KalamazooJay Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 6 minutes ago, rebelvvv said: Obama spent his entire presidency being an American apologist and getting in bed with, figuratively and financially, our actual enemies.  He's politically and financially strengthened the authoritarian regimes that oppress the rights of their own people, which are severely being trampled by their governments.  For those who have the privilege of living in the first world countries, he's done nothing but destabilize the developing world, and by extension, the entire world. Trump may be a narcissist on a personal level and I agree many of his claims are irrelevant to the actual policy issues, but I also believe he'll at least attempt to follow through on his policy agenda unlike Obama who got elected and then decided to do whatever the hell he wanted to fill his foundation's coffers and further his personal legacy regardless of the impact to the rest of the world.  If Hillary is the best Democratic candidate available and just more of the same, no thanks.  They brought it upon themselves. Nobody said countries don't have trade agreements.  What people miss entirely is that many countries have bilateral trade agreements instead of region-wide because if you lump everyone together, you lose all of your economic leverage.  This economic issue furthered by both Clinton and Obama is the reason China is so powerful economically now and everyone is afraid to say no to them.  Their citizens are losing actual human rights and freedom by the day, yet nobody dares to say anything about it.  Which is why the talk of rights, women's or otherwise, only for the democratic western world is completely hypocritical.  At least Trump isn't in bed with the enemy from day 1 and acknowledges there's a problem. And, once again, I'll remind you that no one has ANY idea who Trump is in bed with. Not a clue. The sheer scope of his empire gives me cause for concern that the kind of 'deals' he'd like to make to cut to 'Make America Great Again' will be nothing more than to fill his OWN coffer. I'm just having a really hard time here with your notion that Trump is going to follow through for the American people and not for himself. As I stated before, everything in his business history suggests otherwise. There's documented story after story after story from contractors and individuals on every level that he's lied, cheated, underpaid, and just all out fucked anyone he could. Politicians are measured on how they voted while they were in office. Whether they were a senator, governor, or congressman. Which is how we judge how they'll be as president. So Obama's policies really shouldn't have been that big of a surprise to anyone. And if we're going to hold Trump to the same standard that we do politicians in terms of how'll they'll govern as President, well, I'm aghast and horrified for this country on a level that I've never felt. Â
Roland Barthes Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Hahaha. My oh my. Trump will free chinese from oppression now ? All these people getting their news from Breibart...Is there any news about UFO's sightings by the way ? I'm just dropping this here ; http://money.cnn.com/2017/01/23/news/economy/donald-trump-china-currency/ Some people are in for a big big hangover coming up very soon. I guess it's easier to talk about the oppression of people from another country (making colonial imperialistic statements in the process by the way) while ignoring the oppression that people from your country are dealing with because you regard them as the problem for all that is wrong. It's one thing to not like the Obamas and the Clintons which i prefectly understand but to see Trump as a saviour is totally alienating. You had to chose between two devils, one was not lesser than the other one. You voted for exactly what you denounce but you've been blinded by a very good salesman.Â
KalamazooJay Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 What is just so mind boggling to me is that the individuals who voted for Trump are just shocked, SHOCKED, over these protests, over this outrage, over all of it. They just can't BELIEVE that liberals are behaving like this. And truthfully, it scares them. They can see full well the writing on the wall with all of this. They can see that their grip on power is tenuous at best. ESPECIALLY with Trump in power. I spoke with someone who voted for Trump and she seemed legitimately kind of sad over all of it. She simply said that she never would have expected this. Really? You're shocked? Civilly, I told her that this is it. This is the America you voted to live in by voting for a man like that and to get used to it. You don't get to offend massive swaths of the U.S population without consequence. i called this last summer. I said to several friends that if he got elected the bottom would completely fall out.Â
rebelvvv Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 1 hour ago, Roland Barthes said: It's one thing to not like the Obamas and the Clintons which i prefectly understand but to see Trump as a saviour is totally alienating. You had to chose between two devils, one was not lesser than the other one. You voted for exactly what you denounce but you've been blinded by a very good salesman. lol, no one said anyone was a saviour but to think that continuing with the status quo is the lesser devil is equally misguided.  At the end of the day, everyone is entitled to their vote.  I prefer to give my chance to the one who hasn't already for years proven wrong on every level except social policy.  If Trump delivers, great, if not, there will be somebody else.  A third term Obama/Clinton dynasty continuation would have been irrevocable however, and it's obvious at least half the country agrees that we were on entirely the wrong track. The only people surprised are the ones who can't believe it happened because THEY couldn't see the writing on the wall.  You keep on believing everything you read in the "news" and the polls when it's obvious they are completely not objective and most normal people don't bother to respond to polls or exit surveys of any kind.  That's the kind of self-delusion that will continue to result in the Democrats not understanding why they have a problem because the only "solution" they could come up was to force feed people a more corrupt version of the same failures.
Kurt420 Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 2 hours ago, KalamazooJay said: What is just so mind boggling to me is that the individuals who voted for Trump are just shocked, SHOCKED, over these protests, over this outrage, over all of it. They just can't BELIEVE that liberals are behaving like this. And truthfully, it scares them. They can see full well the writing on the wall with all of this. They can see that their grip on power is tenuous at best. ESPECIALLY with Trump in power. I spoke with someone who voted for Trump and she seemed legitimately kind of sad over all of it. She simply said that she never would have expected this. Really? You're shocked? Civilly, I told her that this is it. This is the America you voted to live in by voting for a man like that and to get used to it. You don't get to offend massive swaths of the U.S population without consequence. i called this last summer. I said to several friends that if he got elected the bottom would completely fall out. This is what shocks me as well. Like they're just NOW discovering over half the country hates this man with a passion unlike we've ever seen for a politician. I'm pretty certain that was more than evident during the campaign. I mean, did they think we were all just joking?? lol Or did they think we'd accept him just because of his (now meaningless thanks to hime) "POTUS" title?? As far as I'm concerned, they're the ones that asked for this when they voted for the man. They decided to take the bad and ugly along with the....lol...."good(?)" when they placed their votes and this is the result of that. No, sitting in the background quietly while he takes right after right away from his own people isn't what's going to be happening this next four years. So Trumpers/Trumpettes.....get fucking used to it. Saturday was day one of his presidency. Day one! There's PLENTY more where that came from. I don't respect him. I don't even respect his position at this point. He doesn't. Why should I? The title POTUS is a joke after 2016. So women, keep on defending him as he continues to knee you in your pussies day after day. I'm absolutely floored that a woman can defend him with such passion after his actions today. Fuck it. If YOU don't care, maybe I shouldn't either. It's MORTIFYING to me that such a large number of WHITE women (it's VERY important to point that out.....only  that special brand of "white girl crazy" can make this happen) supported this man in November. That's some self loathing bullshit right there. And although fewer, I say the same about the stupid fucking faggots that made the same choice. Â
Kurt420 Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Let us not forget, this was his big, empowering anthem to the country he stands before when he took the oath last Friday.....  Reassuring huh?? Not to mention....barely a peep about the solidarity that happened around the WORLD on Saturday.....BUT he sure was quick to try to "alertna-fact check" those inauguration attendance numbers. Those are the important things after all....... I feel sorry for anyone that sees anything more than self serving motives for this man. He's a snake oil salesman and you people that defend him have been so conned.Â
MeakMaker Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 2 hours ago, rebelvvv said: lol, no one said anyone was a saviour but to think that continuing with the status quo is the lesser devil is equally misguided.  At the end of the day, everyone is entitled to their vote.  I prefer to give my chance to the one who hasn't already for years proven wrong on every level except social policy.  If Trump delivers, great, if not, there will be somebody else.  A third term Obama/Clinton dynasty continuation would have been irrevocable however, and it's obvious at least half the country agrees that we were on entirely the wrong track. The only people surprised are the ones who can't believe it happened because THEY couldn't see the writing on the wall.  You keep on believing everything you read in the "news" and the polls when it's obvious they are completely not objective and most normal people don't bother to respond to polls or exit surveys of any kind.  That's the kind of self-delusion that will continue to result in the Democrats not understanding why they have a problem because the only "solution" they could come up was to force feed people a more corrupt version of the same failures. You mean people were so fed up that they lost their mind and went to vote for the first person who said that the Government fucked up?! Jeez the US must be populated by brain surgeons. Not.
Kurt420 Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017    What if Obama alluded to fucking a 10 year old? What if Obama alluded to dating one of his daughters? How unfortunate that his supporters completely condone this behavior. I bet if it were their 10 year old being looked at as a vessel for sexual pleasure, their feelings may be a little different about him. Well....I'd like to think so but then again....probably not.    Â
Kurt420 Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 How unfortunate......I bet if DT knew how this one would turn out he would've forced the mother to NOT choose life.
Kurt420 Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Â Day 3 and he already looks like he's aged 5 years. Doesn't look healthy at all. Not sure how I feel about someone not in tip top health making these sort of decisions.Â
Kurt420 Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/cover_story/2016/07/donald_trump_is_unfit_to_be_president_here_are_141_reasons_why.html?reason=9
Kurt420 Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 I wonder how many babies he's forced his mistresses to abort over the years?
runa Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 11 hours ago, drunkbysix said: .......a man that cries about the attendance of an inaguration is a better representation for the people? REALLY? what is wrong with you all lol IKR, when you win the election but you lose it on popular vote (more than 3 millions), you should really be careful what you do and be moderate as much as you can. That's not what we see right now. Â
runa Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 40 minutes ago, Kurt420 said:  Day 3 and he already looks like he's aged 5 years. Doesn't look healthy at all. Not sure how I feel about someone not in tip top health making these sort of decisions. Where are the women is this room?? It feels like we were back in the last century. Talk about moving forward.
Kurt420 Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Â I wonder how old Ivanka was when he first realized he wanted to pound that pussy out raw?
karbatal Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Ivanka is his daughter! WE have enough horrible things to comment about this man, what's the point of inventing hew ones.Â
Guest Pud Whacker Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 3 hours ago, Kurt420 said: Â I wonder how old Ivanka was when he first realized he wanted to pound that pussy out raw? reminds me of madonna and rocco except ivanka didnt dump donald.Â
MeakMaker Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Absolutely effing mad http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/trump-sign-dakota-access-pipelines-construction-article-1.2954261 Â
Genevieve Vavance Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 3 hours ago, karbatal said: Ivanka is his daughter! WE have enough horrible things to comment about this man, what's the point of inventing hew ones. but he admitted on a TV show that he would bang his daughter
KalamazooJay Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 http://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/trump-voter-fraud-sean-spicer-234120 Still rambling on and on about the bullshit idea of millions of people voting illegally.Â
MeakMaker Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 35 minutes ago, KalamazooJay said: http://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/trump-voter-fraud-sean-spicer-234120 Still rambling on and on about the bullshit idea of millions of people voting illegally. He's so butt hurt he lost the popular vote. How can such a megalomaniac be president?!  It's so transparent how his brain I mean his ego operates. Where are the idiots who voted for him? Who in their right mind would still stand by their choice? And he's getting away with so much..  He even said in front of CIA officials that the  US should have gotten the oil in Iraq and he might get another chance. Honestly he can say and do whatever he wants and no one will challenge him. I thought the US was a democracy.. it's slowly turning into a tyranny.Â
karbatal Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 1 hour ago, Genevieve Vavance said: but he admitted on a TV show that he would bang his daughter Is this true?Â
Genevieve Vavance Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Trevor Noah from the Daily Show made fun of that  I think this is what Kurt's been refering to  thanks for finding that video
Jazzy Jan Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 10 hours ago, Kurt420 said: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/cover_story/2016/07/donald_trump_is_unfit_to_be_president_here_are_141_reasons_why.html?reason=9 He is an embarrassment of a human being.  His behaviour and blatant racism, sexism, lying and bullying are as frightening as the people he has aligned himself with to share his power.  The ideology of Pence and others are just as terrifying.Â
Nonoka Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Has this been posted here yet? You guys have to wach it, it's BRILLIANT! Â
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