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About acko

  • Birthday 02/21/1980

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  • Favorite Madonna Song
    Drowned World

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  1. Yes because if your strugling voting 4 a party that is against universal Healthcare is the way to go! Let's not pretend.. This has been happening all over the world for years now... The right manages to attract working class votes against their own socio economical interest by focussing on ethical/social/racial issues... Ignorance leads Fear leads people to acting like retarded cunts.
  2. What influence is that? you are perfectly free to disagree with them it's called freedom of speech. Your not entertained? Then move on.
  3. Let's not pretend this is an American thing. The whole world is FUCKED UP...this is the worst era since the Cold War ended for the Western World Decades of extreme Capitalism brought us here.
  4. That's what right wingers will say because their faves usually have a different view of the world and they can't stand it. I mean who's their poster boy? Rob fucking Schneider or Kid Rock vs Robert DeNiro or Madonna. Okay, but at the end of the day it's just that, their opininion. Obviously someone who's creative and artistic doesn't usually endorse politcs that go against that. It's not about deciding 4 other people, but they've earned their platform so they get to use it.
  5. Come to my house I'll cook you some pasta. But I know what you mean, I just woke up...i'm in Brussels. I might just go back to bed. The world is just fucked up.
  6. I heard she's not black. That's what they say...
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