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About jonski43

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    Into the groove

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  1. There's a proposed community note on this saying it's not true
  2. Yes, that's why I'm not too bothered about him. We got through the last few years of his presidency and I expect he'll leave this one like a flat fart.
  3. Trump is the only president that didn't go to war during his presidency in recent times. Even Obama did. The fact that he is such a potential psycho meant some foreign powers decided against any provocative activity. It's also one of the reasons given Hamas decided to agree to a deal. And it was noted that Putin didn't invade Ukraine until Biden came into office.
  4. He had an angry phone conversation with the Danish PM about Greenland saying it was vital for US national security and threatened military action! Now that would really put the cat among the pigeons with Europe.
  5. Didn't she sue a publication or someone who accused her of being a high class escort? I mean I think we all find it hard to believe she's with DT for love.
  6. He's gone and pardoned the guy who created the Silk Road darkweb site where all kinds of drugs were available along with other illegal products. He's effectively opening up the dark web to his cronies along with his pro-crypto agenda. It's a crooks paradise. I still hope that he and Musk will crash and bring each other down. And we'll probably get more Louis Mangioni style murders.
  7. Hi, 

    I've reached the thousand post mark. Can I have my access to other forums and messaging reinstated? I've done nine months in "jail" and learned my lesson. 🥲

  8. Hi Jonski. Just noticed you haven't been granted access to other parts of MN yet. Saw your message to Camacho and was surprised he didn't do it yet. The only explanation I can think of is that you didn't offer an apology for what happened last year, and didn't mention anything about sending and nreceiving PM's from other members and thinks you just want access to the PP section. It's the only thing I can think of. Try messaging him again and just say you weren't sure if he received your last message or something. Hope it goes well. 😉


    This is what I said:

    Hi, Hector / Camacho

    Just thought I would message you to ask if you will please shed any light on when I will be able to PM other members and access other parts of the forum. As I said before, I love MN and I miss messaging and having long conversations with people such as Jazzyjan and a few others. That conversation last March (which I now regret) should never have happened, and I can once again only apologise for it.

    Thanks for reading anyway.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. jonski43


      I'm back!!! Superstar sorted me out!

    3. Crux


      Oh yes, her fans hyping her up to the max along with their hyperbolic nonsense is what really grates on my nerves, tbh.

      You would think these last few months would've humbled them but no. lol



    4. Crux


      Btw, GREAT to have you back again. xx

  9. I've reached a thousand posts. Do I get access to the other forums now?

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