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Eurovision (part 34939338 Zzzzzzzz....)

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2 hours ago, MichaelDieker said:

You are so patronizing. Maybe YOU are the delusional one if you thought ANY performance would win Madonna a bunch of praise and adoration. Either that or you are delusional that she was some vocal powerhouse before this event. I get it that the backlash is massive, and you are entitled to your opinion on the matter but so am I and my opinion is the backlash is mostly undeserved. It WAS just a FEW bum notes, it wasn't the entire song, she has ALWAYS struggled with her live vocals. You don't have to be such a bitch about it if some of us actually liked the performance. Jesus.


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14 minutes ago, Crystal Coffin said:

Awwww really? I am loved by many senior members here!! They care about me. 

Love you on the forum, hate you in this thread only lol You aren't a sycophant, while you are a major fan and I'm glad you are here. I'm gonna try to just avoid this thread, I've stated my feelings on the matter and read all sorts of opinions and it just makes me feel bad about what's been her most exciting era for me as a fan. Long live Madame X and this forum. 

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Can the moderators delete the Eurovision topics , too depresssing and things are moving on now with seemingly album reviews out tomorrow as well as official crave launch . Let’s move on 

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The responses at this point really seem like mass hysteria. This is not going to cancel or negate Madonna’s career, her legacy, Madame X the album, or Madame X the tour . Many people didn’t like Madonna before, and they won’t like her after. As I wrote in a previous version of this thread, her publicist explained back in 1985 that they knew very well that people loved to hate Madonna, and she has been riding that wave and thriving ever since. If you don’t like what she’s doing, that’s entirely understandable. You are entitled to your own tastes and opinions. Personally, I have tried to express a full range of positive perspectives on this unfortunate moment in Madonna history, but I think there’s an attachment to the negativity and hysteria because some people feel that how Madonna is perceived by the general public is somehow a reflection on them individually...Madonna being validated or discredited by public opinion and critics really shouldn’t affect your own enjoyment of her. Especially when we know that people will spew their negativity via social media platforms in any way they can, and at every opportunity! Silly sub par vocal coaches trying to get some attention and the tub of lard moronic chauvinistic pigs like Pieds Morgan are a dime a dozen. Madonna is not. She is unique. I hope we can all get back to being excited in the coming days about Madame X coming out in June! It’s been a real bummer to feel what we have felt collectively, but it would be amazing if we could focus on the future, no pun intended. 😝🌟🙏🏼💪🏽

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1 minute ago, RyanAnth4 said:

Can the moderators delete the Eurovision topics , too depresssing and things are moving on now with seemingly album reviews out tomorrow as well as official crave launch . Let’s move on 

Album reviews out tomorrow?

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18 minutes ago, RyanAnth4 said:

Can the moderators delete the Eurovision topics , too depresssing and things are moving on now with seemingly album reviews out tomorrow as well as official crave launch . Let’s move on 

Album reviews? 

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42 minutes ago, an_mdna_fan said:

Have you guys seen the first time she sang hung up live, she didn’t sound perfect either? But every fan loves that performance.  My point is that a big part of our negative feelings towards the performance come from he negative comments by m haters. Fake news and we got played every time. 

+ @MichaelDieker

I really need to clarify this. 

I am not an unrealistic numbskull who expects Madonna to sing live anywhere near as good as Barbra Streisand or Aretha Franklin. 

If anything, THAT is the framework that you patronizingly tried to impose on me, as if I'm a clueless fan who is unfamiliar with the reality of her actual vocal ability. 

People have always known that her live vocals, for the most part since the '80s up to the present, are technically far from perfect. This is a clearly established fact. Those legendary performances she gave that WE LOVE, most of them were not about flawless vocals, the EMAs "Hung Up", the VMAs LAV, BAT, the list is endless. 

I even love ROL at '98 VMAs and "Human Nature" from S&ST (which many of you love to hate, sorry but fuck off) because while the vocals were bad, the performances REALLY WORKED as a whole, many elements were on point - she had great energy, there were interesting visuals, GOOD MUSIC, so I have nothing to complain. 

What I found really grating with the recent Eurovision fiasco is that a large number of her fans appear to act like "Oh it wasn't that bad, just A FEW bum notes, she must be allowed for one bad day!" when in fact it was OBJECTIVELY THAT BAD and to make things even worse, there were not many salvaging elements for her there. You had an almost NON-EXISTENT, TINNY "music" accompanying her singing LAP which exposed the poor vocals even more to 200 million viewers watching a campy singing contest LIVE. The atmosphere at THAT MOMENT was totally dire, this cannot be understood if you watch it on YouTube 10 hours after it happened. You don't seem to understand the comprehensive context of the tragedy. 

You can love any performance you want but the fact that you downplay how bad it was as perceived by THE VAST MAJORITY, is nothing short of pitiful. 

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56 minutes ago, mtzlplk said:

It's quite disappointing how some "fans" here reacted to the Eurovision performance. Some even criticised the LAP arrangement, which was the same at the MET Gala a year ago, as if they've never heard of it already. The pitchy vocals? 1998 VMAs? Higherrrrrr at VH1? They are "fans" since when? MADONNA may not be like Adele vocally live, but as "fans" I'm surprised their tolerance is quite low. 

The Dark Ballet was barely there to even complain about. They can't appreciate broadway-like theatrics, which could be a preview of the Madame X tour. Some "fans" say the crowd wasn't into it. Oh puhlease, the crowd was roaring, and most are busy holding phones video recording. I don't have any problem with her Eurovision performance. I'm glad she did a widely viewed show and delivered her message. 

Oh please, stop putting fans in "" questioning their fandom like you're something better.

Many of the people here who've expressed disappointment are some of the biggest Madonna fans here and have been fans for years and on this forum for years, myself included.

Graham Norton noted the muted reaction to her act in the arena at the end.

You liked it. Good for you but it doesn't make you a better fan. I thought it was one of the worst live performances she's  ever done. Ill judged, poorly conceived and badly executed but, 34 years of being a fan later, I'll get over it. I've ordered several copies of the album, I'm going to try and get tickets to the show and looking forward to the new music.

Whoopee shit!

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I too have been living in this ESC bubble for the last couple of days, but here's the secret; move on! Everytime you hit that search button you will find crap about that performance, and as long as those posts get hits, likes or dislikes the conversation continues, the funny part is, it doesn't really. It just moves in a circle of people salaciously attacking her and then people who defend M, the rest of the world has moved on (to Game of Thrones, lol) Just don't engage anymore, I won't after this post, and concentrate on what else this truely great era has to offer, like the crave video dropping soon, or the reviews that are being written as we speak, or the supposedly even more controversial video still to come etc. Concentrate on what brings joy to your life, just you, if it isn't Madonna anymore because she didn't sing beautiful than that's fine, there is no need to try and convince people you're right. The same goes the other way around, people that hate her will hate her, people that love her but don't like her new direction don't need to be convinced of it's briliance.

After this weekend her comment in Vogue of not having a lynch mob mentality has such irony to it don't you think?

only love!

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58 minutes ago, frzndrwnwrld said:

I remember the press not really making a big deal about her vocals on the 1998 VMAs, which I found odd at the time. Imagine if we had social media at the time. She would have been flame-broiled.

At that time nobody expected a great live voice from her but a good show and she delivered.

At the Eurovision about 200 million viewers watched for three hours funny camp acts with some great voices. Everyone in the audience expected Madonna to outperform that with her show. But her voice at the beginning of Like a Prayer sounded worse than that of the worst Eastern European singers in the competition.

After the first horrible seconds everything was ruined. It left a lasting impression that hardly anyone paid attention to what came afterwards. As I said, she should leave that terrible chapter behind and move on to promote more commercial songs. Maybe it would be good if she made something like MTV Unplugged, but she would rather have the show pre-recorded to prevent further catastrophes.

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Guest Katypatra

Guys, just listen to I Rise!! It opened my eyes this morning to just how strong this woman is. Seriously. Pay attention to the lyrics. SPOT ON!!

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30 minutes ago, Katypatra said:

Guys, just listen to I Rise!! It opened my eyes this morning to just how strong this woman is. Seriously. Pay attention to the lyrics. SPOT ON!!

I just love I Rise!  And it's a statement for how she takes on adversity. ...and this one too. She's a survivor. 

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Throwback: The last time she was savagely attacked for dodgy live vocals was the Prince tribute (which I still love to this day) and she gave us this wonderful palate cleanser of a performance a couple of weeks later....




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"Madonna is at her sixties and in the Eurovision received so hateful reviews which is quite shocking. If she wasn’t her, amongst others, the lgbtq community wouldn’t be the same. She fought so much in her life about human rights and world peace that helped to make millions of people's lives more than bearable and accepted. Above all she made the world through her music and still does, a better place. All the hateful comments are pathetic. She’s 61 and the world (shocking that most of them are gay people and women) treats her because of her age, like she has no right to express herself. We are all getting old. She wisely sings "Not everyone is coming to the future
Not everyone is learning from the past. Not everyone can come into the future. Not everyone that's here is gonna last, gonna last." If she wasn’t her, my life would be less inspired."  #fighter #legend

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Guest Katypatra
23 minutes ago, Mr Ciccone said:

Throwback: The last time she was savagely attacked for dodgy live vocals was the Prince tribute (which I still love to this day) and she gave us this wonderful palate cleanser of a performance a couple of weeks later....




Omg those racist prince fans.... I forgot all about that lol 

Anyway, yes!! She will rise up like a Phoenix with several new amazing performances!! Can’t wait! 

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4 hours ago, Andra said:

Backstage photo

Did Grandpa clutching his chest there have a premonition of what was coming? (His P45 hopefully)

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3 minutes ago, Kim said:

Did Grandpa clutching his chest there have a premonition of what was coming? (His P45 hopefully)

Is that Kevin Autotunes? He may be a shit MD but bend me over and spank me Daddy!!

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2 minutes ago, Monsieur X said:

Is that Kevin Autotunes? He may be a shit MD but bend me over and spank me Daddy!!

No, Mike Dean. It seems he's been the one using the Casio keyboard all along!

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Guest eroticerotic
11 hours ago, Crystal Coffin said:

- monitor, earpiece, whatever device 

- nervousness

- sickness

- "rehearsing too much"

- stairs

- heavy costumes

- "Every performer had a bad day"

- "So Madonna is not allowed to have one bad day? Okay she hit some bum notes but please get over yourself. It is HER career. Take it or leave it!"

:gross: Oh dear. 

For people to give her the benefit of the doubt because she's usually spot on, is :gasp: normal. She hasn't exactly addressed it and probably never will so people will  therefore speculate. quite a revolutionary series of events id say.

But, what is your...goal here?  What do YOU think it was then?


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5 minutes ago, Kim said:

No, Mike Dean. It seems he's been the one using the Casio keyboard all along!

Oh it doesn’t look like him tho ?

Also where’s the rehearsal clip ? Can’t find it 

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5 minutes ago, Monsieur X said:

Oh it doesn’t look like him tho ?

Also where’s the rehearsal clip ? Can’t find it 

Oh I think you're right. I only saw him in that smoking pic and his face was covered. Dunno who it is.

That clip is about 3000 posts ago.

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I left Twitter and Facebook a few months ago and this is the best decision I made. When this type of incident happens, I no longer have to endure the hysterical comments on social media that give a disproportionate importance to an ordinary event. Yes, she gave a flat and dull performance, but apart from the hysteria of social media, it does not matter and everyone has already moved on to other things. After more than 35 years of career, this performance will not change the good or bad opinion that the public already has of her for a long time. At 60, she don’t really reached new audience anymore. So the impact of a good or bad performance no longer has a real effect on sales.

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