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37 minutes ago, Nightshade said:

That's not true. Her message (or slogan) was STRONGER TOGETHER. It was on everything. And she had detailed policies laid out for a number of issues. I keep hearing this nugget how she lost because she "had no message" but people are just trying to find something to explain why she had an 80% chance to win and still lost. So pundits and armchair commentators in this forum are globbing on to whatever they think will stick.

She lost by 80,000 votes in 3 (normally reliably blue) states. Granted, against a candidate as awful as Trump it's shocking. But I think voters got her message but here's what I think it came down to:

  • Voter Disconnect/Ignorance: The economy did not improve fast or well enough for the Rust Belt and Midwest. Little do they know Obama tried to help them but he only had 2 years to pass his agenda and spent most of it trying to stem the economic blood letting of the 2008 crash. Republicans obstructed the rest and were successful in that regard as voters don't understand how government works. Clinton was (on the surface) a continuation of that perceived stagnation. I think they wanted to do something dramatic to send a message.
  • Identity Politics: In addition, Democrats had focused so much on minorities (to bring the Obama coalition together) that they did so at the exclusion of the white working class. Whites are still the majority group in the country at 77% and as much as it pains me to say it, many of them feel like no one was talking to them except Trump. A lower-middle class family in Ohio or Wisconsin may not want a racist leader, but they do want someone who speaks to their economic situation more than they discuss Black Lives Matter (which has little effect on them). I am not saying that's moral or whatever, but it's true. I think a lot of white people in those areas don't see racism the same way or as a big priority to tackle.
  • The Comey Letter: I don't care what anyone says, this DID not help Hillary and I think it was the final nail. It also reinforced the scandal-clad legacy of the Clintons and I think it turned off just enough people to flip some close states. I freely admit, the ultimate blame hear lies with Hillary. She shouldn't have used private email and handed them a weapon to reinforce her already solidified public image of secrecy and not being trustworthy. Do I personally think private email was that big of a deal? No. But enough people did. I also think though that had she not ever given them this unintended gift, the GOP would've found something just as trivial to go on about - even though their own investigations didn't find any cause to prosecute her for the emails or Benghazi. And conveniently, now that she's lost, her actions "don't constitute any harm" or aren't a concern because they were just a political smoke screen to begin with. It's amazing how supposed crimes against the U.S. evaporate and don't matter once the GOP gets its way. It's so fucking transparent I can't believe even their own base falls for it. Fools, all of them.

Sidebar: To anyone in this forum who cheers on Vladimir Putin or thinks he's an ok guy, you're just as naive as George W. Bush who looked into his eyes and found the presence of God or whatever. Putin is no ally of the gay community, women, or probably any other minority. I think he's as ruthless as they come and I don't think he has any country's best interests in mind except the Russian oligarchy. You should all be intelligent enough to know that video Pud posted where he seems to go easy on the Russian gay community was leading up to the Sochi Olympics and you're a fool if you think he's going to use a PR platform for the Olympics to espouse anti-gay rhetoric. He's not an idiot. He knows what plays well or as a half loaf peace offering to the media. Look at how gays are treated in Russia. Don't look at an interview given to the media.

Jesus, half of you would believe the Mouth of Sauron if it gave a nice interview on the Today show. You all are familiar with the practice of lying, right? Or is face value all you can comprehend?




Thank you so much.

5 hours ago, madonnasuperfan01 said:

Hillary didn't even had a message, she just wanted to be president for the sake of being president. She was as much of a megalomaniac as Trump, she just wasn't as obvious about it as him. Her WHOLE campaign was based on the fact that she's a woman, nothing more.


Guest Pud Whacker

Like Sheep Being Led To The Slaughter...

1 hour ago, Kim said:

We haven't had a Presidential assassination in a while. 2017 anyone?

OMG :lmao:

I love your sense of humor Kim x

1 hour ago, Kim said:

We haven't had a Presidential assassination in a while. 2017 anyone?

And Pence will take his place :queenbitch:


Guest Pud Whacker
25 minutes ago, spazz said:

And Pence will take his place :queenbitch:




17 hours ago, Nightshade said:

That's not true. Her message (or slogan) was STRONGER TOGETHER. It was on everything. And she had detailed policies laid out for a number of issues.

Oh, "stronger together", this cliché feel good slogan that doesn't mean ANYTHING? Such a joke.


Also i don't believe for one second that she would've done ANYTHING for the American people, she flip flopped on every issue possible and is a professional liar. She voted for the Iraq War and the Patriot Act for example, which is simply inexcusable. And that's just two examples. She's also massively corrupt, taking money from Wall Street and all the big corporations. You Hillary supporters seriously need to wake up and realise what kind of horrible woman she was. I'm sure you guys mean well but she fooled you until the end. 


Also this whole Comey story wouldn't have happened if she didn't fucked up with the emails in the first place. That's her own fault. She should've been indicted but no, she's rich and powerful of course so she got away with it. The FBI made very clear that not everyone is under the same laws in America.

16 hours ago, Nightshade said:

That's not true. Her message (or slogan) was STRONGER TOGETHER. It was on everything. And she had detailed policies laid out for a number of issues. I keep hearing this nugget how she lost because she "had no message" but people are just trying to find something to explain why she had an 80% chance to win and still lost. So pundits and armchair commentators in this forum are globbing on to whatever they think will stick.

She lost by 80,000 votes in 3 (normally reliably blue) states. Granted, against a candidate as awful as Trump it's shocking. But I think voters got her message but here's what I think it came down to:

  • Voter Disconnect/Ignorance: The economy did not improve fast or well enough for the Rust Belt and Midwest. Little do they know Obama tried to help them but he only had 2 years to pass his agenda and spent most of it trying to stem the economic blood letting of the 2008 crash. Republicans obstructed the rest and were successful in that regard as voters don't understand how government works. Clinton was (on the surface) a continuation of that perceived stagnation. I think they wanted to do something dramatic to send a message.
  • Identity Politics: In addition, Democrats had focused so much on minorities (to bring the Obama coalition together) that they did so at the exclusion of the white working class. Whites are still the majority group in the country at 77% and as much as it pains me to say it, many of them feel like no one was talking to them except Trump. A lower-middle class family in Ohio or Wisconsin may not want a racist leader, but they do want someone who speaks to their economic situation more than they discuss Black Lives Matter (which has little effect on them). I am not saying that's moral or whatever, but it's true. I think a lot of white people in those areas don't see racism the same way or as a big priority to tackle.
  • The Comey Letter: I don't care what anyone says, this DID not help Hillary and I think it was the final nail. It also reinforced the scandal-clad legacy of the Clintons and I think it turned off just enough people to flip some close states. I freely admit, the ultimate blame hear lies with Hillary. She shouldn't have used private email and handed them a weapon to reinforce her already solidified public image of secrecy and not being trustworthy. Do I personally think private email was that big of a deal? No. But enough people did. I also think though that had she not ever given them this unintended gift, the GOP would've found something just as trivial to go on about - even though their own investigations didn't find any cause to prosecute her for the emails or Benghazi. And conveniently, now that she's lost, her actions "don't constitute any harm" or aren't a concern because they were just a political smoke screen to begin with. It's amazing how supposed crimes against the U.S. evaporate and don't matter once the GOP gets its way. It's so fucking transparent I can't believe even their own base falls for it. Fools, all of them.

Sidebar: To anyone in this forum who cheers on Vladimir Putin or thinks he's an ok guy, you're just as naive as George W. Bush who looked into his eyes and found the presence of God or whatever. Putin is no ally of the gay community, women, or probably any other minority. I think he's as ruthless as they come and I don't think he has any country's best interests in mind except the Russian oligarchy. You should all be intelligent enough to know that video Pud posted where he seems to go easy on the Russian gay community was leading up to the Sochi Olympics and you're a fool if you think he's going to use a PR platform for the Olympics to espouse anti-gay rhetoric. He's not an idiot. He knows what plays well or as a half loaf peace offering to the media. Look at how gays are treated in Russia. Don't look at an interview given to the media.

Jesus, half of you would believe the Mouth of Sauron if it gave a nice interview on the Today show. You all are familiar with the practice of lying, right? Or is face value all you can comprehend?


So well said. 

The bullshit ass munching from some in this thread regarding Putin is either trolling or complete and total ignorance.

Posting a video leading up to the Sochi Olympics and celebrating it as if he's been a champion for his country is beyond embarrassing. 

As for Clinton.... 

To some in here who say "Trump didn't win, Hillary lost". 

Um. No. 

Trump DID win. 

He won by dousing gasoline on a portion of an inflamed electorate that is fearful, hateful, ignorant, and quite frankly "deplorable". He knew this right out of the gate with his abhorrent speech on Mexicans flooding across the boarder, raping our women and pillaging our cities. 

He knew exactly how to scare the shit out of white American's EVEN MORE than Hannity, Limbaugh, and Alex Jones already do. And he did it with the precision of a surgeon. 

Guest Pud Whacker
6 hours ago, madonnasuperfan01 said:

Oh, "stronger together", this cliché feel good slogan that doesn't mean ANYTHING? Such a joke.

Yes. We (all) both know Stronger Together was a response to Trump. 

Guest Pud Whacker
23 hours ago, Nightshade said:

Sidebar: To anyone in this forum who cheers on Vladimir Putin or thinks he's an ok guy, you're just as naive as George W. Bush who looked into his eyes and found the presence of God or whatever. Putin is no ally of the gay community, women, or probably any other minority. I think he's as ruthless as they come and I don't think he has any country's best interests in mind except the Russian oligarchy. You should all be intelligent enough to know that video Pud posted where he seems to go easy on the Russian gay community was leading up to the Sochi Olympics and you're a fool if you think he's going to use a PR platform for the Olympics to espouse anti-gay rhetoric. He's not an idiot. He knows what plays well or as a half loaf peace offering to the media. Look at how gays are treated in Russia. Don't look at an interview given to the media.

Jesus, half of you would believe the Mouth of Sauron if it gave a nice interview on the Today show. You all are familiar with the practice of lying, right? Or is face value all you can comprehend?

Salem witch burners that believe ANYTHING that opposes their EXTREME leftist homosexual cause. 

never said he was an ally or a fighter for the gay community.  just setting the record straight that HES NOT what people say regarding gays.  thats character assassination.  im a libra - i fight for justice - by nature. 

and yes, i believe he is ruthless.  hes a leader of a super power.  i have no doubt he would shoot someone at close range right in their forehead and never think about it again.

4 hours ago, Pud Whacker said:


  im a libra - i fight for justice - by nature

This x  million. Non libras will never understand the struggle.

Merry Christmas, brother!


Obama's legacy may end up being the huge democrat wipeout under his 8 year presidency with these democrat losses under him:

House of Representatives (2009) 256 Seats - (2016) 188 Seats (-68)

Senate (2009) 58 Seats - (2016) 46 Seats (-12)

Governships (2009) 28 Governors - (2016) 18 Governors (-10)

Legislative Seats (2009) 4,086 Seats - (2016) 3,137 Seats (-949)

Chambers (2009) 60 Chambers - (2016) 31 (-29)

18 hours ago, KalamazooJay said:


As for Clinton.... 

To some in here who say "Trump didn't win, Hillary lost". 

Um. No. 

Trump DID win. 

He won by dousing gasoline on a portion of an inflamed electorate that is fearful, hateful, ignorant, and quite frankly "deplorable". He knew this right out of the gate with his abhorrent speech on Mexicans flooding across the boarder, raping our women and pillaging our cities. 


Just flat out and say it was me, coz I was the one who said the above.

Of course Trump won but not the popular votes(which I get it doesn't really count here) I was tryig to highlight her loss there.

In my opinion, she was purely the wrong candidate that the DNC tried to push and failed. I blame her and the DNC. And they wouldn't move forward if they don't own it and admit the real reasons of their loss.

You have to be that bad of a choice to lose to Trump. 

On 12/25/2016 at 10:56 PM, madonnasuperfan01 said:

Oh, "stronger together", this cliché feel good slogan that doesn't mean ANYTHING? Such a joke.


Also i don't believe for one second that she would've done ANYTHING for the American people, she flip flopped on every issue possible and is a professional liar. She voted for the Iraq War and the Patriot Act for example, which is simply inexcusable. And that's just two examples. She's also massively corrupt, taking money from Wall Street and all the big corporations. You Hillary supporters seriously need to wake up and realise what kind of horrible woman she was. I'm sure you guys mean well but she fooled you until the end. 


Also this whole Comey story wouldn't have happened if she didn't fucked up with the emails in the first place. That's her own fault. She should've been indicted but no, she's rich and powerful of course so she got away with it. The FBI made very clear that not everyone is under the same laws in America.

First point, "Stronger together" means EVERYTHING. The power structure under which oppressive organisations is at it's weakest when people come together. You thinking HRC is genuine is irrelevant, the phrase means A LOT. 

You don't believe for one second? Why? Her past history is evidence enough. HRC (not Bernie) was responsible for the last two minimum wage increases. HRC was responsible for the children's health care program and the office for violence against women, HRC was responsible for getting adequate health care for first responders, HRC was responsible for the bill that Bernie planned to use to "Regulate wall street" and I have not even touched the surface of the work she has done in race relations. You don't have to like her but "not doing anything for America" - what are you smoking, buddy?

What do you mean her votes were inexcusable? How old are you and what do you remember about that vote? I remember George Bush lying and telling everyone about an imminent attack on America, I remember him telling congress and producing (what we now know was fake) evidence of weapons of mass destruction. I remember bush using those lies as justification to go into war. Guess how many democrats voted for that war? 90 percent of them including Biden. Why? because they were lied to. Guess how many democrats have a speech with their vote demanding that the president exhaust all avenues for peace before war? 1. Hillary f**king Clinton. Her speech demanding peace first during her vote for the war is on public record. So what do you mean inexcusable? I'll simplify it so maybe it'll resonate with you. If someone was walking toward you and someone else said to you "that person is going to kill you and all your loved ones, defend yourself" and you did but the person that told you that LIED to you. Who's at fault, you? No. The person that lied. The LIAR is at fault. 

I'm sorry but YOU are the one that has been fooled with far left nonsense masterminded by the alt and far right designed to divide the left so they can win the election. You know why the right win? Because the far and alt right don't fight centre right. They empower one another while the far left do nothing but attack centre left and the right ensure that happens by manipulating people like you. 

Also, every past SOS has used a private email server. Don't believe me? Colin Powell who not only told HRC to do it but encouraged her to hide it. I can also see you know nothing about constitutional law. I would love for you to show me the criminal statute under which HRC should have been indicted, I have a political Science degree as well as majoring in US politics and am currently studying constitutional law so I'd be super interested to read this statute under which HRC should have been indicted? Show me? 
You know what the criminal statute does say to bring criminal charges? I'll tell you:

- The FBI needed to prove she INTENTIONALLY tried to give classified info to a hostile foreign actor. - Show me an email that proves HRC WANTED a hostile actor to get US secrets? (I have read them all but by all means, if you have one show me)
- The FBI needed to prove *gross* negligence. How do you prove gross negligence when the woman hired 3 private IT companies to protect her data. Her smaller server was actually safer than the US gov's classified server.
- The FBI needed to prove the classified documents originated from that classified gov server. For sure they found 3 classified documents but all had been retrospectively classified and did not originate from the US gov classified server. They originated from a .gov server.

In all of US history, not a single person (I repeat) not a single person has been indicted for doing what HRC did. So suggesting she should have been indicted would actually be treating her differently than everyone else because you don't like her. FYI there is precedent for this, there's case law of people not being indicted for doing the same thing. The one example Trump and the far left use is the General and he was caught INTENTIONALLY *key word* giving classified info out and then lying about it.

You do not know what you're talking about and you have a responsibility to know, you failed the US and because of you and others like you, Trump is the president. You have endangered everyone.        

36 minutes ago, Chris_Tanasoff said:

First point, "Stronger together" means EVERYTHING. The power structure under which oppressive organisations is at it's weakest when people come together. You thinking HRC is genuine is irrelevant, the phrase means A LOT. 

You don't believe for one second? Why? Her past history is evidence enough. HRC (not Bernie) was responsible for the last two minimum wage increases. HRC was responsible for the children's health care program and the office for violence against women, HRC was responsible for getting adequate health care for first responders, HRC was responsible for the bill that Bernie planned to use to "Regulate wall street" and I have not even touched the surface of the work she has done in race relations. You don't have to like her but "not doing anything for America" - what are you smoking, buddy?

What do you mean her votes were inexcusable? How old are you and what do you remember about that vote? I remember George Bush lying and telling everyone about an imminent attack on America, I remember him telling congress and producing (what we now know was fake) evidence of weapons of mass destruction. I remember bush using those lies as justification to go into war. Guess how many democrats voted for that war? 90 percent of them including Biden. Why? because they were lied to. Guess how many democrats have a speech with their vote demanding that the president exhaust all avenues for peace before war? 1. Hillary f**king Clinton. Her speech demanding peace first during her vote for the war is on public record. So what do you mean inexcusable? I'll simplify it so maybe it'll resonate with you. If someone was walking toward you and someone else said to you "that person is going to kill you and all your loved ones, defend yourself" and you did but the person that told you that LIED to you. Who's at fault, you? No. The person that lied. The LIAR is at fault. 

I'm sorry but YOU are the one that has been fooled with far left nonsense masterminded by the alt and far right designed to divide the left so they can win the election. You know why the right win? Because the far and alt right don't fight centre right. They empower one another while the far left do nothing but attack centre left and the right ensure that happens by manipulating people like you. 

Also, every past SOS has used a private email server. Don't believe me? Colin Powell who not only told HRC to do it but encouraged her to hide it. I can also see you know nothing about constitutional law. I would love for you to show me the criminal statute under which HRC should have been indicted, I have a political Science degree as well as majoring in US politics and am currently studying constitutional law so I'd be super interested to read this statute under which HRC should have been indicted? Show me? 
You know what the criminal statute does say to bring criminal charges? I'll tell you:

- The FBI needed to prove she INTENTIONALLY tried to give classified info to a hostile foreign actor. - Show me an email that proves HRC WANTED a hostile actor to get US secrets? (I have read them all but by all means, if you have one show me)
- The FBI needed to prove *gross* negligence. How do you prove gross negligence when the woman hired 3 private IT companies to protect her data. Her smaller server was actually safer than the US gov's classified server.
- The FBI needed to prove the classified documents originated from that classified gov server. For sure they found 3 classified documents but all had been retrospectively classified and did not originate from the US gov classified server. They originated from a .gov server.

In all of US history, not a single person (I repeat) not a single person has been indicted for doing what HRC did. So suggesting she should have been indicted would actually be treating her differently than everyone else because you don't like her. FYI there is precedent for this, there's case law of people not being indicted for doing the same thing. The one example Trump and the far left use is the General and he was caught INTENTIONALLY *key word* giving classified info out and then lying about it.

You do not know what you're talking about and you have a responsibility to know, you failed the US and because of you and others like you, Trump is the president. You have endangered everyone.        

Wow!!  You got it right there.. the right wingers didn't have any problems being associated with the bigots, racists, antisemite, holocaust deniers/Hitler sympathisers, sexists, homophobes, ignorants, backwards, white supremacists, KKK...

Yuck! I'm feeling disgusted by the thought of it. Shame on you, America! No wonders many Americans felt ashamed to be American after the result of the election. 

On 12/24/2016 at 4:12 PM, Kim said:

We haven't had a Presidential assassination in a while. 2017 anyone?

lol omg. Gotta say I think 2016 was a foreshadowing of what's to come in 2017 and until the end of the decade. Seems the worst of history- unthinkable or wacky/freaky things are happening left/right like never before. 2016 defied all logic that we've basically seen in every presidential election since like..forever. 2016 was Dewey defeats Truman, 1930s Germany-ish. Wouldn't be in the least bit shocked to see assassination attempts '60s style, impeachment, or Watergate like mega scandals with Trump. Scandals that'll make the Clinton's look like the Obamas! lol. I still insist the GOP loathes Trump and wants him gone asap for Pence! :# 

Hate to say it but I predict Ruth Badar Ginsburg may croak in 2017. If not 2017 she ain't making it to 2020. The selfish old crone should've retired in 2014 when the Dems had the Senate! When you're 80+ and had health issues and have a majority in the Senate, WHY the fuck not just retire?! I was like 99% sure she fucked up by not doing it then. Trump is gonna appoint at least 3 judges! 

6 minutes ago, MeakMaker said:

Wow!!  You got it right there.. the right wingers didn't have any problems being associated with the bigots, racists, antisemite, holocaust deniers/Hitler sympathisers, sexists, homophobes, ignorants, backwards, white supremacists, KKK...

Yuck! I'm feeling disgusted by the thought of it. Shame on you, America! No wonders many Americans felt ashamed to be American after the result of the election. 

There are *some* decent GOPers like Ana Navarro and when they distance themselves from the alt and far right they're ostracised by their party.

The main problem in my view is the far left think they're doing all this independent research by reading articles outside of the mainstream media as if those articles are outside of the far rights reach and even those that aren't influenced by the far right are just written by people like us, they're opinions by journalists with journalism degrees. They have no experience in the political arena. A great example was the story that was written about HRC "lying about be shot at" while she was visiting troops in hostile territory. A quick google search of the author of that story reveals he's a high ranking member of the NRA that believes every child should own a gun and is considered extreme by the more reasonable centre right. Does the far left bother to do that quick google search? No, because "HRC LIED" promoted by far left websites is apparently enough independent research. 

Another great example is wikileaks. Did anyone on the far left bother to do any "independent research" on Mr. Assange? Julian grew up in Australia and was part of a cult, a white supremacists cult. I'll say that again for those that missed it. Julian Assange was raised by a white supremacists cult and throughout his career in wikileaks he hired and worked with known racists and anti semites (he doesn't even deny that) and during the election he retweeted the former grand wizard of the KKK and several other well known white supremacists (still on his twitter account, btw) so what does that say LOGICALLY? A man who was raised as a white supremacist who is friends with white supremacist and works with white supremacists and retweets white supremacists MAYBE wants to have a white supremacist elected? like, basic f**king logic. It's ok though because wikileaks has a perfect record of release, how do we know? cos Julian says so. Imagine if the far left used that kind of logic toward HRC, We wouldn't be in this devastating situation. 

The far left aligned themselves with a white supremacist who goes against everything they believe in and fight for because they irrationally hate Hillary Clinton and that's the height of their integrity. 

2 minutes ago, Chris_Tanasoff said:

There are *some* decent GOPers like Ana Navarro and when they distance themselves from the alt and far right they're ostracised by their party.

The main problem in my view is the far left think they're doing all this independent research by reading articles outside of the mainstream media as if those articles are outside of the far rights reach and even those that aren't influenced by the far right are just written by people like us, they're opinions by journalists with journalism degrees. They have no experience in the political arena. A great example was the story that was written about HRC "lying about be shot at" while she was visiting troops in hostile territory. A quick google search of the author of that story reveals he's a high ranking member of the NRA that believes every child should own a gun and is considered extreme by the more reasonable centre right. Does the far left bother to do that quick google search? No, because "HRC LIED" promoted by far left websites is apparently enough independent research. 

Another great example is wikileaks. Did anyone on the far left bother to do any "independent research" on Mr. Assange? Julian grew up in Australia and was part of a cult, a white supremacists cult. I'll say that again for those that missed it. Julian Assange was raised by a white supremacists cult and throughout his career in wikileaks he hired and worked with known racists and anti semites (he doesn't even deny that) and during the election he retweeted the former grand wizard of the KKK and several other well known white supremacists (still on his twitter account, btw) so what does that say LOGICALLY? A man who was raised as a white supremacist who is friends with white supremacist and works with white supremacists and retweets white supremacists MAYBE wants to have a white supremacist elected? like, basic f**king logic. It's ok though because wikileaks has a perfect record of release, how do we know? cos Julian says so. Imagine if the far left used that kind of logic toward HRC, We wouldn't be in this devastating situation. 

The far left aligned themselves with a white supremacist who goes against everything they believe in and fight for because they irrationally hate Hillary Clinton and that's the height of their integrity. 

I think the main problem with Mrs Hillary Clinton is one and one only. She's a woman. I know a lot of people would like to think of the USA as this progressive place but sorry it is certainly not. And the Hillary Clinton bashing just proved that. 

On 12/26/2016 at 1:39 AM, GOD said:

Just flat out and say it was me, coz I was the one who said the above.

Of course Trump won but not the popular votes(which I get it doesn't really count here) I was tryig to highlight her loss there.

In my opinion, she was purely the wrong candidate that the DNC tried to push and failed. I blame her and the DNC. And they wouldn't move forward if they don't own it and admit the real reasons of their loss.

You have to be that bad of a choice to lose to Trump. 

Bingo! ++1. Must of said it..well, too many friggin times!! 

2 minutes ago, MeakMaker said:

I think the main problem with Mrs Hillary Clinton is one and one only. She's a woman. I know a lot of people would like to think of the USA as this progressive place but sorry it is certainly not. And the Hillary Clinton bashing just proved that. 


2 minutes ago, Ciccone's Cheeks said:

Bingo! ++1. Must of said it..well, too many friggin times!! 

Or a woman.. I may add.

13 hours ago, Chris_Tanasoff said:


Shame on you, America! I'm so fucking disgusted... honest that video makes me so angry. What's wrong with people? Treating a woman like that. How could any woman feel comfortable with those comments? I'm feeling terrible and I am a man.. Ignorant idiots! Shame. Shame. Shame.

Now I get all the IG comments and the Billboard speech by Madonna about feminism and the treatment of women. She felt exactly the same.... No wonder I'm a Madonna loon. 

5 hours ago, Chris_Tanasoff said:

First point, "Stronger together" means EVERYTHING. The power structure under which oppressive organisations is at it's weakest when people come together. You thinking HRC is genuine is irrelevant, the phrase means A LOT. 

You don't believe for one second? Why? Her past history is evidence enough. HRC (not Bernie) was responsible for the last two minimum wage increases. HRC was responsible for the children's health care program and the office for violence against women, HRC was responsible for getting adequate health care for first responders, HRC was responsible for the bill that Bernie planned to use to "Regulate wall street" and I have not even touched the surface of the work she has done in race relations. You don't have to like her but "not doing anything for America" - what are you smoking, buddy?

What do you mean her votes were inexcusable? How old are you and what do you remember about that vote? I remember George Bush lying and telling everyone about an imminent attack on America, I remember him telling congress and producing (what we now know was fake) evidence of weapons of mass destruction. I remember bush using those lies as justification to go into war. Guess how many democrats voted for that war? 90 percent of them including Biden. Why? because they were lied to. Guess how many democrats have a speech with their vote demanding that the president exhaust all avenues for peace before war? 1. Hillary f**king Clinton. Her speech demanding peace first during her vote for the war is on public record. So what do you mean inexcusable? I'll simplify it so maybe it'll resonate with you. If someone was walking toward you and someone else said to you "that person is going to kill you and all your loved ones, defend yourself" and you did but the person that told you that LIED to you. Who's at fault, you? No. The person that lied. The LIAR is at fault. 

I'm sorry but YOU are the one that has been fooled with far left nonsense masterminded by the alt and far right designed to divide the left so they can win the election. You know why the right win? Because the far and alt right don't fight centre right. They empower one another while the far left do nothing but attack centre left and the right ensure that happens by manipulating people like you. 

Also, every past SOS has used a private email server. Don't believe me? Colin Powell who not only told HRC to do it but encouraged her to hide it. I can also see you know nothing about constitutional law. I would love for you to show me the criminal statute under which HRC should have been indicted, I have a political Science degree as well as majoring in US politics and am currently studying constitutional law so I'd be super interested to read this statute under which HRC should have been indicted? Show me? 
You know what the criminal statute does say to bring criminal charges? I'll tell you:

- The FBI needed to prove she INTENTIONALLY tried to give classified info to a hostile foreign actor. - Show me an email that proves HRC WANTED a hostile actor to get US secrets? (I have read them all but by all means, if you have one show me)
- The FBI needed to prove *gross* negligence. How do you prove gross negligence when the woman hired 3 private IT companies to protect her data. Her smaller server was actually safer than the US gov's classified server.
- The FBI needed to prove the classified documents originated from that classified gov server. For sure they found 3 classified documents but all had been retrospectively classified and did not originate from the US gov classified server. They originated from a .gov server.

In all of US history, not a single person (I repeat) not a single person has been indicted for doing what HRC did. So suggesting she should have been indicted would actually be treating her differently than everyone else because you don't like her. FYI there is precedent for this, there's case law of people not being indicted for doing the same thing. The one example Trump and the far left use is the General and he was caught INTENTIONALLY *key word* giving classified info out and then lying about it.

You do not know what you're talking about and you have a responsibility to know, you failed the US and because of you and others like you, Trump is the president. You have endangered everyone.        

DAYUM! Can someone pin this?? You really served it with this post! 

13 hours ago, MeakMaker said:

Or a woman.. I may add.

Oh please, enough with the woman card, if it was Elizabeth Warren she would have won. 

26 minutes ago, GOD said:

Oh please, enough with the woman card, if it was Elizabeth Warren she would have won. 

I suggest to watch the YouTube  video Chris posted. 

20 hours ago, Chris_Tanasoff said:

First point, "Stronger together" means EVERYTHING. The power structure under which oppressive organisations is at it's weakest when people come together. You thinking HRC is genuine is irrelevant, the phrase means A LOT. 

You don't believe for one second? Why? Her past history is evidence enough. HRC (not Bernie) was responsible for the last two minimum wage increases. HRC was responsible for the children's health care program and the office for violence against women, HRC was responsible for getting adequate health care for first responders, HRC was responsible for the bill that Bernie planned to use to "Regulate wall street" and I have not even touched the surface of the work she has done in race relations. You don't have to like her but "not doing anything for America" - what are you smoking, buddy?

What do you mean her votes were inexcusable? How old are you and what do you remember about that vote? I remember George Bush lying and telling everyone about an imminent attack on America, I remember him telling congress and producing (what we now know was fake) evidence of weapons of mass destruction. I remember bush using those lies as justification to go into war. Guess how many democrats voted for that war? 90 percent of them including Biden. Why? because they were lied to. Guess how many democrats have a speech with their vote demanding that the president exhaust all avenues for peace before war? 1. Hillary f**king Clinton. Her speech demanding peace first during her vote for the war is on public record. So what do you mean inexcusable? I'll simplify it so maybe it'll resonate with you. If someone was walking toward you and someone else said to you "that person is going to kill you and all your loved ones, defend yourself" and you did but the person that told you that LIED to you. Who's at fault, you? No. The person that lied. The LIAR is at fault. 

I'm sorry but YOU are the one that has been fooled with far left nonsense masterminded by the alt and far right designed to divide the left so they can win the election. You know why the right win? Because the far and alt right don't fight centre right. They empower one another while the far left do nothing but attack centre left and the right ensure that happens by manipulating people like you. 

Also, every past SOS has used a private email server. Don't believe me? Colin Powell who not only told HRC to do it but encouraged her to hide it. I can also see you know nothing about constitutional law. I would love for you to show me the criminal statute under which HRC should have been indicted, I have a political Science degree as well as majoring in US politics and am currently studying constitutional law so I'd be super interested to read this statute under which HRC should have been indicted? Show me? 
You know what the criminal statute does say to bring criminal charges? I'll tell you:

- The FBI needed to prove she INTENTIONALLY tried to give classified info to a hostile foreign actor. - Show me an email that proves HRC WANTED a hostile actor to get US secrets? (I have read them all but by all means, if you have one show me)
- The FBI needed to prove *gross* negligence. How do you prove gross negligence when the woman hired 3 private IT companies to protect her data. Her smaller server was actually safer than the US gov's classified server.
- The FBI needed to prove the classified documents originated from that classified gov server. For sure they found 3 classified documents but all had been retrospectively classified and did not originate from the US gov classified server. They originated from a .gov server.

In all of US history, not a single person (I repeat) not a single person has been indicted for doing what HRC did. So suggesting she should have been indicted would actually be treating her differently than everyone else because you don't like her. FYI there is precedent for this, there's case law of people not being indicted for doing the same thing. The one example Trump and the far left use is the General and he was caught INTENTIONALLY *key word* giving classified info out and then lying about it.

You do not know what you're talking about and you have a responsibility to know, you failed the US and because of you and others like you, Trump is the president. You have endangered everyone.        

Yeah, keep living in your bubble. People like you are the real problem, living in la la land and supporting corporatist sellout warmongers like Hillary. She fucked up with the emails and the FBI itself recognised it. 

And there's NOTHING "far left" about me, you guys in America are SO FAR into right wing politics that you don't even know what left wing politics are anymore. There is no left anymore in America, both parties are right wing, one is just more moderate than the other. There was NOTHING left wing about Hillary, she's a centrist at BEST. As i said, wake up. I haven't failed anything, i don't even live in America so try harder with your condescending crap. I wouldn't have voted for her under ANY circumstances.

Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, madonnasuperfan01 said:

Yeah, keep living in your bubble. People like you are the real problem, living in la la land and supporting corporatist sellout warmongers like Hillary. She fucked up with the emails and the FBI itself recognised it. 

And there's NOTHING "far left" about me, you guys in America are SO FAR into right wing politics that you don't even know what left wing politics are anymore. There is no left anymore in America, both parties are right wing, one is just more moderate than the other. There was NOTHING left wing about Hillary, she's a centrist at BEST. As i said, wake up. I haven't failed anything, i don't even live in America so try harder with your condescending crap. I wouldn't have voted for her under ANY circumstances.

Keep living in my bubble of being formally educated on US politics and constitutional law, that Bubble? While you, who apparently has all the answers can't even name the criminal statute she should be held under. lol nice. 

The FBI recognised that she was careless with her emails. She also recognised she was careless with her emails. It's not a secret buddy but being careless doesn't = an indictment. The criminal statute is clear. 

So far into right wing politics? LOL the democratic policy platform was the most progressive in history. IN HISTORY and you have the audacity to say we're into "right wing" politics. Hillary is a centrist? Really? her voting record is 93 percent identical with Bernie Sanders, you know that, right? 

You don't know what you're talking about and that's beyond obvious to anyone with half a brain. 

Edited by Chris_Tanasoff
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