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  1. She really took it to him in a way that no one else has on a debate stage and it clearly rattled him like I've never witnessed. Kamala continues to exceed my wildest expectations as to what kind of candidate she would be. As I've said before, she has truly found her voice and her stride with this and it does truly seem to be her 'moment'. However, I will caution everyone in this thread to not count those chickens before the eggs hatch. While she butchered him up on stage, Hillary and Joe were widely proclaimed to be the winners of their respective debates as well. And one lost and the other won by the smallest of margins when polls were predicting blowouts. The polls this time around show an ever CLOSER race and Trump has CONSISTENTLY outperformed polls from the beginning. ALL the swing state polls - Arizona, North Carolina, Georgia, Nevada, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and my home state of Michigan are literally TIED right now. Tied. So this could go either way. My personal hope is that she swung a good chunk of undecided voters into her column last night, because that truly was a masterful performance. But in NO way is it locked up for her. It's going to be a very long, very contentious, and very tense 2 months here in America.
  2. Walz is a fantastic pick. He’s lively enough for the stump but boring enough to do no harm to the ticket. He contrasts Kamala’s “cosmopolitan” vibe perfectly. He’s every Americans favorite teacher, coach, neighbor, uncle, dad, etc. Shapiro & Harris would’ve looked WAY too polished and perfect together and quite frankly there’s something about him that rubs me the wrong way. She already rubs some people the wrong way herself, so I can see why she went with a guy who doesn’t look like he was cooked up in a political laboratory. Seeing her on the campaign trail this past week is just unbelievable. Her energy, confidence, and delivery are just astounding. Where has THIS Kamala been?! I haven’t been this excited to vote since 2008.
  3. I think you’re all crazy for thinking this isn’t a massive jolt of electricity for the Democrats. Biden excited absolutely no one. He was a walking corpse that should’ve bowed out prior to the primaries. He did what he had to do - beat Trump and signed in a host of impressive accomplishments. But. Now there’s an open process, intrigue, buzz about a running mate, and wall to wall coverage about their upcoming convention. Dems NEEDED this. They desperately needed the media coverage to shift in a different direction. ESPECIALLY after Trumps assassination attempt. For the next few weeks all the focus will be on this nomination process and that’s a huge net positive. HUGE.
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