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Posts posted by Cyber-Raga

  1. 13 hours ago, JR! said:

    Who do you think Kamala should pick as VP? Her options are very good! 

    Mark Kelly had no plans to become a politician before his congresswoman wife was shot. Years later his wife is still not the same, her speech and movement were heavily affected by that shot to the head. He stuck by her, and in some ways had to become her voice.

    We need a person who never sought it out, who isn’t like the other politicians we’re so sick of who just want the power. And I want a guy who sticks around no matter what. He’s that guy for me.

    Here’s a good article if you’re interested: Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly once said he never aspired to politics, but ‘I do get asked a lot’

    Shapiro or Beshear are more likely. 

  2. Harris is a great debater but also yes an awful orator/public speaker. Good enough though to wipe the floor in a debate with the wannabe dictator. Legally she is the only one who could inherit and use the DNC campaign money and fund a potential presidential campaign for herself if Biden decides to drop out of the race. Anyone else could not because the donations were given to the Biden/Harris campaign. So replacing him with any wet dream candidate comes with major obstacles which are not benign. 

    Having said that, I do not believe he will be replaced. The RNC also stands by their candidate who is a convicted felon by now for crying out loud, He is only three years younger than Biden and clearly is overweight. The Republicans stand in line, they are holding the line. Eyes on the prize. Leave it to democrats to fuck it up thanks to in-house fighting and being distracted. So as @Raider of the lost Ark already mentioned, the choice is clear. Do you vote for pro democracy or fascism? And if you wish to sit this one out or even vote for orange Mussolini or a third party candidate then the US deserves what is coming to them, a fascist - or at least autocratic state. Good luck being gay, a person of color, a woman or someone who opposes the party line. But sure let's concentrate on Biden's age or a fictional fantasy candidate who will not show up in the last minute to save us. . 

  3. 2 hours ago, elijah said:

    The thing is: if people were more clever and actually voted based on merit Biden would have easily won this election even in his state. But they d choose a fucking crazy liar rather than a rather decent US president. Of course, he could have done more in many areas. But the alternative is horrifying.


  4. @Raider of the lost Ark I do concur with your analysis and assessment for the most part. 
    However, there are a few things which work in Agent Orange’s favor and could have been avoided had the Dems played it differently:

    - by nature the liberals / progressives do rarely agree on anything. They fight and debate and compromise. The other side is much much better at agreeing on the same message in unison and then also messaging it across the board simultaneously so that there is no discussion or room for interpretation what to believe. 

    - I’m sorry but Merrick Garland has been a waste of time. Yes, you want to make it right and collecting evidence takes some time. However, always trying to preserving appearance so that he can present himself as being impartial (“when they go low we go high” kind of a thing) this really does not work with a fascist and his followers in my opinion. You know the other side would have jailed Biden and convicted him 10 times already, yet when it’s “their guy” they play the snowflakey victim card. My two cents. 

    Having said that, moderate conservatives can be convinced to not vote for Trump by either sitting this one out or by voting for Biden. Trump’s conviction has no effect on Maga loons and as we see it fuels them to fundraise and what have you. But those 10-20% of Never Trumpers can actually be persuaded thanks to the Jan 6 and documents case and thanks to his conviction as being a felon to actually vote for Biden. 

    It has always going to be a tight race and yes every margin matters. So we shall see. 

  5. On 5/13/2024 at 9:54 AM, Raider of the lost Ark said:

    ^^^ Is that the rally, where people where leaving inbetween because they were bored to death or annoyed about Trumps ramblings? And 80.000 was probably measured by the person that found the record-breaking attendance for Trumps inauguration. 


    Are you questioning the validity of somebody whose Twitter nickname is “End Wokeness”? 😂

    Love Nazi Twitter because it’s a fun game you can play: guess the person. You never know if the person posting these things is a genuine citizen living in the USA, a bot, or somebody from abroad interfering in the upcoming election or a combination…
    That person who posted this should maybe also look up the statistic which suggests that at least 25% of the Republican electorate will not vote for the Orange wannabe dictator if he is found guilty in one of those 88 indictments he is currently facing. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Raider of the lost Ark said:

    This is a lie. Varoufakis was not denied entrance in the country. The only official reports or statements to be found are that he was supposed to give a speech at the so called "Palästina Kongress" in Berlin. Although it was expected that speakers or participants will break German law by making anti-semite statements and other statements or forms of expression that are not protected as freedom of speech or freedom of expression by the Grundgesetz, the events was given permission to take place. UNDER RESTRICTIONS. The conference was called of shortly after it began by the Berlin authorities because of incidents happened I as mentioned above. In particular, there was supposed to be a speech via internet by a person who is banned from participating in political activities in Germany because of misconduct in the past. The permission for this de facto demonstration was revoked. It is unclear if Varoufakis was banned from engaging politically in Germany as a preemptive move by the German Ministry of the Interior or by Berlin authorities. Such move happens when it is expected that political actions taking place on German soil by a foreign person or foreign entity are not in line with German laws, especially the Grundgesetz. Since Varoufakis is no stranger to controversy and has a very special attitude towards Germany to put it mildly, such move may very well happened. And from my perspective, my country has every right to act this way and enforce our laws. 

    Democracy is not dying in Germany. In fact it is very well alive. If an event is called of that is clearly anti-semite and calls for the eradication of the state of Israel and is therefore breaking German laws, laws that were created for the most obvious reasons, it supposed to be a sign for a failing democracy, the dozens of pro Palestine demonstrations and events taking place in Berlin every week, protected by the German police tell a different story. 

    The lesson, don't go to a foreign country to break the laws of this country and you will be absolutely fine. Freedom of speech, of expression and freedom of congregation are not absolute. Never were, never will be. And for good reason. 

    Right on!!

  7. 2 hours ago, sotos8 said:

    Germany just denied entrance in the country of Greek politician mr Varoufakis because he was invited in a pro Palestinian speech. Democracy is dying

    Germany is a sovereign state and can do as they please, yes including inviting and uninviting whomever they want. If the German people disagree with their government's actions and decisions they have there right to protest or elect somebody else at the next elections. I don't see any democracy dying here. 

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