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2020 U.S. Election


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19 hours ago, Nonoka said:



ONE polling place for 600K ppl to vote within 8 hours? :manson: 

In order for all 600K ppl to cast their vote successfully, you need 1250 ppl to vote within ONE min. :bad: 

How many voting stalls are there in one polling station?

Dumpster is disgusting!

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Voter suppression and international interference is the only way he can win. This is just for the primary and it's already started. I hope they don't allow them to get away with this.

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7 hours ago, FreeMySoul said:

Voter suppression and international interference is the only way he can win. This is just for the primary and it's already started. I hope they don't allow them to get away with this.

Ъou underestimated the rednecks and Bible Belt 

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Thank god Carly Fiorina decided not to run for president.

America would probably bankrupt if she becomes the president.

Carly Fioina has one of the worst track record.

She did nothing but spending money touring around the world when she was the CEO of HP.

HP had the worst financial status during her time and was forced to split into 2 companies, and one of them merged with another dying entity Compaq :manson: 

She was eventually terminated by the HP board, just like Mariah got terminated by Virgin.


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2 hours ago, horn said:

Thank god Carly Fiorina decided not to run for president.

America would probably bankrupt if she becomes the president.

Carly Fioina has one of the worst track record.

She did nothing but spending money touring around the world when she was the CEO of HP.

HP had the worst financial status during her time and was forced to split into 2 companies, and one of them merged with another dying entity Compaq :manson: 

She was eventually terminated by the HP board, just like Mariah got terminated by Virgin.



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15 minutes ago, reQuiem4adream said:

I’m definitely voting for Yeesus. I really can’t vote for Biden. 

Well then congrats for having another Trump mandate. You did it.

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Didn't Kanye claim at some point he has a bipolar disorder. In this case, is it even possible for him to become president? Or is that just another lie to get attention, just as his claims that he is a billionaire. 

And indeed, the only reason he runs (as an independent I guess) is to steal black votes from Biden. It is so see through. Can somebody tell me, what the black community sees in him? What exactly has he done for the black community? I only see someone who is a raging egomaniac. 

P.S. Why did Madonna work with him? The Beat goes on is not such a great song. What did she see in him that she even said, he was a soulmate. Or was that at a time when he was still "normal"?

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Imagine if the president of the USA had "producer of Madonna's Holy Water" on his resume 🤣

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9 hours ago, Je5u5 said:

Imagine if the president of the USA had "producer of Madonna's Holy Water" on his resume 🤣

Yeesuz loves my pussy best!

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On 7/5/2020 at 12:23 PM, Raider of the lost Ark said:

P.S. Why did Madonna work with him? The Beat goes on is not such a great song. What did she see in him that she even said, he was a soulmate. Or was that at a time when he was still "normal"?

It is an AMAZING song

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On 7/5/2020 at 3:26 AM, reQuiem4adream said:

I’m definitely voting for Yeesus. I really can’t vote for Biden. 

I voted reluctantly for Hillary, but given how things are going, I really hope you're joking.

There is NOTHING you can say that would justify something as ridiculous as voting for fucking Kanye fucking West, who is an unhinged Trump supporter, over Biden. NOTHING. 

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Guest material_boy
19 hours ago, ULIZOS said:

I voted reluctantly for Hillary, but given how things are going, I really hope you're joking.

There is NOTHING you can say that would justify something as ridiculous as voting for fucking Kanye fucking West, who is an unhinged Trump supporter, over Biden. NOTHING. 

the office yes GIF

I voted proudly and enthusiastically for Hillary. I grew to love and admire her in 2016. I have never seen any person alive take so much hatred and vitriol and to take it constantly. Literally 24 hours a day on Fox News and talk radio and in the grosser corners of the internet. The lunatic fringe bought into this shit so seriously that a guy shot up a pizza shop because he thought Hillary was running a criminal ring in the basement. She took the hate, the took the death threats, she took everything they could throw at her -- and kept going forward. The strength of character that takes -- I am in awe of her.

Biden I don't give two shits about. He feels like a relic of a time from not even my childhood but before I was even born. But the American political system is built for two parties. Privileged assholes can try to pretend others, but the choice is Biden or Trump. If someone is voting for someone else then they are voting for Trump. That is how this works, and anyone pretending otherwise can fuck right off.

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On 7/8/2020 at 7:46 PM, ULIZOS said:

There is NOTHING you can say that would justify something as ridiculous as voting for fucking Kanye fucking West, who is an unhinged Trump supporter, over Biden. NOTHING. 


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9 hours ago, material_boy said:

the office yes GIF

I voted proudly and enthusiastically for Hillary. I grew to love and admire her in 2016. I have never seen any person alive take so much hatred and vitriol and to take it constantly. Literally 24 hours a day on Fox News and talk radio and in the grosser corners of the internet. The lunatic fringe bought into this shit so seriously that a guy shot up a pizza shop because he thought Hillary was running a criminal ring in the basement. She took the hate, the took the death threats, she took everything they could throw at her -- and kept going forward. The strength of character that takes -- I am in awe of her.

Biden I don't give two shits about. He feels like a relic of a time from not even my childhood but before I was even born. But the American political system is built for two parties. Privileged assholes can try to pretend others, but the choice is Biden or Trump. If someone is voting for someone else then they are voting for Trump. That is how this works, and anyone pretending otherwise can fuck right off.


I cannot believe that after the 4 years of horror that we have just gone through that there may be people who still have the same stupid mentality as in 2016: ‘’ I do not like the democratic candidate, so I  would not vote or vote for any imbecile presenting himself against Biden’’.The moment is serious. There is an urgent need to get this narcissistic sociopath out of the White House before he finishes destroying democratic institutions.

I hate people so much! :doh:

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I hope not to read Kanye's name again 'til 2021. Please don't let him gain any further ground. Who's got the time? Or, at this point, a robust enough constitution? Joe Biden wouldn't have been my first choice, but there's often some acquiescence in politics, I think, and he'll do.

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