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promise to try

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About promise to try

  • Birthday August 7

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    Bilbao-Basque Country
  • Favorite Madonna Song
    Where Life Begins

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  1. I have the feeling they did it for that!
  2. I can´t wait until they start having problems and hating each other, and saying crap one to the other publicly
  3. I can´t understand how a person that created such an amazing world like she did with Harry Potter, can be such a bad person.
  4. so everything aorund the oil and the pharma...shit, things are going to get very expensive, even more!
  5. so yes, we export to the US more than we import. Anyways, I´m surprised at the amount of money from the US exportations, I really don´t know what we buy from there, naybe non finished products for the machines?
  6. I guess the taxes are going to be with countries that import to the US more than they receive from the US.
  7. I think he has believed his own propaganda.He, and the US with him, are behaving like a bully, and it´s really difficult to go against one. I mean, or all the countries go against it, or there´s nothing you can do.Some of his actions are going to be bad for the US, and sometimes ilegal, but others...well, maybe in the short term the rest of the world will organize their economy without the US, and that could be a new start
  8. what? another airplane crashing? I guess it could happen, but that´s weird...anyways, let´s see how Trump twists evereything to blame Biden
  9. good news!!!!!! another doubt: is it true that the native americans are showing their sympathy with the mexican/latin american people?
  10. so, is it positive that he can´t be another four years? I mean, he can´t change that law, can he?
  11. so what´s the idea, to make it impossible to study if you don´t come from a wealthy family? and then, work in the jobs that the migrants were doing? do you have any republican friend? what do they say?
  12. and what about that stupid idea of changing mexi´s gulf the name? I will continue to call it like that, the same way that I naver called the USA, america,they are only a part of america.Well, now that I think about it, mexico´s gulf could be named america´s gulf, it makes sense
  13. well, Trump is the worst not only to the rest of the American countries, but also to his own country
  14. so basically, they will increse taxes, but Eric Trump (who?) things this is unaccectable?
  15. I agree with this second part, but not with the first one, we don´t pay the same.BUt, for some strange reason that I don´t know about, Germandy and the US pay exactly the same
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