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Slanderers of the Throne

Guest whatatramp

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Speaking of JLo. She always doesn't sing the chorus of her songs, it's always the backup vocalists singing instead of her :lol: Listen to "I'm Real" (original version), "Play", "Still".

Ugh I don't know if I can listen to her anymore......Love Don't Cost A Thing, Play, Jenny...Block were all cute when I was drunk back in 2001 but practically unbearable in 2014.

Her first "flop" Get Right is the only song by her I can say I like these days.

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What was low for me was Jlo saying "don't spit on my craft".

1. She wasn't in the game long enough to have developed a craft and never went on to do so.

2. But to use "spit" was so hostile and un lady-like.

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I could be in the minority here but the fact that Madonna treats people with respect who have unfairly trashed her is classy. She rises above the hatred and does not dwell on it. This has always been Elton's problem and the fact that she is not nasty to him back, only shows how petty he has been.

No you're not the only one, i definitively agree :thumbsup:

One of the reasons i'm such a huge Madonna fan is because she's so classy. She NEVER reduce herself to her haters's level, she's better than that. Such an admirable person yet the medias always act as if SHE was the one who started the whole shit. Her haters always get a free pass doesn't matter how nasty they are.

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All I can say is JLo is hardly a "slanderer" at the level of Elton or Piers. She said one dumb thing when she was young and new in the industry and since then has been only nice and cordial with M and gone to events with her and gotten along swimmingly in the media. She's not a slanderer, just a young, dumb bitch.

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JLo said that at the very beginning of her career when she was naive and full of herself. Don't judge someone at the start of their career. They're always foolish. Whenever I see JLo on tv these days she seems so nice and fun and willing to poke fun at herself, which I like. And since then she's matured and said great things about Madonna and gone to her shows and praises her. Obviously she's not nearly as talented or artistic as M is and I don't think she's much better of an actress but she's come a long way in terms of being a bitch, let's face it

You actually think the American Idol image is real? lol! She's a fake fucking bitch and her monstrous behaviour is well known throughout the industry. She wouldn't get all that bad press about diva demands for nothing. And that goes perfectly with what she said in that interview. That's the real her, not the follies of youth and she was like 30, not some kid! It wasn't just Madonna she insulted either, it was the whole of Hollywood and she had to send out apology letters to everyone she slated in that article.

Luckily for her she learnt her lesson early on, so would never repeat that mistake. She won't be struck off the list because that quote was so hypocritical. At the end of the day she's someone who saw what Madonna had and decided she wanted a piece for herself.

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Madonna obviously forgave Jlo enough to ask her to perform at the VMAs with her in 2003....

Let's not forget she was FIRST choice along with Pink to play the tribute....

Jlo said ONE foolish thing years ago, since then she has only had positive things to say about a Madonna.

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Madonna obviously forgave Jlo enough to ask her to perform at the VMAs with her in 2003....

Let's not forget she was FIRST choice along with Pink to play the tribute....

And thank god that never happened! Spears and Xtina are the only ones that would work.

Lots of people in this thread said just one bad thing about Madonna among praise, so whatevs.

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And thank god that never happened! Spears and Xtina are the only ones that would work.

Lots of people in this thread said just one bad thing about Madonna among praise, so whatevs.

Oh I agree I can't imagine that iconic performance with any other woman!

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If Madonna can get over Jlo's comments then so can I lol. But my gripe is why does Jlo or anyone else have to have an opinon on Madonna? Do people ask Madonna her opinion on jlo? Jlo should have kept her mouth shut basically - if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.

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It's ironic, since I think Jay Low spit on Madonna's craft by trying to make "music".


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2 usual suspects rearing their heads yet again.

I read yet another interview with Chelsea Handler who again trashed Madonna. She was asked about why she claimed Madonna is not relevant and she actually said " When was Madonna ever relevant" Then talked again about how she can not stand her although she has never had a conversation with her. Then about seeing her at her Oscar party but not even noticing her because Madonna does not interest her. Then spent about a third of the interview talking about the pressure of being famous on poor Jennifer Anniston and Reece Witherspoon. Such an annoying idiot.

Joan Rivers - Honestly Joan, can you ever get through an episode of Fashion Police without making age remarks about Madonna ? This week there were 4 separate nasty quips about her age including calling her an old hag and then later finishing off at the end by calling her a senile old bitch. Surely, if you are this so called comic genius, you can come up with other comments about Madonna then about her being an old hag etc. It is really getting boring. I don't care about her outfit getting trashed because it was totally mismatched but these constant comments about her being so old is so passe. Get some new comedy quips and lines Joan.

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2 usual suspects rearing their heads yet again.

I read yet another interview with Chelsea Handler who again trashed Madonna. She was asked about why she claimed Madonna is not relevant and she actually said " When was Madonna ever relevant" Then talked again about how she can not stand her although she has never had a conversation with her. Then about seeing her at her Oscar party but not even noticing her because Madonna does not interest her. Then spent about a third of the interview talking about the pressure of being famous on poor Jennifer Anniston and Reece Witherspoon. Such an annoying idiot.

Joan Rivers - Honestly Joan, can you ever get through an episode of Fashion Police without making age remarks about Madonna ? This week there were 4 separate nasty quips about her age including calling her an old hag and then later finishing off at the end by calling her a senile old bitch. Surely, if you are this so called comic genius, you can come up with other comments about Madonna then about her being an old hag etc. It is really getting boring. I don't care about her outfit getting trashed because it was totally mismatched but these constant comments about her being so old is so passe. Get some new comedy quips and lines Joan.

we should enjoy Joan as long as we can haha :chuckle:

I stopped watching Fashion Police a long time ago, it's basically a bullying TV show

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I read yet another interview with Chelsea Handler who again trashed Madonna. She was asked about why she claimed Madonna is not relevant and she actually said " When was Madonna ever relevant" Then talked again about how she can not stand her although she has never had a conversation with her.

Then about seeing her at her Oscar party but not even noticing her because Madonna does not interest her. Then spent about a third of the interview talking about the pressure of being famous on poor Jennifer Anniston and Reece Witherspoon. Such an annoying idiot

Ok I didn't know who this Chelsea Handbag was so I logged on youtube and watched an episode of her show. Does this woman get paid? Do people find her even funny? And why would you go to a Madonna party only to proceed to trashing her moments afterward. Just stay at home and avoid making yourself look like the pathetic attention-seeking C-list clown that you are

Classless ugly TV trash

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You actually think the American Idol image is real? lol! She's a fake fucking bitch and her monstrous behaviour is well known throughout the industry. She wouldn't get all that bad press about diva demands for nothing. And that goes perfectly with what she said in that interview. That's the real her, not the follies of youth and she was like 30, not some kid! :chuckle: It wasn't just Madonna she insulted either, it was the whole of Hollywood and she had to send out apology letters to everyone she slated in that article.

Luckily for her she learnt her lesson early on, so would never repeat that mistake. She won't be struck off the list because that quote was so hypocritical. At the end of the day she's someone who saw what Madonna had and decided she wanted a piece for herself.


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As for the Madonna jab, I think when she said it, she was actually arrogant enough to believe she was about to supplant Madonna as the singing/dancing/acting pop culture icon du jour. And then she woke up when only a few short years later, she became chart poison as always happens to anyone who attempts to dethrone Queen M


And it's not so much about being chart poison but the fact that she's a talentless speaking huge derriere to begin with. So her comment seems even more out of place and coming from a very obvious place. She is not a musician, she never did concerts before or after becoming famous, what does her music career represent?


Madonna had a natural association with the arts world. She was a dancer, earned scholarships and opportunities through it, she later learnt how to play instruments and write lyrics, she performed in bands and in the clubs. She wasn't sleeping in luxury hotels before she got famous but only AFTER she could afford it due to her record sales and touring success. And as for her acting ability, I cringe every time I read she can act. Her acting is amateur hour at the finest

She certainly isn't a better actress than Madonna and she's so fucking boring anyway. Awful on every level.

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Glad she came around over the years.

I never actually read the exact quote

Wasn't aware that she thought Madonna used SEX to sell albums :(

I think the quality of Madonna's music throughout 30 years speaks for itself

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I remember Whitters telling a story about encountering Madonna backstage at an awards show. They'd both been up in the same category and Madonna won (obviously) So Whitney sees Madonna and says "how you doin?" Madge, gesticulating towards her award says - "Better than you, OBVIOUSLY" and walks off :bad:

M was no doubt aware Whit had trash talked her a few times in the press.

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^ It's ironic that Madonna is never the one to gratuitously insult someone looking for publicity

And certainly not other recognised superstars

She just minds her own business and gets ahead

The last part of that Whitney interview is so sad and ironic in a way

All I can think of is that people who have to so overplay their image must be doing so because they have no natural appeal. So I think their time at the top has got to be limited.

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^ It's ironic that Madonna is never the one to gratuitously insult someone looking for publicity

And certainly not other recognised superstars

She just minds her own business and gets ahead

The last part of that Whitney interview is so sad and ironic in a way

well, Madge is still on top, but Whiney, where are you?

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