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Supreme Elitists
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About sotos8

  • Birthday 03/04/1972

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  1. According to reports Biden is now more receptive to the idea of stepping down
  2. you know Americans don't have a reputation of being very bright so i'm not surprised
  3. i agree with you , where is the coroner's statement about his injury and the probable cause of that injury ? Isnt'it standard procedure in the US ?
  4. are you saying that he maybe wanted to just kill people of the crowd and he accidentally hit Trump?
  5. I agree , unfortunately across the world Biden is not known for his politics but due to his condition .It's not his fault he is old and frail .POTUS is every other day on the news and not for a good reason
  6. the new york times , the boston globe and now the economist are all urging biden to quit ,i don't think they are pro Trump media outlets
  7. POLITICS New York Times editorial board urges Biden to drop out of presidential race PUBLISHED FRI, JUN 28 20246:30 PM EDTUPDATED 18 MIN AGO https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/28/new-york-times-editorial-board-urges-biden-to-drop-out-of-presidential-race.html
  8. when some of us were saying that he is not fit to be president due to his age and health issues we ve been accused of reproducing Putin's propaganda .Now that dangerous clown will have an easy win .Good luck to all of us
  9. 36 % of voters 18-24 in France will vote for far right ,31 % in Holland and 21% in Germany .Apparently the masterminds in Europe can't hear the bells that are ringing for quite some time
  10. I don't think that a ceacefire is possible because that requires admission of defeat from Zelenski given the fact that Russia now controls a large part of Ukraine
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