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    Jason Nancarrow
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  1. Democrats lost their way and their asses in a spectacular fashion. And sadly, deservingly so. I’m horrified by the prospect of another Trump term but also cognizant of the fact that the side I was on completely botched a winnable election on every level. WHY did Biden think he was the ONLY one who could beat Trump? WHY did he say he was a ‘bridge to the future’ only to squat around and drop out THREE months until the election? WHY did Dems gaslight us and tell use that Biden was as sharp as ever when anyone with EYES could see there was clear evidence of cognitive decline, Parkinson’s, or some other mental or physical condition? WHY was there not an open convention? WHY did Harris chum around with LIZ FUCKING CHENEY? As if chuckling with a war monger whose father is responsible for one the biggest foreign policy disasters of all time would make someone say OH, YEAH, NOW I’M VOTING FOR KAMALA! I am furious over these results but I am NOT surprised in the least. This isn’t 2016 and anyone who’s followed the the numbers and the trajectory of where the Dems were going from 2020 onward could see this coming. Maybe if they had adopted Bernie Sanders playbook and rhetoric - instead of listening to angry white liberals sipping their $12 coffees who think the term Latinx and POC are winning language - they wouldn’t be in this position. Progressives need to stop listening to kids in their diapers who are offended by everything, and start building a majority with the working class of this country to win elections again. There’s a vocal MINORITY that rules this party that needs to be purged out in place of a winning electoral majority that can actually get things done.
  2. This. Look, I will happily and giddily vote for Kamala. She has really impressed me with how she's run her campaign and seems to have truly found her voice as a candidate. That being said, I can't understand why she (and some on the left) are actively promoting and seeking out the endorsements of Bush acolytes, Republicans, and the fucking Cheney's of all people. I don't give a damn how anti Trump Liz Cheney is now. That does NOT erase her past and her war mongering and the fact she sold her own lesbian sister up the river when it was politically convenient. She's a ghoul and so is her awful father. It's not like they have a constituency or base of people who say 'Oh, Liz and Dick are voting for Kamala? Well, ME TOO!!' It's a waste of time. Ask Hillary how well it worked out for her when she was up there courting anti Trumpers. The fact of the matter is, the VAST majority of the these so called 'anti Trump' conservatives ultimately come home to him on election day. Like, are progressives going to STOP courting this extremely small sliver of republicans and focus on their OWN base. Mystifying.
  3. There seems to be almost a 'trend' right now of these self loathing, pretentious, self righteous homos who are almost ALL 99.99% white that are promoting MAGA. It's gross.
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