_Gark Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 (edited) I love it. And I love Voices. It's Erotica meets Timbaland and it works so well. It actually has the best melodies of the whole record. Edited May 1, 2014 by _Gark
Guest Rachelle of London Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 Voices is amazing! It wouldn't of sounded out of place on MDNA or MDNA tour! And the ending! Fabulous. I don't get the hate for it at a
johndvd25 Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS! Now.. Do you like Dance 2Nite? This forum does not- smh at these bitches. Ooh i luv D2N! Also a single material.. In my imaginary world, its a candidate for first single release along with GI2M and BGO! All songs on HC are radio friendly! If the album was released in late 90's or early 00's we could have 5 to 6 singles or a string of hit singles
Crux Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 The first half is excellent but I wouldn't call it a work of art. It's certainly nowhere near as bad as people make out. I still love Give It 2 Me and Miles Away.
Larkspur Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 Love love love Give It 2 Me, She's Not Me, Devil Wouldn't Recognize You, Dance 2 Night, Beat Goes On, Voices. Across The Sky is amazing and I'm really surprised it didn't make it on the album. 4 Minutes WAS the choice as the lead single. With a couple of exceptions I like most of the album. What I love most about Madonna's music is what she's saying in the song. The message is more important to me than the delivery. When I first heard Hard Candy I thought it was a great album to workout to. The music is great but it did almost seem that Madonna was featured on some songs rather than being the main artist. On every listen I like it more and more because Madonna's "voice" is in there along with her love for dance music and for forgetting her troubles. She seemed to be getting back to a time where it was all about the music and her enjoyment of it and feeling strong again. Voices is one of her better album closers but they are pretty much all amazing as they all seem to be a sobering ending to each one of her albums and I think that's what Voices is. The boxing bell at the end is the best!
cosmic_system Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 One of my fav album, it's simply perfect to me. I've been a HUGE fan of it since the beginning, and it's still delicious perfection. I love every single track (and demos). Loved Sticky & Sweet, the looks, and now I also really like the cover (but there were outtakes, like the one in my avatar, that I still don't get why they weren't used). It's also the best workout album in the history of music! Give it 2 her!
cosmic_system Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 WHAT A JOKE! :lmao: I really like you Isaac and Hard Candy is a cool album but that's huge delusion right there :lmao: I agree with Isaac. Confessions is so overrated.
Narendra Sen Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 ^^ The best picture of her from the HC era, to be honest. God bless the 2nd leg of Sticky & Sweet.
tumbleweedt Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 ISAAC HARRIS I LOVE YOU! YOU ARE THE BRILLIANT GLISTENING SPIRE ON THE CATHEDRAL THAT IS MNATION It's a rather deep album filled with sweet, sassy, funky beats. She has her fun with it too, while letting out the pains of her failing relationship. That element (failing relationship) is never far from my mind when thinking of HC. Listening to the album as I write: it really is a very good album, but for some reason I don't listen to it that often. Is that because songs like She's Not Me and Devil hit too close to home? On another - perhaps more superficial - note, regarding the album artwork: although I like the idea of the album artwork, I feel somewhat ashamed to say that I don't really love it. Perhaps on some unconscious level this visual aspect also plays a role for me. If that were the case, I'd find it a bit shallow of myself... Having said that, HC contains heaps of great, funky music that merited some corresponding fabulous videography. Although making videos may be a loss-making exercise, I do hope M will invest herself in making some more GREAT - iconic - videos.
Nikki Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 See I think HC has aged a lot better than Confessions. Confessions was great back on 05 but now I only listen to a few tracks. Whereas you look at he charts and a lot of the songs coming out have that vibe that HC has blurred lines is pretty much a copy of Give it 2 me.
Guest SecretGarden Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 I consider COADF and HC to be companion pieces, both paying homage to different types of disco music (the former being the polished Italo disco album while the latter more inspired by American funk). Both also contain elements from what was popular at the time, e.g the Timabland sound. With Hard Candy specifically, it's an album that is quite fun and melodic, it's not really focused on lyrics or vocals, it's an album full of rhythm. I enjoy dancing to it, it's an album that lifts my mood (as opposed to COADF which, although great, leaves me cold - though I guess that's kind of it's intention). Basically, Hard Candy is the sun and COADF is the moon, light and dark, yin and yang, gritty and polished etc. One thing I do hope is that Madonna returns to making more cohesive albums (while MDNA is great, it suffered in that department), Hard Candy is a tightly packed product.
Butter9 Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 And the bit with Pharrell showing their chemistry (he's not afraid of her and she likes it) http://youtu.be/-RsvdBOnt_Q?t=8m29s Wow that's really cute. I love it ! I had a Hard Time with HC in the very beginning .Mostly with the Timbaland produced tracks but I love the Pharrell's tracks. And for me it's aged a lot better than MDNA.
Guest Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 HC was FANTASTIC! I was very neutral when I first heard it but the second time I was twerking my ass off to every beat. Candy Shop is the sexiest song ever
Guest Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 i have/had a strange relationship with HC...don't even know why....it's been the first madonna album (and i'm a fan since 1984, more or less) that left me.....kinda meh.....maybe because i didn't find a project, a vision in it for the first time.....the intro of 4 minutes is epic, but after that first 10 seconds the song goes nowhere and the rest of the timbalake tracks are not that great....on the opposite i really like the pharell tracks, even spanish lessons. at the time i thought that while all were saying that she jumped on a bandwagon that already had his time, it was instead another proof of the genius of madonna and the greatnessof her style and music input, because she just didn't put her voice on some pharell demo, but bend pharell music style to her unique style....those where all classic madonna songs. but for me where just not that memorable....i really enjoy gi2m, tbgo and others if it happens to listen to them, but just i don't go searching for them....it was the first madonna album that i listened a couple of times and then put it on the shelves to collect some dust...
Barbie Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 Hard Candeh took a while to grow on me, but when it finally hit me I was trapped and amazed in it's deliciously sweet sugary perfection. It's like Madonna giving us a tour of her own chocolate candy factory, except without the Oompa Loompa's. It's POP/URBANdonna at her MOST fun. I also prefer it over MDNA, sorry! But I also have to laugh at the "If MDNA went Diamond you would all love it!" :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: No. It could have outsold Adele's "21" and my opinion would remain the same. I love you Vadge, and I hope your next release is your best yet! But back to GOD's Candy. I agree with some of the comments in here that some of the leftover tracks were too good to be thrown away.....and I agree. Across The Sky and Animal are so fierce and amazing. And yes this is the perfect workout album.
vocalism Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 Really? Another thread Isaac? I like HC less as time goes by. It's not a bad album, and at the time I think I almost liked it better than COADF (which to me is very cold album), but Pharrell's paint can beats and Timbaland's banga beats were tired in 2008, and M's voice throughout is the worst of any album she's put out to date. I was pleasantly surprised by some of Pharrell's more disco-leaning tracks (BGO, SNM) and they still sound pretty fresh today.
GOD Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 ^ this one is the first with that Hard Candy inspired photo.
LCD Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 I've never thrown any shade at HC. I liked it from the beginning and it still holds up. I think it's criminal that Beat Goes On didn't become a MASSIVE hit. I feel like too many people outside the M fandom don't even know that song exists and they should.
VogueMusic Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 Isaac, can I just say, I love you. I love the way you articulate your likes/dislikes. HC and the whole project had to grow on me a bit, but I took to it quicker than I did Confessions (which is like sacrilege in the Madonna fandom). Overall, I fucking love the project, and esp. the tour... all except 4 Minutes. But the other 99% is right on. And GI2M is one of the best M tracks of the last decade. I LIVE for FUNKdonna. ps. When I listen to Bey's "Blow", I totally get Hard Candy/Candy Shop vibes.
promise to try Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 Incredible and Heartbeat are good songs,but too long fot me.dwrm is not well produced.that said,the other songs are great,although I still have one problem with this album,the problem,is that madonna's personality is kept under the producers'one.this album could have been,with small changes,justin timberlake's third album.I really don't know,besides a few lyrics,and a couple of melodies,wherw is her involment in the album
Guest Rachelle of London Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 blurred lines is pretty much a copy of Give it 2 me. Tbh it's a copy of MArvin Gaye, GI2m is similar though
MCHL Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 Yes HC for me is her most listenable album. One of only 2 M albums I can just put on and not skip any.
johndvd25 Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 Another good thing with HC there are many surprises here and there in terms of sound..there are twists in each songs..sometimes its in the middle or before the song ends..you know what i mean guys
5iVe Elements Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 Hard Candeh took a while to grow on me, but when it finally hit me I was trapped and amazed in it's deliciously sweet sugary perfection. It's like Madonna giving us a tour of her own chocolate candy factory, except without the Oompa Loompa's. It's POP/URBANdonna at her MOST fun. I also prefer it over MDNA, sorry! But I also have to laugh at the "If MDNA went Diamond you would all love it!" :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: No. It could have outsold Adele's "21" and my opinion would remain the same. I love you Vadge, and I hope your next release is your best yet! But back to GOD's Candy. I agree with some of the comments in here that some of the leftover tracks were too good to be thrown away.....and I agree. Across The Sky and Animal are so fierce and amazing. And yes this is the perfect workout album. Is your username because of the Hearrtbeat track?
5iVe Elements Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 I back Isaac with HC > COADF and MDNA. Both albums are good, hail them as masterpieces if you want. Confessions can sometimes feel so long, and towards the end become sleepy. Push anyone? How High too? Also some tracks are better live, like I Love New York and Future Lovers. With MDNA, it had strong spots and weak spots (Some Girls, the overrated Beautiful Killer), and can sometimes feel all over the place. With HC, the two production of T/T and Pharrell form a united cohesive sound that wraps the entire album. And as much as I dislike Voices, that was a great way to end the album.
tasteinmen Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 I didn't care for Hard Candy when it first came out apart from the singles, but a year later I found myself warming to it. It's actually a great album, with many top notch tunes such as Heartbeat, She's Not Me, Dance 2nite (reminds me of her first album) and GI2M. I listened to it the other week and it still sounds fresh, much better than MDNA.
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