Kim Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 Yeah I was reading that. Good for them! Even that one simple action, that he has BANNED them from even talking about climate change on social media should make people's blood run cold. Then the plans to publish a list of 'immigrants' who commit crimes. Where are all those clowns who laughed at the Nazi imagery before? Jesus wept.
Camacho Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 Fuck him and the 63 million assholes that voted for him and still defend him. It's frightening all of the executive actions he has already done in his first week!
KalamazooJay Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 "Oh I don't think he means everything he says" Well. He did. And here it is. Unfolding before our very eyes. I've run out of adjectives to describe my disgust.
ULIZOS Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 This is not the America I loved and grew up in. I feel heartbroken.
Rebel Saviour Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 4 hours ago, Lolo said: As much as I dislike iyl and Schäuble but I hop e they both give May the same stone faced treatment they gave Tsipras in 2015. I was so outraged back then but I'd love them to put May in her place when negotiating the Brexit. Queen Angie is actually the greatest Trump's enemy in Europe right now. Don't mess with her.
KalamazooJay Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 Where's the condemnation from republicans?! This isn't conservatism. More importantly, where's the defense from some our ardent Trump supporters? This is outrageous on a whole host of levels.
ctg12 Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 This is so fucking awful. I shudder to think what's next.
impr3ssive_instant Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 Remember when Trump supporters were upset that the Clinton Foundation accepted money from Saudi Arabia? Meanwhile Trump registered 8 businesses there during the election and they didn't have shit to say. Now SA is excluded from this ban and they still have nothing to say. The refugee ban has nothing to do with stopping terrorism. I hope the ACLU lawsuit is effective.
Camacho Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 Trump's immigration ban sends shockwaves By Jeremy Diamond, CNN Updated 2:17 PM EST, Sat January 28, 2017 (CNN) President Donald Trump's seismic move to ban more than 100 million people from the United States and to deny entry to all refugees reverberated worldwide Saturday, as chaos and confusion rippled through US law enforcement agencies, airports and foreign capitals trying to grasp the US's new policy. At John F. Kennedy International Airport, where passengers can often spot the Statue of Liberty on their descent into New York, two Iraqis who had been granted visas to enter the US were detained and prevented from exiting the airport. Customs and Border Protection officials cited Trump's new executive order, which bans citizens of Iraq and six other Muslim-majority countries -- a total of at least 134 million people -- from entering the US for the next 90 days. It also suspends the admission of all refugees for 120 days. One of the men, Hameed Khalid Darweesh, worked with the US government for 10 years after the US invaded Iraq. He was released early Saturday afternoon due to provisions in Trump's order that allow the State and Homeland Security departments to admit individuals into the US on a case-by-case base for certain reasons, including when the person is already in transit and it would cause undue hardship and would not pose a threat to the security of the US, a source with knowledge of the case told CNN. The other man, Haider Sameer Abdulkaleq Alshawi, had been granted a visa to join his wife, who had worked for a US contractor in Iraq, and son, both of whom already live in the US as refugees. It was not immediately clear how many other cases like Darweesh and Alshawi's were cropping up at other US airports, which had no time to prepare for the new immigration rule that took effect immediately with Trump's signature Friday afternoon. Their attorneys filed a federal lawsuit Saturday morning challenging Trump's executive order, likely just the first of many challenges in the legal fight many groups plan to wage to overturn Trump's actions. "President Trump's war on equality is already taking a terrible human toll. This ban cannot be allowed to continue," the American Civil Liberties Union, which joined the lawsuit, said in a statement Saturday. Trump on Friday said that his actions would "keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States of America." "We don't want them here," Trump said as he signed the order. "We want to ensure that we are not admitting into our country the very threats our soldiers are fighting overseas. We only want to admit those into our country who will support our country and love deeply our people." At the Cairo International Airport, Egyptian officials on Saturday began to turn back US-bound refugees and citizens of the seven countries now barred from entering the US. "They (airport personnel) have no choice but to follow orders. I don't want to blame anyone here," a Cairo Airport official said. "This is a new era we are witnessing." Airlines, meanwhile, scrambled to understand the new US policy and worked to warn passengers who might be affected before they boarded their flights. Qatar Airways posted a travel alert on its website warning nationals of Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen that they could not travel to the US unless they are government officials, diplomats or representatives of international organizations. The German airline Lufthansa said it was not yet "in the position to outline the effect" given the new US immigration rule had only just been announced. Swift condemnation Iran, one of the countries whose citizens were banned, slammed Trump's immigration order on Saturday as an "insult" and a "gift to extremists" and said it would swiftly reciprocate by banning US citizens from Iran. "The US decision to restrict travel for Muslims to the US, even if for a temporary period of three months, is an obvious insult to the Islamic world and in particular to the great nation of Iran," Iran's foreign ministry said in a statement Saturday. "Despite the claims of combating terrorism and keeping American people safe, it will be recorded in history as a big gift to extremists and their supporters." The disarray also fell against a backdrop of swift condemnation from human rights groups and national security experts. The International Rescue Committee, a humanitarian aid and refugee assistance group, called Trump's decision to suspend refugee admissions "harmful and hasty" and noted that the US refugee program "makes it harder to get to the United States as a refugee than any other route." Refugees must undergo an extensive vetting process -- it typically takes more than two years to be admitted to the US as a refugee. "In truth, refugees are fleeing terror -- they are not terrorists," David Miliband, the group's president and CEO, said in a statement. "And at a time when there are more refugees than ever, America must remain true to its core values. America must remain a beacon of hope." The International Organization for Migration and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, stressed the importance of the US resettlement program for refugees and stressed that "the needs of refugees and migrants worldwide have never been greater." Those two organizations also expressed concern about the provision in Trump's executive order that would prioritize Christians fleeing persecution and conflict in Muslim-majority countries over Muslims fleeing those same countries. "We strongly believe that refugees should receive equal treatment for protection and assistance, and opportunities for resettlement, regardless of their religion, nationality or race," UNHCR and IOM said in a joint statement Saturday. Abed Ayoub, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee's legal and policy director, said Trump's executive order has sown "complete chaos." Ayoub said his group has already fielded calls from people around the world impacted by Trump's executive order, including from students and legal US residents who are citizens of the seven countries banned by Trump and are now stuck overseas. He said his organization fielded a call from a student who was blocked in Turkey from traveling to the US and cannot return to her studies in the US as well as other students on international trips who now cannot return to the US. Ayoub said the executive order "is causing a really destructive impact on the Arab and Muslim community and on the Iranian community in the US." Democrats also slammed Trump's executive order, arguing his action establishing a religious test for entry is unconstitutional and un-American. Just as they did during the campaign, national security experts also warned that Trump's plans to deny refugees entry in the United States and target Muslims or Muslim-majority countries through an immigration ban would be counter-productive or ineffective methods of protecting the US from future terrorist attacks. "This banning of refugees is kind of a red herring," CNN national security analyst Peter Bergen said on Saturday. "It's not going to make any difference to the terrorism issue, which is overwhelmingly a United States problem. Because 9/11, of course, was carried out by 19 foreign-born Arab terrorists, I think we tend to conceive of this as a problem that comes from outside, when in fact, it's really a problem that is internal to the United States right now." "It's one of those things that sounds like it makes sense, but it doesn't really when you look at the facts," Bergen said. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Friday, however, commended Trump for his executive order, noting, "our number one responsibility is to protect the homeland." "We are a compassionate nation, and I support the refugee resettlement program, but it's time to reevaluate and strengthen the visa vetting process," Ryan said. "President Trump is right to make sure we are doing everything possible to know exactly who is entering our country." More countries could be added to banned list The Trump administration's action on Friday also indefinitely suspended admissions for Syrian refugees. The order also called on the secretary of homeland security to conduct a 30-day review to determine whether additional countries should be added to the ban. A senior White House official told CNN on Friday that the list of seven countries whose citizens are now banned from the US was likely just a starting point. The official said the administration would be "very aggressive" as it weighs how many more countries to add to the list. Asked what criteria the administration will consider as it looks to expand the ban, the official said simply the "mandate is to keep America safe." "Not going to take any risks," the official added. But if that is the goal, many national security experts questioned why Trump's executive order focused on banning foreign nationals from the US. Citizens and legal US residents have carried out all deadly radical Islamist terrorist attacks in the US since 9/11 -- not by foreigners visiting the US on a travel visa or by Syrian refugees.
Ciccone's Cheeks Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 All this shit in ONE week! :# lol. Unless Trump gets smoked or impeached which I and many others feel is gonna happen, I still say behind the scenes the few sane GOP left have to be tripping out just on a political level. Yes, they have all the power like Obama in 2009-11, but know it can be squashed asap. What's happening on the left, middle and semi middle is 100x more intense than the Tea Party. The mainstream GOP knows that. Let Trump keep it up, overturn or come super close to turning Roe Vs Wade etc etc...long as there's a world left in 11/18 the GOP will get their skunk racist asses handed to them harder than in 2006.
billiejean Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 Live feed from JFK airport right now? It's not very informative, I think it's Fox News? It's just people gathering so far... : Live feed by Nev from Catfish the TV Show
billiejean Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 It seems he has made it his goal to prove doubters wrong, most thought he wouldn't go through with the promises... it's crazy but this week he seems to have got the ball rolling on it all, and this Muslim thing, it's unbelievable but he's doing it. Temporarily banning people on a mass scale like this is isolating to them and will be isolating to America too, as we've seen Iran's response and rightfully so, why should they take people? This is not the answer to combat Islamic Extremism, which is a real issue no doubt, but when it comes to ISIS sympathisers or the likes performing their acts in the west, the fact is indoctrination happens for many Western radicals at home and their travel habits is what to keep an eye on more than anything. Sure ISIS said they will come in with the refugees, but America seems to have a very tight lock on who and who doesn't get in their 50 states, so this is extremely extreme and really stupid, it could and possibly will cause more trouble than anything. America is very insular, it's not as if it's Europe, a not too distant neighbour to these countries where ISIS has a hot bed, and even then a European ban on people from certain Islamic countries would be terribly extreme and not a good idea at all. There's a whole ocean and continent between the US and Islamic State territory. The reporter in the CNN video about Iran a few posts back describing this as a sledge hammer being used to fix a swiss watch described it right in my opinion.
billiejean Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 WHY ON EARTH DO FACEBOOK VIDEOS PASTE SO BIG?
LSD Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 5 hours ago, pjcowley said: Not a single American was killed by citizens from any of those countries between 1975 and 2015, according to statistics tallied by the conservative-leaning CATO Institute. However, the same set of statistics show that nearly 3,000 Americans were killed by citizens from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Turkey in the same time period — with the bulk of those killed being victims of the 9/11 attacks. Yet, people from those four countries are still welcome to apply for U.S. visas and travel permits. It's a total farce. If anything, the countries selected are probably the ones that have been de facto green-lit for U.S. military adventures in the near future.
billiejean Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 ‘Trump is right’ on border wall, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu tweets By Andrew Blake - The Washington Times - Saturday, January 28, 2017 Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, took to Twitter on Saturday to endorse President Trump’s plan to build a wall on the United States’ border with Mexico. “President Trump is right. I built a wall along Israel’s southern border. It stopped all illegal immigration. Great success. Great idea,” Mr. Netanyahu tweeted. The Israeli wall reference by the prime minister is a 150-mile barricade that extends from Eilat to Gaza adjacent to the country’s border with Egypt. It was completed in 2014, and has been attributed with drastically reducing the number of migrants who attempt to enter Israel from Africa. That statistic shrank from hundreds per month to only 213 during all of 2015, according to Jewish News Service, and Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said recently that new fortifications to the fence “significantly curbed the flow of illegal infiltration into Israel, with only 11 successful attempts to cross the fence throughout 2016.” Israel maintains another wall along its border with the Palestinian Authority, the likes of which has restricted for decades the freedom of nearly 2 million Palestinians confined to the Gaza Strip. Mr. Trump has vowed to order the construct a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border in a bid to curb the influx of illegal immigrants, notwithstanding objection from Democratic politicians, human rights advocates and his Mexican counterpart.
billiejean Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 3 minutes ago, LSD said: It's a total farce. If anything, the countries selected are probably the ones that have been de facto green-lit for U.S. military adventures in the near future. You might be right (hopefully not, I'm tired of war) but this article says that the list was already prepared. I'm unsure of what kind of website is however.
Jazzy Jan Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 5 minutes ago, billiejean said: You might be right (hopefully not, I'm tired of war) but this article says that the list was already prepared. I'm unsure of what kind of website is however. People need to wake up and smell the roses. In ONE week, Trump is passing all of these disgusting racist, sexist and extreme right wing decisions. He is banning talk on climate change, stopping funding for abortion, halting universal health care and basically doing what he likes. Treating other countries like playthings and building a wall between the USA and Mexico. This is the new USA and unless people realize that and how dangerous and unstable Trump is, they are going to be in for a shock every week. Trump is behaving even worse than I imagined ( and that says a lot ) and all of his garbage about being anti establishment and caring for the working class has been shown up for the crap it is completely.
billiejean Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 34 minutes ago, impr3ssive_instant said: Remember when Trump supporters were upset that the Clinton Foundation accepted money from Saudi Arabia? Meanwhile Trump registered 8 businesses there during the election and they didn't have shit to say. Now SA is excluded from this ban and they still have nothing to say. The refugee ban has nothing to do with stopping terrorism. I hope the ACLU lawsuit is effective. Saudi Arabia seems to pretty much be America's 51st state. Just now, jazzyjan said: People need to wake up and smell the roses. In ONE week, Trump is passing all of these disgusting racist, sexist and extreme right wing decisions. He is banning talk on climate change, stopping funding for abortion, halting universal health care and basically doing what he likes. Treating other countries like playthings and building a wall between the USA and Mexico. This is the new USA and unless people realize that and how dangerous and unstable Trump is, they are going to be in for a shock every week. Trump is behaving even worse than I imagined ( and that says a lot ) and all of his garbage about being anti establishment and caring for the working class has been shown up for the crap it is completely. Some people say he's done good job wise for Americans so far. But how? It's only been a week. I know he signed some things before he was inaugurated, but I don't really know too much? It's not really my field as I'm not a working man of America... Trump during his campaigning said he wants to put a temporary halt on Muslims until he figures out what the hell is going on and who America is giving arms to, he also said he thought waterboarding worked but took advice on torture and waterboarding, and respected that, right? So surely this too would have been something he would have been advised to reconsider or at the very least dilute. It is such a huge thing to propose let alone go ahead with and it's happened already. ----
Rebel Saviour Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 Salafism originated in Saudi Arabia, am I right? Strangely enough (well not strange at all, since we know he has his economic interests) is not in the black list of this revolting Muslimban.
GOD Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 Disgusting on so many levels. I for one hope that this moment on that he continues to piss off more and more people. If most of America gets angry and protest then maybe that would be the end of him.
le smoking Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 2 hours ago, jazzyjan said: People need to wake up and smell the roses. In ONE week, Trump is passing all of these disgusting racist, sexist and extreme right wing decisions. He is banning talk on climate change, stopping funding for abortion, halting universal health care and basically doing what he likes. Treating other countries like playthings and building a wall between the USA and Mexico. This is the new USA and unless people realize that and how dangerous and unstable Trump is, they are going to be in for a shock every week. Trump is behaving even worse than I imagined ( and that says a lot ) and all of his garbage about being anti establishment and caring for the working class has been shown up for the crap it is completely. and there are still people who want to give him a chance and argue that Hillary would've done the same!! smh His voters will be in for a big shock when he does exactly what he promised to do and take away their health care
svperstar Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 It's very telling that so many of the "supporters" have gone silent in the wake of this latest travesty. Im just waiting for one of them to come in and rationalize the whole thing.
spazz Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 Yemeni ppl deserves help they are facing a balant massacre from Saudi Arabia. Trump decisions on the muslim ban is a consequence from what Obama has done in the Middle East funding islamists to provoke wars and topple secular governments. i have been saying this since 2011. Obama turned a blind eye on the Christian genocide in Syria, they were the first victims of the Syrian war.
XXL Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 2 hours ago, Rebel Saviour said: Salafism originated in Saudi Arabia, am I right? Strangely enough (well not strange at all, since we know he has his economic interests) is not in the black list of this revolting Muslimban. Then again Saudi Arabia will never be on any US black list, despite being one of the most oppressive, corrupt and human rights violating countries on Earth. It is American imperialism best puppet state in the region. Obviously in the interest of a small number of US and European elite families, not in the interest of any American or European taxpayer, as far as empire building goes
drunkbysix Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 6 minutes ago, spazz said: Yemeni ppl deserves help they are facing a balant massacre from Saudi Arabia. Trump decisions on the muslim ban is a consequence from what Obama has done in the Middle East funding islamists to provoke wars and topple secular governments. i have been saying this since 2011. Obama turned a blind eye on the Christian genocide in Syria, they were the first victims of the Syrian war. So this is obamas fault? Really?
spazz Posted January 29, 2017 Posted January 29, 2017 Just now, drunkbysix said: So this is obamas fault? Really? Yes definitely he was. I still don't get his intention to rise the radical groups to rule the arab countries, i hope these secrets reveal soon. the angry ppl voted trump cause they hated Obama's policies. He wasnt a fair president.
Jazzy Jan Posted January 29, 2017 Posted January 29, 2017 22 minutes ago, spazz said: . He wasnt a fair president. You can hate on Obama and that is your opinion. But can't you see how damaging, destructive, racist, sexist, and vile Trump is ? You never seem to even acknowledge how revolting and damaging his policies are and what kind of man he is.
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