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7 hours ago, FreeMySoul said:

I'm sure her people Podesta and Mook will make appearances on the Sunday shows to make clear the emails are not from Clinton or her server.  This week they must make that abundantly clear. I predict Comey will resign either before or after the election making him look more like the guilty party. 

Podesta was on CNN. Boy was stammering and looked like he was ready to meltdown. Internal stuff may be looking pretty dicey right now. Only one not looking concerned is Hillary lol. 

Think whoever has more shit on Trump knows the most impact is 7 days and less before the election. If Election Day was this Tues. she'd prob. be in deep trouble. 9 days is still a lot of time in an election esp. one like this. This FBI thing while def not good is just speculation. Sex, sleaze and racial things (which I'm assuming is what they drop on Trump) is DEF more impactful. Have a feeling the media is gonna go nuclear on him this week and the Access tape was nothing. :D 

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Have a feeling even after what prob happens next week he still gets OH, Iowa and of course Floriduh! lol Doesnt mean at all she doesn't win. Think she may have a better shot of getting AZ and possibly another state off the radar than OH and Iowa now. Trump may even lose Utah! lol. Lots of buzz/momentum now for McCullin there. Trump is sweating him now. 

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Unless 'Stonger 2gether' which only gets old woman Golden Girl/Boca Raton Florida woman  tingly and inspired lol starts realizing theyre dealing w/ basically Russian thugs here um..8 days out :/ still think he has a shot! Even theres awful oppo coming, will look too calculated at this point vs doing it almost weekly like the Trump campaign who were NOT playing. They're gutter rats and Clintons campaign has been in a constant arrogant/entitled complacent fog.

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12 minutes ago, Ciccone's Cheeks said:

Unless 'Stonger 2gether' which only gets old woman Golden Girl/Boca Raton Florida woman  tingly and inspired lol starts realizing theyre dealing w/ basically Russian thugs here um..8 days out :/ still think he has a shot! Even theres awful oppo coming, will look too calculated at this point vs doing it almost weekly like the Trump campaign who were NOT playing. They're gutter rats and Clintons campaign has been in a constant arrogant/entitled complacent fog.

You keep saying they're complacent and arrogant. How? They've been out rallying and telling people to vote without stopping. What else is she supposed to do? If they have something on him, they will release it.

Of course he has a shot, but he has to get every swing state to win. The odds are stacked against him. Some polling aggregates like PEC have her at a 95%+ chance of winning. The real worry is the senate at this point. Hillary as the president with a republican senate would be disastrous.

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47 minutes ago, impr3ssive_instant said:

You keep saying they're complacent and arrogant. How? They've been out rallying and telling people to vote without stopping. What else is she supposed to do? If they have something on him, they will release it.

Of course he has a shot, but he has to get every swing state to win. The odds are stacked against him. Some polling aggregates like PEC have her at a 95%+ chance of winning. The real worry is the senate at this point. Hillary as the president with a republican senate would be disastrous.

I still think the best is  538. They have her slowly but surely trending down now at around 78/79%. Obviously not bad at all but she was at 86/87% like for a month. Not the % so much but the *trend more than anything. Again, her team needs to grow a set of balls and get dirty tricks w/ him the next week. It's in the ruthless gutter mode now. Enough with the bland, weak message/motto. It's def. no 'Yes We Can' or even hate to say it but 'Make America Great Again' lol. Not saying at ALL saying I agree w/ it but it's sticking/clicking and motivating many more people than not. Hers just doesn't seem that way. 

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6 hours ago, Bitch said:

Sarandon endorsed Jill Stein today. :bad: Kinda expected, but still a total dick move.


What a joke and yes a dick move.  All 1 or 2% of the country that supports this hack.  Waste of your vote and time.

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Tick tock..if there's these Trump oppo bombs coming thinking it will have to be by Wed at the latest! Can almost feel the major pre tremors. Rick Wilson and Liz Mair (never Trumpers) and other major former conservative Trump backers are *adamant that there's some really bad shit out there and will be released at the 'right time'. Um..one week left so better be super soon! Im also still concerned Wikileaks is also obviously saving the worst for last. Maybe all be the same day so the media can go ballistic on Trump and ignore the Wikileaks? 

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New info coming out that Comey was withholding information about the Russians meddling with the U.S. election because he thought it would influence the election to reveal the news so soon...but he was fine with telling people about the Clinton e-mails a week before voting. It seems like there's a mutiny going on in the FBI right now. It's pretty nuts.

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22 hours ago, Bitch said:

Sarandon endorsed Jill Stein today. :bad: Kinda expected, but still a total dick move.

What a cunt! Totally losing respect for her i shouldn't since we r all entitled to our opinions but still.....

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Trump Bizarrely Displays Rainbow Flag Declaring ‘LGBT For Trump’ At Rally

He pulled the flag from an audience member, giving it back minutes later.

James Michael Nichols

Queer Voices Deputy Editor, The Huffington Post

October 31, 2016

Here’s a spooky Halloween visual for you: At a rally in Greeley, Colorado on Sunday night, Donald Trump took a rainbow flag with the words “LGBT for Trump” scribbled across it from an audience member and held it up for everyone to see.


A video of the rally shows Trump bouncing around the stage holding the flag with a grin on his face before giving the flag back to the audience member. 

The move drew support from Chris Barron, the former GOProud leader who has since launched an LGBT for Trump campaign. Barron praised Trump as “the most pro-LGBT Pres[idental] candidate ever nominated by either party” on Twitter. Seriously.

It was a seemingly impromptu ― and certainly strange ― moment. It also in no way correlates with either the rest of Trump’s campaign or with his running mate’s very LGBTQ-unfriendly political track record.

Trump has made an effort to pander to the LGBTQ community throughout the course of his presidential campaign. He claimed during his convention speech that he “will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology.”

Yet the 2016 Republican party platform has been criticized as the “most anti-LGBT” in the party’s history, and Trump is in no way a friend to queer people. He has said that he would “strongly consider” appointing judges to overturn SCOTUS’ same-sex marriage ruling, and also stated that he opposes same-sex marriage as an institution. He’s also flip-flopped on rights and protections when it comes to transgender people.

And let’s not forget that Trump’s running mate Mike Pence has a rich history of LGBTQ intolerance, including opposing foreign governments’ efforts to decriminalize homosexuality, opposing repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and leading a crusade against LGBT rights as governor of Indiana.

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35 minutes ago, XXL said:

Why wouldn't Susan Sarandon be entitled to disliking Clinton? :s703:

Because expressing yourself, having an opinion and / or exercising your right to vote is unpatriotic. 

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Sarandon - who up until few years ago was one of HRC's biggest supporters(!) - is either a complete phoney or an infantile. 
There's a fundamental difference between being critical of HRC and supporting Trump's election - and that is what she does.

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Susan Sarandon has every right to support/vote for whom ever she chooses. I don't really give two shits about her or her opinions on anything. 

What annoys me is how scathing she's been toward Hillary. Almost activity campaigning AGAINST her when at the end of the day, Susan is FAR closer to Hillary on the issues than to Trump. I mean, it's not even close. THAT is what pisses me off. In fact, that's what infuriates me about ANY and ALL of these Jill Stein and Bernie supporters in general. 

Get over it. 

You're not getting your REVOLUTION this cycle. Put in the work and hopefully next time we can get a candidate who WILL deliver the kind of progressive change we need in this country in 4-8 years. We're on the cusp of a Bernie Sanders type candidate as it is. Just not this year unfortunately. 

Many of us, including myself, have issues with Hillary on a whole host of things. And many of us are holding our nose up when we vote for her. But, compared to the alternative, Susan and her ilk should fucking know better. 

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Why the fuck is it a dick move? She's entitled to endorse Stein.

 i doubt trump would win because of her endorsement. 

That's brave of her. GOOD FOR HER! 👍 


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So brave that she has been tweeting the real harsh criticism about HRC from her dog's account and not her own. :rotfl:A rich white celeb who personally has ZERO to lose if Trump is elected. SO, SO BRAVE. 

And I don't think that anyone here actually believes that this will move the needle. Just the intention behind it. 

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The intention what? Clearly she has been outspoken about her unhappiness towards Hillary this is no shocker. People expected her to give up and endorse Hillary in the end? Lol

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