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16 minutes ago, Love Spent said:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Thursday that Congress was moving ahead with a plan to build a wall on the southern border of the US. He estimated the cost to be between $12 billion and $15 billion.

Let's build that wall despite decades of expert analysis and studies concluding that the wall accomplishes virtually nothing. The 2006 Fence Act barely put a dent on immigration numbers. 

The vast majority of illegal immigrants in the U.S. are visa overstays. 
The vast majority of drugs smuggled into the U.S. are smuggled through ports of entry. 
Not a single known terrorist has ever entered the U.S illegally through the US-Mexico border. 

Good luck being governed by someone who in less than a week has made sweeping changes to U.S. policy based on alternative facts and populist ideas from a bunch of people who think lettuce pickers and dishwashers are the reason why the U.S. economy nearly collapsed in 2008. 


Can we talk about Reince Priebus? I watched an interview with him yesterday and he may be the most insufferable, snide, wretched man in politics right now. While I think Donald is just a born monster, Priebus has sold his soul for this position in power. How he can live with himself through all of this is just beyond me. 

5 minutes ago, KalamazooJay said:

I was about to post this! 

If this gets approved, ALL OF US will be paying for the wall. Taxpayers. NOT Mexico.

The Mexican peso got around 20% weaker against the U.S. so, like Mexico's Minister of Economy and Finance said late last year, the tax will be completely offset by the cheaper Mexican peso. So no enterprises will be running out of Mexico any time soon. 

24 minutes ago, ULIZOS said:

I was about to post this! 

If this gets approved, ALL OF US will be paying for the wall. Taxpayers. NOT 

The Mexican peso got around 20% weaker against the U.S. so, like Mexico's Minister of Economy and Finance said late last year, the tax will be completely offset by the cheaper Mexican peso. So no enterprises will be running out of Mexico any time soon. 



America is slowly but surely becoming the most hated country in the world. What an accomplishment, Mr Trump. I kind of hope he does something so extreme, so bad he will have to pay the price for it but nothing. He appears to be unstoppable. He will say what he wants, do what he wants; he will get his minions to cheer on him and the congress to approve any of his mad legislations and yet no one is stepping in to at least challenge him. All I hear is he's saying this.. he's doing that. I'm not hearing anything about the opposition; what the congress is saying, how the majority of Americans is dealing with him. Surely he can't just go head and build a wall that would cost billions without legal and constitutional grounds and have everybody go along with it.  Am I missing something here or is America turning into a modern tyranny? 

12 minutes ago, MeakMaker said:

America is slowly but surely becoming the most hated country in the world. What an accomplishment, Mr Trump. I kind of hope he does something so extreme, so bad he will have to pay the price for it but nothing. He appears to be unstoppable. He will say what he wants, do what he wants; he will get his minions to cheer on him and the congress to approve any of his mad legislations and yet no one is stepping in to at least challenge him. All I hear is he's saying this.. he's doing that. I'm not hearing anything about the opposition; what the congress is saying, how the majority of Americans is dealing with him. Surely he can't just go head and build a wall that would cost billions without legal and constitutional grounds and have everybody go along with it.  Am I missing something here or is America turning into a modern tyranny? 

Something will happen that will blow the top off of this country and really send things into a downward spiral. Whether it be a terrorist attack, stock market crash, mass shooting on a massive scale. Something. And when it does, his administration will pay a price. His standing with the general public is so tenuous and he's on such thin ice that it won't take much to tip the scales. Of course I'm not wishing for anything to happen, but this is the real world we live in. 

Plus, he's really playing with fire with this 20% tax on Mexico. It'll be interesting to see how they spin this. 


If there is a Muslim ban, refugees can pretend they're Christians. You know, just like Republicans do.



3 minutes ago, WeboGirl said:

If there is a Muslim ban, refugees can pretend they're Christians. You know, just like Republicans do.



Good one.

And when Trump says tax payers will pay for that wall he is not concerned since he does not pay taxes.

1 minute ago, Roland Barthes said:


And when Trump says tax payers will pay for that wall he is not concerned since he does not pay taxes.



Let's see if all the assholes who voted for him are surprised by this. 


Just now, WeboGirl said:



Let's see if all the assholes who voted for him are surprised by this. 


Sadly i think he was right when he said during his campaign that he could kill someone and still be popular and ahead....

Just now, Roland Barthes said:

Sadly i think he was right when he said during his campaign that he could kill someone and still be popular and ahead....


Oh, no doubt.  I've seen a lot of interviews of Trump supporters.  When they get together it's like a villiage idiot convention. 


9 minutes ago, WeboGirl said:

If there is a Muslim ban, refugees can pretend they're Christians. You know, just like Republicans do.




4 minutes ago, Roland Barthes said:

Sadly i think he was right when he said during his campaign that he could kill someone and still be popular and ahead....

He was. 

Many of them feel as if they have nothing left to lose. And when you have millions with that mindset, this is what we get. 

29 minutes ago, KalamazooJay said:

Something will happen that will blow the top off of this country and really send things into a downward spiral. Whether it be a terrorist attack, stock market crash, mass shooting on a massive scale. Something. And when it does, his administration will pay a price. His standing with the general public is so tenuous and he's on such thin ice that it won't take much to tip the scales. Of course I'm not wishing for anything to happen, but this is the real world we live in. 

Plus, he's really playing with fire with this 20% tax on Mexico. It'll be interesting to see how they spin this. 

I pray everyday for that not to happen though. A terror attack will give him an incentive to implement even tougher laws on immigration and especially against Muslims. And he would have the full support of the general public who would succumb to fear and revenge. 

I think a stock market crash or even another recession would be ironically more appropriate for Trump the businessman. Can you imagine? His ego would be so hurt God knows what he would do at that point.

3 minutes ago, KalamazooJay said:

He was. 

Many of them feel as if they have nothing left to lose. And when you have millions with that mindset, this is what we get. 

But now many on the other side feel like they have nothing left to lose as well so it could mean secession....i read that California was thinking about it....It seems like de Blasio wouldn't be opposed to it as well....Maybe that's what some Trump voters wanted, to shake things up but i'm concerned about the people who will die if there's another civil war. I mean will Madonna be able to record a new album ?*



*just kidding.

1 hour ago, Roland Barthes said:

But now many on the other side feel like they have nothing left to lose as well so it could mean secession....i read that California was thinking about it....It seems like de Blasio wouldn't be opposed to it as well....Maybe that's what some Trump voters wanted, to shake things up but i'm concerned about the people who will die if there's another civil war. I mean will Madonna be able to record a new album ?*



*just kidding.

I think that's the problem many countries in the West are facing. The possibility of civil wars.. in the end these people that voted for Trump or Brexit opted for something so extreme in order to create a counterbalanced prospect in the political sphere. I know I have said many times about Trumps voters being racists and bigots, etc.. but simply put it I may as well be wrong. Yes they did vote for a racist, sexist megalomaniac but in truth all they wanted was to destabilize the status quo; to challenge the establishment and I guess it was mainly for financial reasons. Once they realise that neither Trump or Brexit will give them the wealth they expected these people will be so mad they might as well start "unpeaceful" demonstrations and take things from there. Especially in the US where you can easily buy guns or weapons it would mean real carnage. Of course Trump and his rich friends will be protected but still the country will be in a state of chaos and if it starts in America it might encourage other people to do it in Europe. We are in fragile times indeed. 

2 hours ago, KalamazooJay said:






6 hours ago, MeakMaker said:

I think that's the problem many countries in the West are facing. The possibility of civil wars.. in the end these people that voted for Trump or Brexit opted for something so extreme in order to create a counterbalanced prospect in the political sphere. I know I have said many times about Trumps voters being racists and bigots, etc.. but simply put it I may as well be wrong. Yes they did vote for a racist, sexist megalomaniac but in truth all they wanted was to destabilize the status quo; to challenge the establishment and I guess it was mainly for financial reasons. Once they realise that neither Trump or Brexit will give them the wealth they expected these people will be so mad they might as well start "unpeaceful" demonstrations and take things from there. Especially in the US where you can easily buy guns or weapons it would mean real carnage. Of course Trump and his rich friends will be protected but still the country will be in a state of chaos and if it starts in America it might encourage other people to do it in Europe. We are in fragile times indeed. 

People in USA are lucky they are usually the bully ones.  things like these usually lead to civil wars and turmoil in other countries due to geopolitics.



Whenever we think of a wall dividing people, East and West Germany comes to mind and the terrible way that people were separated.  When the wall come down in 1989, it was a time for celebration and freedom.  What Trump is doing is despicable, arrogant, racist, obscene and a blight on what the world wants to stand for.  The way Trump and his representation of America is treating Mexico is chilling and disgusting. 


Trump on Iran nuclear issues:

"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart —you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they t...ry — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune —you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right — who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.”



Shia LaBeouf Arrested at His #HeWillNotDivideUs Donald Trump Protest

's going to be a long four years. Less than a week into his presidency, Donald Trump has already signed a global anti-abortion executive order, taken the first steps taken to the building of a border wall, and attempted to silence all mentions of climate change. We're also less than week into Shia LaBeouf's four year-long performance art piece protesting Trump's presidency, and he's already been arrested for allegedly assaulting a man making anti-Semitic comments.

Shia LaBeouf launched his latest project, #HeWillNotDivideUs, on the morning of Inauguration Day. The protest, which is being held at New York's Museum of the Moving Image, invites participants to stand in front of a webcam that is mounted on one of the museum's exterior walls and repeat "he will not divide us"—as a response to Trump's hateful rhetoric and policies. The 24/7 protest had been carrying on peacefully since its inception until Wednesday evening, when an altercation reportedly went down between LaBeouf and another individual. TMZ reports that the actor was arrested for assaulting a fellow protestor


According to TMZ, the individual stood in front of the camera and shouted something that caused LaBeouf to react. He reportedly attempted to grab the individual's scarf, and scratched him in the process. As NYPD have been on site since Monday, they immediately moved in to arrest Shia following the scuffle.

The Twitter account @HWNDUS provides more details—though unconfirmed—as to what happened. According to tweets, a Neo-Nazi went up to the camera and shouted, "Hitler did nothing wrong." LaBeouf, who is Jewish, responded by pushing the man. (You can see the interaction on video below.) The Twitter account then launched the hashtag #FreeShia and encouraged followers to call the precinct where he was taken in.


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