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Supreme Elitists
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About Kurt420

  • Birthday 06/20/1980

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  1. Oh but that's just Trump being Trump and saying things he doesn't mean to get a rise. .......at least that's what we constantly hear to try and justify his bullshit. It's despicable how that comment always gets swept under the rug by his supporters and others that like to "but both sides...." Trump and treat him like a normal candidate that's comparable to any of his opponents (in primaries and general elections). He's not a normal candidate and never has been. HE'S NOT EVEN A REAL REPUBLICAN! What should've happened in 2016 is the media and the Republican party should've laughed him out of the candidacy by treating him like the illegitimate joke he is and/or simply ignoring him. He was the only "exciting" choice though for them at that time. Absolute ratings gold. Listening to the likes of Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush etc was as exciting as watching paint dry. This time around though, it's time for them to humiliate him the way he has always deserved to be humiliated. Force everyone to see what a flat out little worthless, scared pussy boy this POS is....well to quote Madonna, maybe "pussy man" is a more appropriate term since he is in fact an old, desperate, declining man. Anyways, Trump has not only told us his plan but he gave a preview of it from Nov 2020-Jan 2021. The 1/6 attack isn't just about what happened that day, it's the wheels he put in motion prior to and the intent behind it that make it so criminal on his part. The horror of it all is that all of that sounds like a dress rehearsal compared to the propositions in Project 2025. I'd say if you read that and don't raise an eyebrow or it doesn't give you pause, you're probably a bit of a nihilist.
  2. Check your PM Kurt! @Kurt420 Important stuff

  3. MAGA has amp'd up their racist and misogynistic rants the past couple of days. By their standards, they were semi-quiet for a couple of weeks post debate so yup Kamala def got them at least a little bit shook. I have to say, seeing the reception she's getting, feeling the positive energy, knowing how much $$ she's raising and watching and listening to her speak now as a Presidential candidate with such command and clarity has me feeling a lot more optimistic. Love the whole framing of this as the Prosecutor vs the felon. She will absolutely eviscerate Trump in a debate. I don't care what anyone says, a "demented" (as people like to allege) Biden as recently as two weeks ago gave a better , more substantive speech than Trump has given in his entire political career. Trump's whole campaign was designed to go after that "old demented man" and now HE is the "old demented man" of the race. Believe me, I'm under no delusion that this is going to be an easy win. It won't be. For the first time though since this whole discussion of Biden stepping down started, I feel optimistic that switching it up even in this late stage, a win is possible.
  4. Well I hope all of the Dem "elites" and the media will be pleased with themselves on the morning of 11/6. I hope those that bullied Biden out have their boots strapped on for major legal challenges from the Republicans. We are now officially in a space that's very much gray and we can be sure that vulnerability will be taken advantage of to the fullest possibility. Less than 110 days to pick someone, work through any legal challenges (oh and let's pray none of those challenges make it to SCOTUS), raise money (from $0 if the nominee is anyone but Harris....all that Biden/Harris money won't transfer to a new candidate) and drum up support for a brand new presidential candidate. Gee....I don't see how anything could possibly go wrong. But hey at least we'll have someone younger now. Let's hope "younger" will win the election just as the know it all "pundits" have been shouting for the last month. I'm 1000% behind Kamala if she's the nominee but do we really think all those old white folks (scoff all you want, that's a HUGE chunk of RELIABLE voters) are just going to fall in line behind Kamala? The Harris campaign has some major work to do. I don't see how this is going to be possible. That's not a dig on her as a person or her capabilities as a politician. Personally, I like her but just thinking realistically here.
  5. They were busy trying to make people believe that the guy was Paul Pelosi's lover....among many other wild conspiracies.....and they constantly made jokes about it and not once showed any empathy for the situation. Funny they want to blame Biden and Democrats when they're the ones that created this hostile environment to begin with. Something like this was bound to happen eventually. Remember when a "death threat" used to be a big deal? Now, both sides of the aisle get them so frequently nobody bats an eye.
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