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Ciccone's Cheeks

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    Ms 81658x platinum cheeks
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  1. Wow that's exactly MY preference in basically that same order lol but would put Kelly a little more neck and neck w/ Shapiro (and Cooper higher than Bashear) who's been kind of cringe during MSM interviews. Has the 'look' but coming across needy and desperate ah for it. Not at all ready for prime time/national stage yet. Ya, MSM has been pretty damn awful NOT making these bright broad daylight fascist/Project 2025 rants from Trump the top of the news every fng day! They're still itching for Biden is too old, the 'messy convention' the Dems did NOT have, Kamala cackle (& already 'starting in' w/ their shit about a brief comment/nod she made about Defund The Police in 2020). Ya, strong credible word is Obama's reeeally wanted Joe OUT (and a full, robust normal-ish primary late 2023/early 2024) at least many, many months ago hence the absolute 'silence' from Michelle when Biden was still & stubbornly in. I GET it now and full agree! The 'call' was awkward ah at best lol. I truly think they're FINE at the min. w/ Kamala but still preferred the primary w/ all the other top tier candidates. Some were saying Obama's didn't wanna look 'all in outta the gate for Kamala' for bad optics against Biden. To a small degree ya but think it's more they didn't agree w/ Biden and esp his inner circle decision to keep running as long as he did. Pulsates from that.
  2. Ya, but more and more 'something' truly/ORGANICALLY is happening. Dunno if it's so much specifically her (vs just the damn breaking for ANYone but Biden). lol All feels fomo buzz. Ya, she HAS dramatically improved as an orator and campaigner. In just 4 days has basically been doing (and esp. saying) what she's needed to. With careful precision, seriousness, laser focus and subtle ruthlessness towards making THE case against Trump. Every single thing Joe couldn't/wasn't able to do ALL year! lol But remember, she absolutely started off her campaign in 2019 the same way/ same energy to a tee. Then, the more she spoke etc....well, ya lol. And that was Dem primary which is always more partisan! That's kind of my personal mindset and everyone I know. I was absolutely (& still am to whatever degree) concerned about Kamala leading a ticket. Basically ALL her likely VPs I (still) think are more solid TOP of the ticket options lol. BUT there's only room her to grow & polls are showing that. All about *trends and ya vibes. Trump has a very high floor. She's the opposite. Personally, atp, all feels a bit better than pre Biden debate (coin flip) w/ her def. getting heads right now. Maybe ~55/45 Harris w/ the way things are but obv. things still verry fluid & volatile. Plus, I'm more than 50/50 Trump DUMPS Vance! Getting roasted in the press now. He's a Palin/Quayle like disaster. Actually way worse tbh. What if Haley comes in any moment!!?? Yup.
  3. M could also stand for 'Mamacita'!! LOL 'What' her step children etc...call Kamala
  4. Oh ya... the day after ground is shaking. Absolute massive vibe, GAME changer. Nancy Pelosi queen of masterful 3D Chess. Look at the *timing (right after Vance VP pick haha). Of course Trump and his team are seething rn! 1st time they've been on the defensive! Completely turbo charged, REVIVED campaign- one that was a walking, wobbly zombie on a good day. Between Charlie X, Cardi B etc...viral, memes, tik tok etc...In 2024 it's that (not TV commercials) is IT. In 1/2 a day already running a better campaign lol. And all w/out a what's likely to be a stellar VP pick! Like when Obama picked BIDEN in 2008. Same energy rn. Ya, the cackling, clunky demeanor and responses etc...are all out there (& better believe the far right is blasting those clips). But imo the last several months she's been the most seasoned, serious and connected I've seen her in 3.5 years. ALL about her having the right...best people, team etc....who could do a 180- RESET on everything. Long as she stays the course laser focused and disciplined. If she does, at the min. she gets Obama coalition to whatever degree.
  5. Geezus, exactly! Can't believe some of the comments (not just on here) but esp. X of some saying Biden was bullied out by 'elites' lol. What/who the hell are elites when the *voters (~65% of DEMS & rapidly growing) wanted him out. Saying elite in a derogatory way was so 2015/16. It's just stale & don't get it. And who the 'elite' aren't. He's in reeally rough shape & rapidly getting worse. Polls were collapsing in every possible way. Masses were *seeing/hearing a man melting away & struggling to finish thoughts & sentences on every interview SINCE the debate. Blatant rapid deterioration. Was humiliating for HIM. SOMETHING had to absolutely be done!
  6. Ya VP picks are def. as vital as ever now. With politics as tribal & partisan as ever you better believe she needs to bag up the RIGHT dime peace VP. HAS to be a Caucasian moderate swing state male. Imo Shapiro just pulsates IT. Exudes something next level special. In his eyes & demeanor. Obama-esque orator, *PA Governor, young, rapidly rising star, charismatic & likable and liked by BOTH parties (esp Indep.) I really like Bashear & Mark Kelly too. Would be FINE with them. But Shapiro reeks future President energy. Barely 2 yrs as Governor & got all the buzz. Only 51 yold too so plenty of time (decades) of a political future with or w/out Harris. Roy Cooper Gov. of NC is a verry safe & acceptable pick too (Boomer, southern white guy in a swing state). But he's meh out of all of them. With the sustained horror show of the last month (F up after F up) Dems need a major JOLT & a fully revived campaign that ripples between now - Nov.! Ya, Kamala may lose some 'old whites' in certain regions but ALL she needs is ~2/3-3/4 Obama -esque coalition (which wasn't old whites) lol
  7. Worst possible *messenger at the worst time. The message, policies & the opponent= 'should' result in a UK like pummeling against the GOP! But need someone forceful, clear, crisp w/ precision to simply deliver IT. Everyone of his surrogates DOES & quite effectively. But they're not the person on the top of ticket. When you have someone who's literally in sustained tying himself in pretzels mode, incoherent now every time he (tries) to speak in this meek & week tone (I literally have to turn the volume up high) frail etc...Its all just a super storm of traits rn. It waay more than just a 'stutter' or 'gaffe'. That was Biden in 2020 & before.
  8. ^ Yup...even both sides media which is rampant in the US is finally starting to go there (CNN). It's a WEEK later now!! A former Pres. current front runner & likely Pres. again who was 'hit by a fng bullet' yet NO press conferences, no meaningful FBI/ CIA statements, idea of *where he went, medical reports, etc...of course this stinks. Ya, lone wolf 'mentally ill kid' . Okay. Not enough very obviously. Absolute mess and I strongly feel it's ALL about that. The goal. Maga ideology is hosing the media w/ sh*t, being vague, shady, whipping up conspiracies to lead to more 'chaos'. It's all ANTI transparency. Facism 101. It's not 'sleep walking into it'- it's here now and the US was absolutely always was pre disposed to it more than most other western nations. Was always pulsating when (not if). Been brewing for several years just needed the right clown to green light it (Trump).
  9. Yep. When not if. Like I said *hopefully tonight during the RNC! Be the only WISE, ruthless move his dismal dreary team & campaign made ffs. Keep hearing very credibly Trump's team are actually *dreading a change to the top of the ticket!! Even as cocky as they are.
  10. Ya, atp IF Biden isn't OUT (after not just the last 3 weeks) but 3 DAYS alone not just Joe but party gets absolutely decimated. Nothing to be surprised or 'shocked' about (vs 2016). But it's July not mid Sept or Oct (10x worse). 3.5 months like 3 yrs in politics and the news cycle. Joe is getting absolutely 24/7 pummeled. In ways I never saw w/ Trump. But Joe & his team pulsate weakness &:*incapable (unlike Trump) of countering. But not just get out but go BIG & crafty & dirty/ruthless to counter the Maga machinery & recalibrate! everything! (eg: troll Trump tonight right as he's about to go on stage!) THAT part of it is when I never count NANCY Pelosi out! She's female Trump. Ruthless, street, ace instinct & timing. Right at this 2nd ya, it's over but still say tomm. or 4 days from now could be an instant 180...jaw dropping everything.
  11. So...5 days later and NO medical reports, records, Drs., location of where he went etc etc...after a supposed AR 15 bullet hit him, his ear or whatever lol Hmm...K. If it was BIDEN media and journalists would be CAMPING out & swarming until they got those very necessary standard things! But Biden or ANY other person would've already handed that info over by Tues./Wed. MAX, ya, this stinks yet I'm not in the least bit surprised. But never get desensitized to how *abnormal & shady af these people are.
  12. Again, ONLY w/ Trump lol is (at the min.) everything suspect, 'off' & with a red flag. We still don't even know what 'hospital' he went to, credible proven report of his 'injuries', Doctors speaking or putting out any statement etc...Didn't have a gauze on yesterday (earlier in the day) then was sporting it last night while play acting 'humble and shaken up'. And ya WTF was up w/ the police NOT reacting to people pointing the shooter out *several minutes before the shooting. Something absolutely stinks here. He's rebranding himself as a Martyr, forced Biden to pull ads, watch 'what' he & the media says against Trump etc...What non critical thinking person doesn't SEE all this lol. ALL goes back to watch what they DO not what the say. Picking VANCE for VP. Maybe more of a radical ideologue than Trump himself! Fully, vocally anti Democracy, raw pure lunatic. There's a very specific reason Vance was chosen to be on a ticket w/ a nearly 80 yold man who doesn't have a ton of time left and who's (currently) decimating Biden!
  13. Great points. Ya, (even as others said online, X etc..) he's a such a crazed raging narcissist...like off the rails that even if he got shot in one of his vital organs his pathology is only & ALL about projecting 'strength'. It's why he did that Hitler-esque mad man, rapid rage filled fist in the air (that 2nd time especially). He was NOT gonna go 'down' looking weak for a single second even if in severe pain. You'd never and will never see it.
  14. TOLD you absolute pile of troll grifting . Brutally old news, clean cut, no 2nd guessing his sinister shtick for me. (Biden & the media) are his b*itches.
  15. Done deal. Will very quickly get 'reminded' of why they're so bad/ insane lol. Still only mid July. Not a ton of time but in politics esp. this cycle it's a lot of time. Gonna be 20 different news cycles (likely major ones) next 3.5 months. Gonna make the 2016 election look normal, boring & NOT look like a sustained shit storm. What happened to Gaza protests, caravans, debate 9/11-esque hysteria for TWO weeks? Already started fizzling before the 'assassination' lol attempt. Only because it's him I still do NOT fully trust this. Look at the *timing. Watch him wear WWE-esque champion gear w/ that nasty grill of his & the 'blood' on his face tomm-this week at the RNC Convention!! Lemme be wrong but willing to bet that's where this is going. And I'm still not 100% that Pelosi & Obama aren't making power moves behind the scenes right this 2nd to boot Biden! Perfect time since spotlight not on them now. Esp. Pelosi. They know how BAD/weak he is and where this is highly likely going.
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