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    Robb patrick
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  1. Now Biden has agreed to the use of missiles supplied by America for Ukraine to attack Russia, and it’s expected the UK will follow tomorrow, will this now lead to some dangerous repercussions from Putin for America and Britain?
  2. The trouble is China has the mass market covered cheaply and readily. Most of the west totally depends on that but it is bad news for many local economies. Here in my country most of the things you buy in the shops are made in China. Many resources in local businesses here are ran offshore to keep costs cheap. But the west has allowed it to happen.
  3. They should have got rid of Biden last year and then she would have had a whole year to campaign. Oh well lessons learned hopefully
  4. Yeh it was obvious to me as well I’ve been saying it for a while now
  5. Very true. I am praying Kamala does it! But if I’m honest I don’t think she will.
  6. Enough is enough. But I don’t think she has it in the bag. I just hope the American people at crunch time vote for logic and reason. I can’t believe Trump has the huge following he has But I won’t be shocked one bit if he’s the president again by end of the week. Sorry but I think he could seriously win this.
  7. Thank you very insightful to read!!!!
  8. I absolutely agree! But in past elections in America did the polls suggest the next president? Or were there major shocks? I mean everyone mostly is expecting Trump to do it (as most polls are suggesting). I mean was Obama expected to win was George Bush expected to win? For the Americans in here…..?
  9. I know what you mean. I have a question about previous American elections….. Have the polls been right about who became the president or wrong?
  10. I think Trump will do it. I don’t think it will be a majority though I think America is split in half. But I do unfortunately think he will beat Harris.
  11. Maybe. But I can fully believe many people want to kill him.
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