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  1. I just know trump is regretting the Vance choice now that Kamala is running to be president. if he knew beforehand that Biden would drop out, he probably would've taken someone else.
  2. So true. Not all Trump voters fit the MAGA stereotype seen on tv or social media. Many vote for economic or other reasons. There's some very interesting videos online of people with different political views from all demographics debating each other.. (check "Middle Ground" on youtube). I know this is anecdotal, so maybe a little meaningless, but I personally know of a Cuban family in the US and the mother will vote for Trump. Her son is very close to her.. and guess what? he's gay (and votes democrat). Here in Europe, a bisexual friend of mine who uses gender pronouns votes right. Another friend, a progressive POC from a Muslim background, also votes right. I think we all know people who vote right despite not fitting the typical image.
  3. and a huge latin population votes for trump as well.. many of them being women.. my point being.. I really don't like these generalizations. people from all demographics vote for trump.
  4. she already endorsed her in 2020.. she's been very quiet and almost apolitical since her health scare.. same with anything that's going on in the world.
  5. he's going on a rampage on his social media..
  6. correspondents from Europe at the convention said there was a lottery to win the same brand of rifle used in the attempted assassination of Trump. you can't make this shit up
  7. it's a shame how biden gets such little credit (he might be one of the best presidents we have seen in years) and how trump gets away with all of his lies. everything he said about biden and his own presidency is the opposite.. everyone can research all of this..
  8. I feel so weird about this.. because in one way, I find it all so comical.. trump and his fans are so unintentionally funny. but it's real and serious, which makes it very sad.
  9. he actually did a great speech at the RNC about the shooting and the firemen who lost his life. but he quickly went to his old ways.
  10. no way this was staged, trump's reaction is all adrenaline and I wouldn't be surprised if he thought about what he'd do in a situation like this before.. so his reaction isn't that surprising to me.. but the Secret Service have some explaining to do. like others said, from what we know, it looks like this shooter had mental problems and I agree that if Biden was planned to speak instead of trump, he probably would've targeted him too.
  11. let's not forget.. and.. the gunman was a registered republican. I've been looking at the reactions from the right (not just the far right) and they're ignoring it and turning this into an online civil war, saying the left are all extremists. in my country "antifa", "links" (the left), and pim Fortuyn are trending
  12. Nikki

    Hey.. would you mind sharing what forum you read the rumour about "something new" that may be coming next month? 🙂 thanks!

    1. Anne


      Sure. It's on Madonna Infinity. Here:


      I think that member used to post also here some time ago.

    2. Nikki


      thank you so much 🙂 yes, I recognise his username. I saw the thread, but I probably read over what he said (I think other fans did too, as no one asked him about it) Could be exciting.. it should give us an idea of what she may make next if there's also an interview

  13. - he should be in talks today with other ppl of the DNC - Im seeing so many anti Biden & Harris videos from "sky news Australia".. I know there's the Rupert Murdoch connection, but still.. - Also, influencers with a huge following on the left should really watch out with what they're saying. James Charles criticised Joe biden for "not fixing roe v wade" (which makes no sense), which resulted in a ton of young people now being against biden too.
  14. well, maybe she's just looking into it.. that said, I still think it's odd that she's so silent in regard to politics lately.. nothing on the French election either..
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