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Raider of the lost Ark

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  1. I suggest Kreuzberg on the 1st of May. Well, it's not what it used to be.
  2. THIS. And Russia is doing this for many years already. It's all about dividing the society. I'm so grateful for the journalists that uncover this regularly. Of course, all the right wingers, the AfD and Marine Le Pen have always denied being in bed with Russia. Yeah, right. And of course did the Kremlin interfere with elections in 2016 (and most likely in 2020) in the U.S.
  3. The difference is that there is a more or less healthy counter movement. I agree, the Eastern European countries have their problems but even there people have had enough. I suppose the sanctions of the EU did help to some point. In Poland they kicked out the right-wing government. In Hungary the opposition is getting stronger. In former East Germany, whenever there are right-wing or even neo-nazi events, there are demonstrations from the left, incl. Antifa (I always roll my eyes when U.S. politicians use this term) that outnumber the right wingers. Recently some from guy from the AfD in a small town said something disgusting about LGBTQ+. And what happened? This town had its first Pride with people from all over Germany participating. Is there a chance the AfD might become the strongest party in some former East German state. Yes. But they will be far away from a majority and since no other party will form a coalition with them, they will not get in power to govern such state. The risks compared to the U.S, are relatively low. In addition, I am sure, some clown like Trump would never have a chance in Europe. The closest we got is Boris Johnson and Victor Orban. But they are far away from the crazy and dangerous that Trump is.
  4. Interestingly you always only hear people telling Democrats that. Democrats wihile adressing right-wing voters need to be lenient, need to be thoughtful, need to be respectful. How about the other side. They are the most agressive bunch of people out there. In fact they are getting even more agressive ever since that shooting at Trumps rally and Harris nomination. And let's face it, many of those people are dumb. And even worse, wilfully ignorant. Those are the people Trump meant when he once said, he loves the uneducated. They are useful idiots. To top that, many of those also seem to have a disdain for knowledge. They seem to enjoy their lack of knowledge as if knowledge or education in general is something bad and stupidity is something to be celebrated. How do you have a discussion with someone who does a) not understand or b) does not want to understand? Why waste your time? I have said it before, those right-wing voters are the ones to need to come around at some point, not the Democrats. All the Democrats need to do, is to do politics that supports the working/middle class. Something they are already doing and I can see them doing a lot more if they stay in power by passing respective laws. Contrary to Republicans who will pass laws that will hurt U.S. American people. That's all Democrats can do at this point.
  5. And yet they can never explain what was so much better during Trumps presidency. All they come up with is nonsense. None of it is based on facts. Their wording says it all: "I believe" or "I feel". They all fall for the proganda coming from Trump and his minions incl. the media that is in bed with him, most above all those right-wing influencers in social media. Never in my life have I seen such hateful people, all of them disingenous to say the least. At this point, everyone who votes for Trump is MAGA. At this point we know what Trump and the Republican Party (by name only) stands for and what they plan. Everyone who says otherwise, is just pretending. Well, they may already look for an excuse once shit hits the fan and Project 2025 becomes a reality. It is Trumps clientele that will be hit the most. "We did not know". As someone from Germany, this has my alarm bells ringing. How many people after the WW2 made that claim? Of course, how could they know there was a concentration camp nearby. The smoke from the smoke sticks, but there was no factory. The lovely smell in the air when the wind came from a certain direction. And what about that entry in the telephone book? Sorry, "We did not know" or "I did not know" will not fly with me. If you don't know, educate yourself! But here comes the next problem: education in the U.S. is so bad overall and unsurprisingly the states that rank the worst on education (and on many other criteria) are red states. Is this a coincidence? I don't think so. I am sure politicians in those states keep their citizens intentionally dumb. I will say it as it is: Trump voters are stupid assholes. Period. Democrats should not waste their time on those voters. At this point they are a lost cause. They are like alcoholics or drug addicts. They need to realize for themselves they need to change. Strengthen your base and look after the undecided, who tend to be more liberal anyway. If Democrats wish to entertain the idea of "Unity" then unite the so called left and middle first and foremost.
  6. I am so grateful that Europe had the period of enlightment and religion became a less defining thing in peoples lifes. The human came forward and God had to step in the background or disappear. People understood that the development of a society and ones own development should not be defined by or depend on a higher power. A realization that brought immense progress in all kinds of life. Today in Europe, even those who consider themselves religious, mostly Christians (Catholic and Protestant) do not have religion as the centre of their lifes and most definitely take everything the church says with a grain of salt. Afterall, the history of Christianity in Europe is filled with violence and hate. Especially the organized religion has shown to be on the wrong side of history over and over again. At this point, in Europe more people visit churches for the architecture and great acoustics but less for religious activities. In Germany, the day the most people go to church is Christmas Eve. And most people go merely for the "show", the songs, the nice decoration. The only thing the Church has been really good at, are the arts. This I can acknowledge.
  7. Well, I hope they don't have daughters that have problems during their pregnancies. Might cost them their lifes. Or those women themselves hopefully don't end up in an abusive marriage. They may spend the rest of their lifes with their abusive husbands or they decide to live in poverty if they leave them. But you get what you vote for, I guess. Some people are just so short-sighted. And some are just incredibly dumb.
  8. I will never understand how a woman would vote for Trump or any other Republican. Especially knowing about the things happening ever since Roe v. Wade was revoked and all the things mentioned in Project 2025. On the other hand, at this point I do believe most people lie in those polls. And if it wasn't for the electoral college this race would not even be close and we would watch Trump speeches more as the cooky ideas of an old man, that should be under supervision.
  9. I applaud Biden for still trying to get the things done he has started and have been successful so far, as it shows a great deal of responsibility. If I was Biden, I would say "f*ck it" and retire. What we see now for several weeks is downright bullying. There is no other way to describe it. The glee some people, especially in the media, show is appalling. It is just as wrong as all those second tier democrats coming forward asking him to step down. "Unimportant" people you have never heard of, feel the need to play some power games. We will need to have serious discussions how we handle such situations in the future and especially how we treat other human beings, especially decent ones.
  10. Media is slowly waking up, asking why there is no medical information regarding Trumps injury and why the FBI will neither confirm nor deny that Trump was hit by a bullet. From the information we know so far, it becomes more and more likely this was not Trump related, except for the fact the incident happened to be a Trump rally. A "normal" mass shooting scenario by a mental person with a gun appears to be the most logical explanation. The problem: The story about this incident was written the moment Trump was hit by something and everybody jumped to conclusions. How do you go back from assasination attempt to shooting when you know exactly that Trump and MAGA will claim that the investigation was rigged by an FBI and DOJ run by democrats. People need to understand that MAGA is a cult, a religious movement if you will and the alleged assasination attempt turned Trump into a martyr, a Christ like figure. Just as they don't accept the results of an election, they will not accept a result of an investigation that says it was no assasination attempt.
  11. To do this during Trumps speech at the RNC would be a genius move from a marketing point of view. All stations will cut from Trump to Biden and those who don't will have this as breaking news on the screen. People at the convention get the news on their phones and will be distracted. And the best, even if Trump gives a more sub-dued speech (unity, blah, blah) he will be thrown off immediatly and will start ranting as he always does.
  12. They will say it is because of doctor / patient confidentiality. Therefore the doctor or any other medical staff cannot reveal anything without risking losing their license. Well, they will be afraid of his cult members as well. I said it before, his first post after the shooting was that he was hit by a bullet, something that has been questioned immediately. It would not be a good look if they have to admit that it was merely a piece of glass or something that hit him. That doesn't sound so dramatic.
  13. Unless, you have further information about the motives of the shooter, you know as much as I do. What we know about the shooter simply does not explain why he would shoot Trump.
  14. What I am saying is that the politization of the shooting at this point is questionable. The only thing that makes it somewhat political is that Trump was hit by something during a shooting that happened to be his rally. As long as we don't know the motives of the shooter, I'd be very careful because roling back from "assansination attempt" is hardly possible and as I said before, Trumps will then say the investigation was rigged because the narrative that he is somehow a martyr would go away.
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