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Crystal Coffin

Supreme Elitists
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  1. And yes, you should be afraid. Which is why "Islamophobia" is a very insidious term, and evil too. We know that the fear is completely rational. There are good or decent Muslims, obviously. But that doesn't change the fact that Islam the religion contains a lot of horrible teachings, those Muslims are good or decent not because of Islam, but in spite of it.
  2. So whenever Islam is criticized, understand that it's not a form of bigotry, a "far-right propaganda" or whatever garbage that mainstream media tells you, and stop playing the repulsive "This is Islamophobia" card to silent its critics. When Islam is the problem, say its name clearly. SPECIFICALLY. Don't just go "ALL religions are bad". I'm an ex-Muslim and still have to live outwardly as a Muslim for obvious safety reasons, I know how exceptionally vile Islam is in the 21st century world.
  3. None of these vile motherfuckers care about how Lebanon has been destroyed by the filthy Hezbollah terrorists for decades.
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