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This sounds so corny but I feel so much hope. It's like these past 4 years have been a storm and today the light finally came through the clouds. I never felt safe under Trump as an LBGT individual. And Pence absolutely hated us. I can't describe how I'm currently feeling. It feels good though.


6 minutes ago, Barbie said:

This sounds so corny but I feel so much hope. It's like these past 4 years have been a storm and today the light finally came through the clouds. I never felt safe under Trump as an LBGT individual. And Pence absolutely hated us. I can't describe how I'm currently feeling. It feels good though.


I have a feeling Mother's Husband ( Pence ) will run in 2024 but CONGRATS to Biden and Harris ! 

Am happy for the USA !

14 minutes ago, Butter9 said:

I have a feeling Mother's Husband ( Pence ) will run in 2024 but CONGRATS to Biden and Harris ! 

Am happy for the USA !

That would be marvelous. His only purpose is to counteract trumps craziness because he’s the most meh person on the planet 

Guest eroticerotic

I cant react just yet

ive been consistently let down by individuals who i was told to believe had my back 

So after doing so much work to fix that on my own, i see a little differently.

im good with any president as long as they deliver but i will never wait on politicians to better my life

1 hour ago, Barbie said:

This sounds so corny but I feel so much hope. It's like these past 4 years have been a storm and today the light finally came through the clouds. I never felt safe under Trump as an LBGT individual. And Pence absolutely hated us. I can't describe how I'm currently feeling. It feels good though.


💙 💙

2 minutes ago, eroticerotic said:

I cant react just yet

ive been consistently let down by individuals who i was told had my back 

So after doing so much work to fix that on my own, i see a little differently.

im good with any president as long as they deliver but i will never wait on politicians to better my life

In other words u were fine with Dumb. He made the world a worse place thats for sure.

Guest eroticerotic
30 minutes ago, elijah said:

In other words u were fine with Dumb. He made the world a worse place thats for sure.

Hmm? No i dont see things myopically.

what I’m saying is i don’t like to be lied to, or have anyone speak for me, and for you to keep doing you.

1 hour ago, Barbie said:

This sounds so corny but I feel so much hope. It's like these past 4 years have been a storm and today the light finally came through the clouds. I never felt safe under Trump as an LBGT individual. And Pence absolutely hated us. I can't describe how I'm currently feeling. It feels good though.


Yup. By the way, in NYC today it was unusually warm and very sunny today in the mid 70s Fahrenheit when it’s normally like 50 degrees and kinda dreary. Such a beautiful day and it brought everyone out! 

Guest eroticerotic
20 minutes ago, Junior said:

Yup. By the way, in NYC today it was unusually warm and very sunny today in the mid 70s Fahrenheit when it’s normally like 50 degrees and kinda dreary. Such a beautiful day and it brought everyone out! 

I was just thinking that too when i woke up to cheers and hot weather

it felt vacation like for a minute 

i forgot what year it was lol

50 minutes ago, eroticerotic said:

Hmm? No i dont see things myopically.

what I’m saying is i don’t like to be lied to, or have anyone speak for me, and for you to keep doing you.

In politics you never get what you want 100 percent. Its a bargain between competing interests. At least with Joe, he won't go against the interests of so many like Trump. 

Guest eroticerotic
19 minutes ago, elijah said:

In politics you never get what you want 100 percent. Its a bargain between competing interests. At least with Joe, he won't go against the interests of so many like Trump. 

Ive been around long enough; this i know 😁

and long enough , and healed enough to also say lets just see. And in meantime , think freely while you can.  Cant go wrong with that.


Sorry I just can't/won't quit the feeling that something sinister happened w/ T vote totals! Dems simply bamboozled the polls to overcome *endless fVckery! USPS, tampered voting machines=why Moscow Mitch refused to pass a SINGLE election security bill! from g-d knows HOW many sinister sources, bad actors etc..esp in swingy purple areas in Rethug state run houses. 55% day 1-pres *strongly disapproved yet...gets 47/48% of vote? 😂. No. 

Look at PA! All senior govt. people are Dems but it's the *State legislature run by Rethug skunks. They have *lots of power...more then people think. THEY= only reason took *4 days! Vs that day or Wed latest. Only delayed to create 'doubt' to benefit T nut bag conspiracy horse 💩


Yes, it's a gargantuan weight off the world's back having this ghoul LOSE.🎆🌞 But.. polls (for several months unlike HRC) showed 50-54 to 42/43 (max) for T. 

Also, the final *Senate results (ALL on the Turtle Terror). He & his Russian bffs tampered w/ shit. That demon wanted to 🚽 T💩mp but hells no to 'losing' Senate. He was & still is more dire than Trump, sorry.

If Dems can't get *blue Maine & NC (both had very good recruits & loathed incumbent Senators). they ain't getting GA lol. Biden gonna have to get ruthless like T & pump executive orders. Otherwise, be like powerless lame duck day 1 (Obama's last 2 years). Mcconnell NOT gonna budge..as usual. 

7 hours ago, Genevieve Vavance said:

Joe is still foxy for his age

Agree... he's still a very good looking silver fox! Def tightened his face...a year or 2 ago but he's looking more 'natural' again. On super HD tv can see his beautiful angelic blue eyes. Movie star 'Presidential' face, voice demeanor. 78 yrs old! Still got it lol 🦊

4 hours ago, LSD said:

It took 30 years for him to build the aura of ubiquitous celebrity that was his secret ingredient and lift himself up through it, and none of the cocaine-addicted spawn have that in the slightest (nor do Tom Cotton, or Ted Cruz). And now he's been thrown out by people who have had enough of his face over the course of decades; in the end, he's more comparable to Hillary Clinton in that regard than any other politician...and the current screeching unhinged dedication to dynastic politics that Trumpism at large is degenerating into is even more blatantly monarchical in its position than that of the Bushes the Trumpists once pretended Trump was some type of 'anti-establishment' departure from. It's all very funny.

Bigger concern (for many) which is WHY basically ALL the GOP aren't flushing T' or giving props to Biden. Cotton, Cruz, Haley, Hawley are dire but actually very very smart (book & street) unlike T. They *need Maga base!

More 'dangerous' imo is a smoother, glossier, less abrasive version of the same 💩 as T. TrumpISM IS the party now. 90-95% approve of all the hideousness. 


He will obviously be a 1 term president at his age will Harris be the candidate in 4 years?  I know we should live in the moment sorry for jumping the gun already🙈

2 hours ago, Junior said:

Yup. By the way, in NYC today it was unusually warm and very sunny today in the mid 70s Fahrenheit when it’s normally like 50 degrees and kinda dreary. Such a beautiful day and it brought everyone out! 

We had a rainbow in LA! Was a good day. 

Guest eroticerotic
19 minutes ago, boy skeffington said:

There’s this great episode of South Park about people loving the smell of their own farts. 

I guess you would know? 🤷🏻‍♂️

20 hours ago, Lolo said:

As someone observing from the outside I’m very confused about how they managed to count like two thirds of the votes in the first 24 hours and now the rest is dragging for so many days??? Why is that? I know it’s Mail, but still...

If you take Pennsylvannia for example, they received over 2.5 million mail ballots. There is a State law in PA on the books that mail-in ballots cannot start to be processed until election day. The Democratic Governor and election officials in PA tried to have that law changed this year because of the anticipated high number of mail-in ballots due to Covid, but the Republican controlled legislature in PA blocked it. The Republicans did this for a very specific reason. Republican voters were mostly planning to vote in person on or before election day (Trump has been complaining about mail-in ballots all year and encouraged republicans to vote in person), while many Democrats had decided to vote by mail due to covid. Any in-person voting either done early or on election day is tabulated on voting machines and is reported out on election night. The voter verification for each person is done at the voting facility at the time the vote is made and that work is spread out over lots of voting locations. So on election night, all those votes were already tabulated. It was probably around 4-4.5 million votes, and Trump was way ahead (700K ahead in fact).

The processing of the 2.5 million mail-in ballots did not start in some places in PA until Election day and in other places in the State, the day after. It takes a lot of time to process them because each ballot has to be verified (signature verification, checking against voting registry to ensure a valid voter, and then they have to check that the person did not also vote in person already). Therefore most of the 2.5 million were not counted on election night (they had 2 million left to do Wednesday morning I think) and it has taken them days to get through the volume. I think they still have Provisional votes left - which have to go last because they are votes when people have requested a mail-in ballot but then turn up at the polling location on election day and ask to vote in person. 100K people in PA did that this year because the mail has been so fucked up (thanks DeJoy). If people were worried that their returned ballot wouldn't arrive in time to the electoral office, they might have gone to the voting booth and asked to do a provisional vote. It is counted last, so that if the mail-in ballot has already been received, the provisional vote is discarded. A lot of the remaining 100k votes will end up being discarded probably.

The red mirage of Trump being the winner on election night was entirely intentional from the Republicans. This was Trump's plan, so that he could subsequently claim fraud and bogus ballots because most of the mail-in votes are 'mysteriously' going to Biden.  There is of course no mystery to it, but when did that ever stop Trump from lying?

I think PA has been particularly slow as well due to the fact that this is the first major election where mail-in ballots have been such a big part of the voting percentage for them - so it has been a learning experience. States like Colorado, Utah and Oregon are already 100% mail-in ballots but have been for a long time so they have the experience now about how to deal with the volumes efficiently.

The same issue with not being able to start counting mail-in ballots until election day was also true in Wisconsin and Michigan (again allowing for starting processing earlier was blocked by Republican legislatures in each of those States). The same pattern of big lead for Trump on election night with Biden eventually catching up and winning, happened in both those places. They finished quicker because they had fewer mail-in ballots I think.

Other states like Florida were basically done on election night despite mail-in ballots, because they can start processing those ballots when they are received. In Florida it was Biden that had the early lead on election night due to mail-in ballots being counted first and then Trump overtook with day-of in person votes.

Sorry for the super long post. I hope that helps a bit...


:kiss2: Thanks @swimtoshore for enlightening me. Very interesting and complicated. I’m glad everyone sees through Trump‘s transparent shenanigans. 


2 hours ago, SheldonCooper said:

He will obviously be a 1 term president at his age will Harris be the candidate in 4 years?  I know we should live in the moment sorry for jumping the gun already🙈

I was thinking the same thing. They should start planning the next step now as the republicans are. Not sure if Kamala or Major Pete Buttplug would be easy to sell tbh.

Funny how Trump would be as old as "senile" "sleepy Joe" is now by 2024. Will be fun to see them spin that somehow.


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