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Supreme Elitists
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  • Birthday 03/12/1983

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    None of Your Damn Business
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  1. Who’s that best candidate you’re referring to?
  2. It’s a big mistake to write off all Trump supporters as MAGA. That’s what corporate media led people to believe and unfortunately ever since 2016, that’s the idea many people have of Trump voters. I think some are also voting for Trump this time around having experienced both Trump and Biden before and they would rather have Trump. btw wether it’s Mamala or Biden it will be the continuation of the same. The president is just the face front most decisions are being made by the people in the back. oh and big chance they will swap out Mamala with another woman at the convention.. enter Hilbilly.
  3. Still not open, people didn’t get to vote in a primary, this has been the plan all along to stick with Biden and then swap him last minute.
  4. Yes donors please rush to bet on this horse.... Mamala
  5. based on witnesses the police were informed of the guy with rifle before shooting.
  6. they are trying everything to stop him from being president again.
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