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Slanderers of the Throne

Guest whatatramp

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Madonna can probably break that record again.

Not to mention, she does it with new material, predominately. Didn't he achieve that by touring with "The Wall" production all over again?

I mean, if she wants to take the easy road (which she most likely won't), she can market "the hits" all over again. The world WILL show up for that.

And god knows that (unfortunate) final tour one day will obliterate everyone.

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Alexander McQueen, fashion designer and "stitch bitch" (may he rest in peace)

"He revealed that McQueen once threw a baked potato at Madonna during a dinner party with Sir Elton John. ‘After it hit her in the head, she refused to talk to Lee again, but he didn’t care. He said to me, “She’s so stuck up her own backside to worry about anyone else.”

‘When Madonna married Guy Ritchie and moved to an English country estate. Lee told me, “She is trying to be lord and lady of the manor, and she’s so not either…’ ’

- McQueen's on and off again lover


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Just seems they want her attention and when they don't get it, they turn into bitter assholes. Playground crap from one side, the stupidity of it.

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Alexander McQueen, fashion designer and "stitch bitch" (may he rest in peace)

"He revealed that McQueen once threw a baked potato at Madonna during a dinner party with Sir Elton John. ‘After it hit her in the head, she refused to talk to Lee again, but he didn’t care. He said to me, “She’s so stuck up her own backside to worry about anyone else.”

‘When Madonna married Guy Ritchie and moved to an English country estate. Lee told me, “She is trying to be lord and lady of the manor, and she’s so not either…’ ’

- McQueen's on and off again lover


Is that legit?

It's odd considering that he provided the wardrobe for this:


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Alexander McQueen, fashion designer and "stitch bitch" (may he rest in peace)

"He revealed that McQueen once threw a baked potato at Madonna during a dinner party with Sir Elton John. ‘After it hit her in the head, she refused to talk to Lee again, but he didn’t care. He said to me, “She’s so stuck up her own backside to worry about anyone else.”

‘When Madonna married Guy Ritchie and moved to an English country estate. Lee told me, “She is trying to be lord and lady of the manor, and she’s so not either…’ ’

- McQueen's on and off again lover


why would he throw a baked potato? talking about manners, ugh

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Alexander McQueen, fashion designer and "stitch bitch" (may he rest in peace)

"He revealed that McQueen once threw a baked potato at Madonna during a dinner party with Sir Elton John.

Says it all, really. Two vile queens together acting like children. Elton needs to be birched for what he's said about M.

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why would he throw a baked potato? talking about manners, ugh

I kno right! He was lucky she didn't beat the shit out of him cause I would! And him complaining she stopped talking to him! Like WTF!! What a fucking CUNT he is!

Didn't Piers Moron once said he threw bread at her?!! What's with these "men" They're the ASSHOLES!!

Ugh! This thread makes me angry.

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"I believe she could act if she got training"

No this isn't really shade and I agree with her, but Icon noted it unimpressed back in the day :lmao:


Is that what Sharon Stone looks like these days? Anyhow I'm pretty sure she and Madonna have been friends for a long time now. And i agree that what she said is true - Madonna needed some acting lessons because she was always inconsistent.

As for Piers Morgan, well he'd heard a rumour she was pregnant and he wanted to be the first tabloid to reveal it. They were in a restaurant at the same time so he asked her aide and in response Madonna playfully threw a bun at him to confirm she was. Geddit? A 'bun'. We get it. But the dumbo himself didn't. And he slagged off the Girlie Show good and proper and is well known for being unlikable so I'm not surprised Madonna doesn't care for him!

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Marky Mark said he like to punch Madonna in the face, when he saw her at MTV awards..

also said, Madonna looks like a Beetlejuice in her Erotica video.


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Sharon Stone shaded Madge when "This used to be my playground" came out.

She claimed "she's obviously not much of a singer" but also stated "when I saw her perform (Blond Ambition), I got it why she's famous".

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Marky Mark said he like to punch Madonna in the face, when he saw her at MTV awards..

also said, Madonna looks like a Beetlejuice in her Erotica video.


Marky Mark is a racist piece of shit

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Marky Mark said he like to punch Madonna in the face, when he saw her at MTV awards..

also said, Madonna looks like a Beetlejuice in her Erotica video.


Isn't he known to be a homophobic piece of shit too?

Wasn't he the one that said something homophobic to Madonna and her dancers during the 90s...and literally wanted to start a physical fight?

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Isn't he known to be a homophobic piece of shit too?

Wasn't he the one that said something homophobic to Madonna and her dancers during the 90s...and literally wanted to start a physical fight?

Yeah I think so. He is disgusting.

At 15, Mark Wahlberg harassed a group of African American school children on a field trip by throwing rocks (causing injuries) and shouting racial epithets. When he was 16, Wahlberg approached a middle-aged Vietnamese man on the street and, using a large wooden stick, knocked him unconscious (while calling him “Vietnam fucking shit”), he also attacked another Vietnamese man, leaving him permanently blind in one eye, and attacked a security guard (again using racist language).

Commenting in 2006 on his past crimes, Wahlberg has stated: “I did a lot of things that I regretted and I have certainly paid for my mistakes.” He said the right thing to do would be to try to find the blinded man and make amends, and admitted he has not done so, but added that he was no longer burdened by guilt.

I found something about the Madonna fight:

Well, it turns out he might have called a member of Madonna's entourage, at a party, a "homo". There was a big brawl at that party between the two camps, Madonna's group and Wahlberg's gang

And Ang Lee was considering him for a role in Brokeback Mountain, but Marky Mark was creeped out by the gay sex, so he was happy that the role wasn't offered to him.

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Guest Pud Whacker


[On Madonna's success] "I don't get it".

C'mon people if they're nobody's put their name!!!! Whonthebfucknisbthis?!!!

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Yeah I think so. He is disgusting.

At 15, Mark Wahlberg harassed a group of African American school children on a field trip by throwing rocks (causing injuries) and shouting racial epithets. When he was 16, Wahlberg approached a middle-aged Vietnamese man on the street and, using a large wooden stick, knocked him unconscious (while calling him “Vietnam fucking shit”), he also attacked another Vietnamese man, leaving him permanently blind in one eye, and attacked a security guard (again using racist language).

Commenting in 2006 on his past crimes, Wahlberg has stated: “I did a lot of things that I regretted and I have certainly paid for my mistakes.” He said the right thing to do would be to try to find the blinded man and make amends, and admitted he has not done so, but added that he was no longer burdened by guilt.

I found something about the Madonna fight:

Well, it turns out he might have called a member of Madonna's entourage, at a party, a "homo". There was a big brawl at that party between the two camps, Madonna's group and Wahlberg's gang

And Ang Lee was considering him for a role in Brokeback Mountain, but Marky Mark was creeped out by the gay sex, so he was happy that the role wasn't offered to him.

Yeah, I remember reading about him getting the offer for Brokeback Mountain...and then didn't he get some "advice" by like Clint Eastwood or something, that basically alluded to him being told "why do you wanna do that...gay sex...ewww"...and so he backed out (like the pussy he is).

Good...he didn't deserve such a role.

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I think it's Calvin Harris.

Yes it's Calvin Harris - sorry Pud! :s98:

He can fuck right off, you were born in 1984 and don't get Madonna? But he does get Kylie as he worked with her. Ugh.

And Mark Wahlberg is disgusting, it's sickening how someone like him can make it to the top of Hollywood.

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Mark Whalberg has the face of a peasant. The mind of a lobotomised Disney starlet. And the acting talent of a stone. It really comes as no surprise that he would say such things. Also I don't get why people think he's hot. He looks as average in the face as it gets. And by paying anyone can get a shit looking steroid inflated body like his

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Rufus Wainright just said in an interview with the Guardian that one of the most horrifying moments of his life was watching the Madonna/Miley Unplugged performance.

Fucking over dramatic much?

Ones most horrifying moments in their life is usaually being involved in a major accident or watching a loved one pass away

Not watching 2 pop stars do a duet together

I fucking hate overdramatic fags like him.

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