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Posts posted by runa

  1. On 1/26/2024 at 3:26 AM, Raider of the lost Ark said:

    Stop it. You start going way too far. The debate in the NY concert thread was about Amy Schumers personal comments and if it was clever idea to have her as judge on stage. You (and some others) derailed the topic and people told you there is a separate thread for this (political) topic. People did not share their personal view on the Israeli/Hamas war. It was about Amy Schumers stance and that Madonna should not be dragged into or held accountable for what Amy Schumer said or did. You act like Madonna endorsed Amy Schumers message and as if forum members here did as well. Which is not the case. Now you move here and call forum members cunts and racists although you clearly stated in the NY thread that you are not calling anyone names. 

    I understand people are angry about the situation. But from my view you have taken an extreme position. Your whole communication in recent weeks sounds like the worst MAGA or Qanon people. Especially your constant claim that news are not reporting about the "real" situation in Gaza. Such claim makes my alarm bells ring loudly because this is exactly the narrative of every conspiracy "theorist". "Official" news, mass media is fake and the only "real" news is to be found on Telegram, Twitter etc.. Even more shocking to me, you are a journalist. You should know better. And I remember that your position used to be a completely different one. I wonder what happened to you that you have made a 180. 


    16 hours ago, Raider of the lost Ark said:

    And here we go again. A forum member calling other forum members " a buch of stupid people" just to show a victim mentality immediately.

    You are making assumptions, even severe accusations against forum members. But you, and Karbatal, are the ones attacking members of this forum on a personal level. Not by name of course. In general. Because it is so much easier. And yet you are playing the victim here. No one in here tried to shut down any discussion. So it does not take courage from you or Karbatal to speak up. Karbatal was told to stop his personal attacks. You are just another text book example of someone that very much resembles the attitiude of a mega MAGA or Qanon. Everyone that does not share your opinion is wrong. In reality you don't care about the truth, you don't want to know the truth. You are not interested in an open discussion. All you want at this point is confirmation. I am disgusted, you even dare to come here, to pretend to be this great humanitarian that fights "white supremacists IRL", to lecture us and at the same time you make use of the most deragatory terms, calling people on this forum "stupid" and calling a woman that made a statement that did not fit your narrative a "pig". Let me be frank, you did a disservice to yourself and whatever your cause might be. The irony of it all, you are bascially calling us Nazis, with your reference to WWII and your assumption we would have gladly participated in the atrocities of the Third Reich or at least kept quiet. A ridiculous statement in this very forum with the large majority of members being gay men. You are most definitely aware of the fact that homosexuals were victims of the Nazi regime themselves. And to top it all, you are the one using the dehumanizing language of the Nazis, you are the one trying to intimidate other people with your outrage and your accusations. I have a problem with such kind of behaviour. And that is the reason why I had to speak up. I will not be called "stupid" or "white supremacist". Especially by people who have no idea who I am or what I stand for. 

    Thank God, for a bit of sanity in this thread. Thank you @Raider of the lost Ark to bring this up.
    The comments I read about the West, here, kinda make me want to throw up. 

    Some of you tend to forget that if you leave freely and (most of the time) safely, that’s because you live here. If, as a gay man, you can have a boyfriend, you can marry, you can express freely, that’s because you live here, in this part of the World you hate so much.

    Not happy? Move to Russia, China, Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia. Then we’ll talk. 
    Of course we’re not perfect. And yes, everywhere in the World the far right is getting stronger and stronger. Doesn’t mean we’re all like that. And it doesn’t mean we’re not aware. Stop being so patronizing and condescending. 
    I’d be curious to hear, what are you doing, concretely, for this, apart writing shit on a Madonna forum? Enlighten us. And don’t play the "journalist" card. You seem to be so more intelligent than us, you can do better than this. 

    And btw, I read articles about this tragic situation, every day, in the news. I read about United Nations positions and about International court of Justice. So yes, we know what is happening. I don’t need Twitter post for that.

  2. 1 hour ago, debord said:

    Again you just post a scattershot of "violence has happened" to divert from being unable to back up very specific claims. I've not once denied that attacks have happened. All I've done is point out that there's been violence against Palestinians for months leading up to this (indeed years) which no-one has batted an eye at.



    Just like when I brought UN concrete figures of how many Palestinians die from occupation vs how many Israelians die, since 2008. 
    He totally ignored my post to stick to his narrative. 

    And honestly, I think what Hamas did is absolutely terrible, horryfing and tragic. Hamas is a terrorist group, for sure, and I feel sorry for the Palestinians.
    Doesn't mean I can't have an opinion on horrible Israel politics. 

    This situation is a complete nightmare since 1947 and I think it's crazy nothing has been done to fix it. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Acediace said:

    I'm really sorry that we're not dying enough. I will let terrorist kill me next year to change the statistics

    No one said that. 
    It's exactly this type of post that takes away any form of credibility from you. Just like the fact you're on a Madonna forum, but you never post anything about her. 


  4. Since 2008, 6407 Palestinians were killed while 308 Israelis were killed in the context of the occupation and conflict.

    Those are official numbers from the United Nations. FACTS. Not Instagram posts from nobodies. That was before the attack, obviously.

    Having said that, I condemn the Hamas attack against Israel. If they wanted to make things worse for Palestinians, well done.

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