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He amuses me everyday. Never had fun with an US president like him.

Cannot wait for his next press conference :D

Oh, Teresa May looked good in her red dress. Red is always good to manipulate the man :p

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Planet Earth's 'Doomsday Clock' Lurches Closer to Midnight Thanks to President Trump

Jan 26, 2017

The planet moved significantly closer to a catastrophic event this week as Donald Trump assumed the U.S. presidency, according to a new report.

The planet's Doomsday Clock is now two-and-a-half minutes to midnight, which represents a global catastrophe. It's the closest the measure has been to midnight since the successful testing of hydrogen bombs in 1953. The new position represents a 30-second lurch forward from the previous position.

A group of nuclear scientists affiliated with the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists determine when to move the clock in response to a number of threats from nuclear security to climate change. The formal report notes a slew of factors that contributed to the change including crumbling international relations, slow efforts to address climate change and declining global support for democracy.

"The most important contributing factor to moving the Doomsday Clock closer to midnight is the rise of Donald Trump," said Derek Johnson, executive director of the Global Zero to eliminate nuclear weapons. "This is no time to ‘wait and see.’ We must act urgently."

The report notes that Trump has control of the world's largest nuclear arsenal and has vowed on at least on occasion to start a new nuclear arms race. He has also questioned why the U.S. should not use its nuclear weapons if we have them, according to the report.



Yeah, thank you Trump asshole and all the ignorant ones who voted for you and support your entourage. Degenerate fucks.

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On 1/27/2017 at 0:09 AM, WeboGirl said:

If there is a Muslim ban, refugees can pretend they're Christians. You know, just like Republicans do.



Im seeing your quote on many social media hahahaha 

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Guest CzarnaWisnia
16 hours ago, jazzyjan said:

Whenever we think of a wall dividing people, East and West Germany comes to mind and the terrible way that people were separated.  When the wall come down in 1989, it was a time for celebration and freedom.  What Trump is doing is despicable, arrogant, racist, obscene and a blight on what the world wants to stand for.  The way Trump and his representation of America is treating Mexico is chilling and disgusting. 

but the world is full of such walls already:


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The sad thing is we're only a week into this. What the fuck else does he have up his sleeve?

I'm giving it a month before these godawful religious freedom bills get through the house and senate.

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The fact that he signed the Muslim ban on Jewish Rememberance Day is literally one of the most despicable and tone-deaf moves I have ever seen.

I didn't think it was possible to despise him anymore than I already had. I've hated him since the 90s and each new day I find new reasons to downgrade my opinion.

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Just now, svperstar said:

The fact that he signed the Muslim ban on Jewish Rememberance Day is literally one of the most despicable and tone-deaf moves I have ever seen.

I didn't think it was possible to despise him anymore than I already had. I've hated him since the 90s and each new day I find new reasons to downgrade my opinion.

He is disgusting and is only getting started.  Scary to think of what else he is capable of. 

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I am appalled by Theresa May dash at the White House. Acting all diplomatic and cute with Trump when she denounced his stance about women, torture, Russia, etc.. time and time again at home. Trump said they're both people persons.. What? Theresa May was not even voted by the British people. She's becoming a populist puppet to keep her powerful job. She has no spine, no brain and certainly no heart. It does look like as if she went over to Washington to suck Trumps dick and Trump gave her his approval but hasn't she realised Trump is possibly the most volatile person on earth? What makes her think he's trustworthy? He did grab her by the pussy though.... I mean by the hand. :lmao:


When the BBC journalist pointed out all the discrepancies Trump was quick to jokily say "There goes our special relationship.." As to say Watch it, May. Say something against me and my policies and you're cooked." And spineless May was quick to appease the orange one by explaining the conventional meaning of the word dialogue. Honestly they both make me sick. :sick:

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10 minutes ago, svperstar said:

The fact that he signed the Muslim ban on Jewish Rememberance Day is literally one of the most despicable and tone-deaf moves I have ever seen.

I didn't think it was possible to despise him anymore than I already had. I've hated him since the 90s and each new day I find new reasons to downgrade my opinion.

Terribly sad and angry over this. Him and his men have no concious! He is there to please the racist bigots who voted for him.

Those who voted for him, raise a glass to him cause that's what he said he will do and you voted for him! 

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34 minutes ago, jazzyjan said:


And this is only the beginning. Little by little he will make it impossible for minorities to live freely in the US. Immigrants and Muslims have already been dealt with. Women's rights have been trampled upon in spite of massive demonstrations across the globe. The LGBT community will be next and yet no one is trying to stop this nonsense. 

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58 minutes ago, MeakMaker said:

I am appalled by Theresa May dash at the White House. Acting all diplomatic and cute with Trump when she denounced his stance about women, torture, Russia, etc.. time and time again at home. Trump said they're both people persons.. What? Theresa May was not even voted by the British people. She's becoming a populist puppet to keep her powerful job. She has no spine, no brain and certainly no heart. It does look like as if she went over to Washington to suck Trumps dick and Trump gave her his approval but hasn't she realised Trump is possibly the most volatile person on earth? What makes her think he's trustworthy? He did grab her by the pussy though.... I mean by the hand. :lmao:


When the BBC journalist pointed out all the discrepancies Trump was quick to jokily say "There goes our special relationship.." As to say Watch it, May. Say something against me and my policies and you're cooked." And spineless May was quick to appease the orange one by explaining the conventional meaning of the word dialogue. Honestly they both make me sick. :sick:

Theresa May is pathetic....

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8 minutes ago, MeakMaker said:

Post the whole thing:

President Trump's Muslim ban excludes countries linked to his sprawling business empire

President Trump’s most recent executive order effectively bans citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S. for at least 90 days — but some Muslim countries were spared from the order's blacklist, even though they have deep-seated ties to terrorism.

Conspicuously, records show Trump holds major business interests in several of the countries excluded from the list, while he doesn’t hold any stakes in the countries on it.

Friday’s executive order, signed at the Pentagon, suspends the issuing of U.S. visas or travel permits to people from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen.

Not a single American was killed by citizens from any of those countries between 1975 and 2015, according to statistics tallied by the conservative-leaning CATO Institute.

However, the same set of statistics show that nearly 3,000 Americans were killed by citizens from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Turkey in the same time period — with the bulk of those killed being victims of the 9/11 attacks. Yet, people from those four countries are still welcome to apply for U.S. visas and travel permits.

In a striking parallel, Trump’s sprawling business empire — which he has refused to rescind ownership of — holds multi-million dollar licensing and development deals in all of those countries, raising potential conflict of interest concerns and alarming questions over what actually went into the decision process behind Friday’s executive order.


Not much is known about Trump’s connection to the Saudis. Yet, the little bit of information that is available raises a number of questions.

Trump registered eight companies tied to hotel interests in the country shortly after launching his campaign in August 2015, according to The Washington Post. The companies were registered under such names as THC Jeddah Hotel and DT Jeddah Technical Services; company names The Post reported bore striking resemblance to ones Trump has registered in other foreign countries.

During a campaign rally in Alabama last year, Trump expressed his admiration for the Saudis.

“They buy apartment from me,” he said. “They spend $40 million, $50 million. Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much.”

Those comments could cock a few eyebrows, since most of the 9/11 attackers were from Saudi Arabia.

Further, a declassified U.S. intelligence report known as the “28 pages” claims the Saudi government and its wealthy citizens actively funded Muslim radicalism through mosques and charities in the U.S. around the time of 9/11 attacks. The 19 hijackers were in close contact with Saudi nationals before carrying out the terror attack, which became the worst one in U.S. history.

In total, Saudi citizens killed 2,369 Americans between 1975 and 2015, according to CATO.


According to an extensive Bloomberg News tally on the President’s perceived conflicts of interest, Trump currently licenses his name to two luxury towers in the Turkish capital Istanbul.

He received as much as $5 million from the deals last year, according to his latest financial disclosures. Furthermore, since the election, Trump’s development partner, Dogan Sirketler Grubu Holding, has seen its shares surge by nearly 11%.

Meanwhile, Turkey is a hotbed for terrorist activities, with the State Department issuing a travel alert advising U.S. citizens not to travel to the country because of “increased threats from terrorist groups” just this Wednesday.

“An increase in anti-American rhetoric has the potential to inspire independent actors to carry out acts of violence against U.S. citizens,” the alert states.


In Egypt, Trump’s business holdings are characteristically vague. His latest Federal Election Commission filing lists two companies in the country, Trump Marks Egypt and Trump Marks Egypt LLC, both of which are most likely connected to a development venture.

The State Department, meanwhile, strongly discourages Americans from traveling to Egypt since “terrorist attacks can occur anywhere” due to the presence of ISIS-affiliated groups.

Egyptian citizens killed a total of 162 Americans between 1975 and 2015.


The Trump Organization has a licensing and management deal in Dubai for two golf courses and a whole neighborhood of luxury villas currently under construction. The second golf course was designed by Tiger Woods.

Trump has traveled frequently to the Middle Eastern nation with his daughter, Ivanka, and the two have been seen in numerous photographs over the years, playing golf and shaking hands with affluent sheiks.

While the UAE ranks as the sixth richest country in the world, a widespread presence of ISIS- and Al Qaeda- affiliated groups persists in the area and poses a serious threat to American citizens, according to the State Department.

“Both historical and current information suggest that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), al-Qaida, and affiliated organizations continue to plan attacks against Western targets,” states a safety notice on the department’s website, using alternate spellings for the groups.

A total of 314 Americans were killed by UAE citizens between 1975 and 2015, according to CATO.

In addition to Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, President Trump holds extensive business interests in the Muslim majority nations of Indonesia and Azerbaijan. Both have documented ties to Islamic terrorism — yet neither is included on the executive order's blacklist.

White House press aides did not immediately return a request for comment from The News.

Immediately after the Pentagon signing ceremony on Friday, Trump was harshly rebuked by people of varying political persuasions from across the world.

Democratic Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said “tears are running down the cheeks of the Statue of Liberty tonight” upon learning of the order.

“This is one of the most backward and nasty executive order that the President has issued,” he added.

Trita Parsi, the co-founder and president of the National Iranian American Council, told The News early Saturday that he’s been bombarded with phone calls from concerned friends and family in his home country.

“This has been a nightmare,” he said. “We knew something was coming, but we did not expect this…We definitely did not expect this.”

Trump, meanwhile, claimed before signing the order that the “new vetting measures” will make it much harder for terrorists to enter the country.

“We don’t want them here,” he said. “We only want to admit those into our country who will support our country and love deeply our people.”

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1 hour ago, Rebel Saviour said:

Theresa May is pathetic....

As much as I dislike Merkel and Schäuble but I hope they both give May the same stone faced treatment they gave Tsipras in 2015. I was so outraged back then  but I'd love them to put May in her place when negotiating the Brexit.

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So green card holders and visa holders who were out of the country this week now can't get back in as this stupid cunt has effectively changed the locks while they were away.

Where are all you RIGHT WING CUNTS now? Popping champagne I guess. SHAME ON YOU.

And yeah. seven countries where Trumpet doesn't happen to have any business affiliations. Funny that.

This is why I thought those marches last week were premature, and upstaged a day later by Trump orchestrating the 'inauguration crowd size' controversy (so transparent)

THIS is when you ALL should be out on the streets, every damn week.

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6 minutes ago, Kim said:

So green card holders and visa holders who were out of the country this week now can't get back in as this stupid cunt has effectively changed the locks while they were away.

Where are all you RIGHT WING CUNTS now? Popping champagne I guess. SHAME ON YOU.

And yeah. seven countries where Trumpet doesn't happen to have any business affiliations. Funny that.

This is why I thought those marches last week were premature, and upstaged a day later by Trump orchestrating the 'inauguration crowd size' controversy (so transparent)

THIS is when you ALL should be out on the streets, every damn week.

Scientists are planning to march on Washington. Here's why

Amid growing concerns over the anti-science stance of the Trump administration, I spoke to US scientists planning to join the March for Science

Scientists in the United States are mobilising to organise a March for Science. What originated online as a discussion about how to push back against the anti-science stance of Donald Trump’s administration rapidly gathered support from concerned scientists and non-scientists alike. A march on Washington similar to the Women’s March was proposed, and within 24 hours the group’s Twitter account had gained an additional 124,000 followers. Over half a million people have also joined a new Facebook page, which has become a hive of comments, suggestions and coordination. An event in the US capital is planned for March, with activities occurring in other countries.

The group’s mission statement begins with “There are certain things that we accept as facts … The Earth is becoming warmer due to human action. The diversity of life arose by evolution”. Both president Trump and vice president Pence have expressed scepticism about humans’ role in global warming and the theory of evolution. But what is prompting scientists to come out of the lab and onto the streets is that these sentiments are being rapidly translated into actions by the new administration.

According to documents obtained by a number of news agencies, staff at the Environmental Protection Agency, and the departments of the Interior, Agriculture, and Health and Human Services have been ordered not to send out news releases, create new blog entries or update official website content. They also must seek agreement from senior officials before speaking to the media and in some instances Congress. This prompted a group of US Senators to write to President Trump to remind him that it is against the law to interfere with federal employees’ communications to Congress.

The National Parks Service was temporarily banned from tweeting after retweeting images comparing Trump and Obama’s inaugurations. In a show of resistance, the official Twitter account of Badlands National Park appeared to go rogue, posting a now-deleted series of tweets stating well-established facts about climate change. Other park accounts have also sent out climate-related tweets that appear to defy Trump. These actions follow on from Energy Department managers being contacted by Trump’s transition team in order to identify individuals who have taken part in international climate talks over the past five years.

I contacted four US scientists to understand their reactions to these developments, and to find out why they are prepared to march for science.

Elizabeth Hadly, professor of biology, geological and environmental sciences at Stanford University, has spent more than 30 years studying the impacts of environmental change on animal biodiversity. She explained that “scientists have battled the political and ideological forces against concepts such as evolution and climate change for years. We have patiently articulated the physical and biological laws governing the universe, assembled the data, and presented it in the pages of journals, at public seminars, to the halls of Congress. What is occurring now against science and scientists in the US goes beyond ideology and political party. Now we find our discourse under attack.”

James Hansen, former director of Nasa’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies testified to the US Congress about the dangers of climate change in the 1980s. He welcomed the plans for the march, saying that it was “an overdue change for scientists to become more active. Scientists understand the urgent danger that we could leave young people a climate system out of control.”

Professor Anthony D. Barnosky of Stanford University is an expert in past planetary changes, and what they mean for forecasting the changes to come on Planet Earth in the next few decades. “Scientists deal in facts, not politics, so most are reticent about speaking out. Social media and the halls of scientific institutions are now abuzz with scientists upset about an administration trying to muzzle the facts that don’t agree with certain political agendas. That they are ready to march on Washington, tells you just how serious this is”, he said. Barnosky’s concerns are grounded on some fundamental aspects of science. “Basically, the data are the data, and the public has a right to know, so that they can participate in democracy. Filtering the findings of the nation’s government scientists, who are among the best and brightest and whose work is paid for by taxpayer dollars, goes counter to everything America stands for.”

These views were echoed by meteorologist and journalist Eric Holthaus, whose project to protect federal data from the incoming Trump administration was eagerly taken up by scientists. He explained the explosion of interest in the march. “It’s broader than about limiting communication. Scientists are seeing this as a full scale attack on truth itself and the principle that government should take scientific information onboard and incorporate it into policies and so act for society as a whole.”

The leaders of March for Science stress that it is an inclusive movement – organising and participating in marches isn’t restricted to practising scientists. An online form that helps coordinate involvement has received thousands of contributions. What’s become clear is that this is an issue that both scientists and non-scientists are passionate about.

As Hadly argues, “If we cannot discuss facts openly – in public, in academia, in business, in government – how can we have meaningful dialogues so essential to serving people’s needs? How can democracy, based on public discussions and trust in our societal truths, survive? And so we will march.”


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