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Madonna on INSTAGRAM Part III


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Someone post a gif of M cackling

Cos that's what she's doing at all these self

Righteous pricks who comment and take the time to "like" her pages or

Follow her

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I don't mind if Madonna is on instagram, and she probably enjoys posting photos of her kids because she loves them to death no doubt and only wants to share, but some people are just so sick they will only use it as an opportunity to take shots at them.

Madonna can take it, but I get grossed out seeing the venom thrown at her children. Its disgusting.

Like that nut job on The Talk saying that Madonna is ruining David's future because he is having fun wearing some grillz.

Someone drag these people to the loony bin please.

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Doesn't matter what she or her kids say/do. Her jealous haters are extremely obsessed and twisted. They will trash her no matter what. Especially via the internet. Madonna can devote all of her wealth to finding a cure for cancer and those pressed pussies will still trash her for it.

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People have too much time on their hands.

Who has the time to troll celebrity social media accounts and spread negativity?

I personally couldn't forgive myself if I made another human being feel bad because of something I had said. Keep it to yourself or just shut the hell up!

Fuck who cares if David is wearing a wife beater? Yeah Lady Gaga is a tired old imitation of Madonna but starting threads about it? Who fucking cares? Just let her bomb all by herself. All this shit about Madonna being old. Do these kids tell their parents that they are old and ugly and past it? Or their Grand Parents? I doubt it! I would assume they love and respect them and one must take into consideration that even if Madonna is a bit of a naughty, show offy 55 year old mega star performer she is someone's mother, someone's sister and someone's daughter. She work's hard, she looks great and she is a fantastic mother, that's all that matters. Leave her alone!

Even when I argue with my partner, I would never raise my voice to him or say anything to hurt his feelings, tho he does it to me all the time.

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Those people need to get a life and I don't feel a bit sorry for them keyboard warriors. At the end of their lives, they will amount to nothing while Madonna is forever in history.

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People have too much time on their hands.

Who has the time to troll celebrity social media accounts and spread negativity?

I personally couldn't forgive myself if I made another human being feel bad because of something I had said. Keep it to yourself or just shut the hell up!

Fuck who cares if David is wearing a wife beater? Yeah Lady Gaga is a tired old imitation of Madonna but starting threads about it? Who fucking cares? Just let her bomb all by herself. All this shit about Madonna being old. Do these kids tell their parents that they are old and ugly and past it? Or their Grand Parents? I doubt it! I would assume they love and respect them and one must take into consideration that even if Madonna is a bit of a naughty, show offy 55 year old mega star performer she is someone's mother, someone's sister and someone's daughter. She work's hard, she looks great and she is a fantastic mother, that's all that matters. Leave her alone!

Even when I argue with my partner, I would never raise my voice to him or say anything to hurt his feelings, tho he does it to me all the time.

Very true, great post

LOL @ the show offy

Good to hear you and your bf are still together

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Doesn't matter what she or her kids say/do. Her jealous haters are extremely obsessed and twisted. They will trash her no matter what. Especially via the internet. Madonna can devote all of her wealth to finding a cure for cancer and those pressed pussies will still trash her for it.

They really would. As crazy as it seems...they would.

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Guest eroticerotic

It is the haters that fish and twist. Because haters have superiority complexes and believe entertainers are their property or something. There r alot of miserable people!

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Ha ha, I love her. She is living to rile people up, as always. And looking stun-perfect while doing it too.

I love how she refuses to listen to ignorant people who try to twist her words and actions into something they are not. People should only apologize if they have deliberately done something hurtful or not understood how they had hurt someone.

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I love how she refuses to listen to ignorant people who try to twist her words and actions into something they are not. People should only apologize if they have deliberately done something hurtful or not understood how they had hurt someone.

Yes! Total truth!
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I love how she refuses to listen to ignorant people who try to twist her words and actions into something they are not. People should only apologize if they have deliberately done something hurtful or not understood how they had hurt someone.

when she means it in a positive and light way, they turn it around and make it into something negative, specifically regarding her own kids. I love how she plays with this and has a way of twisting it around, kind of exposing people's hateful minds.

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