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  1. Thanks god you are right. My post was just a reminder that there is a divide in Europe too, cleverly exploited by Russia. Putin feeds the Nazis and there are two parties of them in the EU Parliament
  2. Unfortunately Europe and EU have similar to USA problems. Ex Eastern Europe and even Eastern GER is still homophobic, nationalistic and kind of racist… it’s hard to accept it but it is unfortunately true. The problem is not strictly religion, but unfortunately ignorance rules. France was almost ruled by neonazis!
  3. Biden is stepping down. What a great man! Hopefully they choose someone amazing!
  4. Its actually the opposite, "they", whoever they are, are going out of their way for him to win
  5. So The Economist works overtime for Dump's campaign? What a shitty press the US press has become!
  6. Harris have, in my opinion, even slighter chance at winning than Biden. The reason: I don't think USA is choosing a woman otherwise Hilary would have won. Add to that the fact she is from a minority. The public (even US) is still sexist, with a huge chuck also racist (south?). If Biden is replaced, it better be a male democrat (preferably white?) and Harris could still be the vice. Hilary was never liked, but if she wasn't a woman, I think she should have won. She has qualities - like being tuff, that are generally liked in a man, BUT not in a woman. For those reasons I don't see even Michelle Obama winning, if she ever accepted to run, though the polls sofar show she could win. I don't see it though. I d like to see someone like Pete Buttigieg run, but I don't think USA is ready for a gay president yet. He could easily crush Donald though in a debate.
  7. The thing is: if people were more clever and actually voted based on merit Biden would have easily won this election even in his state. But they d choose a fucking crazy liar rather than a rather decent US president. Of course, he could have done more in many areas. But the alternative is horrifying.
  8. I get what you are saying. And you are right: the fact that Biden "appears" old would cost him the election, not what he has done or his legacy, which has been MILES BETTER than what Dumb left (which would have been even bigger disaster if it wasn't for the opposition within). But people have become very SUPERFICIAL: they would vote someone like Biden out because he appears old, even if this means voting Dumb in, who is racist, antitrans, autocratic, is best buddy of Putin and the North Korean guy and would threaten US allies like the EU and would welcome Putin's attack on a NATO ally if the said ally hasn't spent 2 percent of its GDP for arms. Also, he would give half of Ukraine to Putin.
  9. Exactly. Even IF Biden is total ruin (he isnt) anyone is better than Dumb. Anyone. And Biden wasnt a bad president, though he should have done more on the Ukraine case.
  10. They should be obliged to teach those classes. They are operating in UK, not in Saudi Arabia. I m sure Saudi Arabia wouldn't allow a western school in its borders to teach about LGBTQ rights or even Christianity. All students should be equal. If the parents don't want their children to be taught about LGBTQ rights, they should send them to study in homophobic countries. God knows those are the majority in the world.
  11. I don't see it, because first all the other states are smaller and poorer (not per capita, but as a whole) than UK (minus GER and France) and would face much bigger challenges than UK if they have to renegotiate their trade with EU and the world... It would basically be harming yourself. GER is benefiting from EU economically and the other states are benefitting economically and otherwise from GER so I don't see it. FR is the weaker link, because altright could win there, but probably the consideration that the economic benefits are big would prevail. FR could though drastically change EU and make it really weak and insignificant. GER+FR are the essential states. Also, UK is doing bad post Brexit and all economists are saying it would have been much better if it was still within EU. So I don't really see it. The most possible exiters are either NL or Denmark, but they will loose the most if they exit. However I m seeing the other scenario as much more possible: EU on different speed, which means some states would be left out and will not be as integrated as the others. The first state which everyone would gladly left out of all the policies would be Hungary and rightfully so. However I could see some kind of a club forming within the club, probably consisting of EURO states or GER, FR, NL, BEL, LUX doing much more together. Which will be bad. A simple majority for most of the EU decisions is a must (especially in foreign affairs and some other social issues), but many states are opposing it. If ultraright prevails throughout Europe and especially in GER and FR I could see a weaker, disintegrated EU looming. I hope it wont get to that. EU must become stronger, more integrated, with faster decision making, real common foreign policy and possibly even common economy.
  12. What is happening in Germany is troubling as it has been for 50 years a beacon for democracy. Western part still kind of is. It’s the economic heart of EU, so all should be concerned. Obviously hate wins in the Eastern part and I am unfortunately not shocked. Much of Eastern Europe is still very much lagging behind Western Europe and people blame everyone but their society. Add to that the hybrid warfare of RU glorifying communism, conservatism, attacking lgbtq people and migrants and you get the picture, it is serving the people the reason why they are not doing that great. On EU level it seems the ultra right is contained, but Ger, Aus, Fr, NL- all are going pretty right and this last happened in the 20ties and the 30ties and we know how that went. The ruling parties are also to be blamed - they have done a lot of stupid things while not doing vital things expected of them. I wonder how EU would turn up in 10-15 years…
  13. Its not just that: I mean whose president wont get crucified for giving up 20 percent of a country's territory through "peaceful" negotiations? Also, this could very well be a ceasefire so that RU gets some years to recuperate and then invade another part of Ukraine and/or other Eastern European country?
  14. That's kind of an absurd position when you have invaded another sovereign country, whose territory now you are ocuping. At present, no-one cares what Putin says, because no-one believe what he says.
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