympathy for anyone who VOTED for Trump. I have massive amounts of sympathy for the people who DID NOT vote for Trump. The damage he is causing around the world already is unforgivable. It will only get worse.. Elon Musk and Trump are evil heartless compulsive liars and JD Vance is equally as dangerous. Vance's dreadful speeches addressing Europe this week were chilling in their stupidity, falsehoods and push for ultra conservative Christian bias. Then to see Musk tweeting at what a good idea it would be for Vance to be President of Europe. It is now considered freedom of speech and wonderful to be as vile and hateful as possible. Trump is obviously already siding with Putin. Not that anyone should be surprised. Europe should forget about the USA at the moment as Trump only values those that crawl to him. and he admires dictators. Elon Musk has become one of the most dangerous people on the planet and it will only get worse. Letting him buy Twitter was the worst thing that could have happened. His influence over the MAGA crowd is growing and his constant tweets and misinformation is frightening.
  10. How dare he tell people in another country that they can't live in their own country anymore. He is sickening and getting worse and worse every day.
  11. So dumb. Another reason I never hardly look at Twitter anymore is because of the Maga idiots who post utter garbage and made up propaganda and hateful lies all the time that Trump and Musk are tweeting. Then insult absolutely everyone else in the most vicious stupid repetitive way who don't agree or try to explain the lies. Fox "news" has done so much damage to the world. Musk buying Twitter was one of the worst things to ever happen to social media. These idiots just read the made up lies all the time and believe it.
  12. He is like a spoilt petulant idiotic toddler. How can Americans stand having this man representing them as their leader.
  13. Surely surely people can see exactly what he is doing. Destroying so much in America while inserting his own people to carry out the agendas of the true evil elite who bankroll him - not the people he has brainwashed his cult into thinking are evil elites. Soon every single thing in the USA will be moulded into what he says and he is ONLY interested in the people that crawl to him. So it will be the views of the billionaires and ultra right wing Christian fundamentalists. Yet, I still see Americans congratulating and adoring him all over social media. Wanting their government to be destroyed yet I wonder if they actually realise that governments and government departments build roads, schools, hospitals, have health checks put in place, safety in airports, railroads, first responders to save people etc. All of this "get rid of the government" will soon affect them greatly. Do they think the people who will privatise everything and run it to purely make profits will have concerns for the general public of the USA. Wake up America before it is too late. As for him now worrying about South Africa and cutting aid, well who is his partner in crime - yes a billionaire who is bitter about South Africa not looking after the white population more. It is so obvious and so corrupt.
  14. Kim, you were always correct about her. I used to see so much good in her Harry Potter books but I don't even recognise the person I see today. Seeing her criticise the left while showing photos of Trump sickens me to the core. Horrible and obsessive woman who will thrown women under the bus ie her Trump support to suit her obsessive agenda against transgender people that is playing right into the hands of the ultra right wing who openly claim women are inferior to men and should obey them etc while also demonising any body that is transgender.
  15. She is despicable. If she truly thinks Trump is on women's side, I wonder how she will feel when he takes away so many rights that women fought so hard to gain for so long . In a few years time, I guarantee that women everywhere who have been sucked into the whole transgender fear campaign, will be looking around and wondering where their other rights have gone ie Project 2025 is already in full swing but it will be too late by then.
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