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M working with Avicii, are you happy ?

M working with Avicii, are you happy or not ?  

249 members have voted

  1. 1. Now that we know officially she's working with Avicii for the new album, are you happy ? simple question poll !

    • Yes !
    • No !
    • I don't know as i haven't heard a single note yet !

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I'm excited that Madonnas is releasing new music. Let's face it she doesn't have to do anything anymore - so she must want to make music and we should trust her! She knows what she's doing!

That's about where I am. She's given us an amazing career to follow. It's all gravy at this point. Certainly, I'd love for her to try to break new ground and always be a trendsetter, but ultimately, it's her future and however she wants to execute her plan, I'm along for the ride. I'm tired of doubting her after 30 years of proof that 9 times out of 10, she knows what she's doing.

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Pop is not a genre which you've just proved by posting mentions of 'pop albums' which don't share a sonic identity. I think what you're essentially saying is music which is mainstream or commercially viable which is what pop stands for. Pop. Popular. So at one point Nirvana was more pop than Michael Jackson and yet in no way was their work comparable.

Totally agree. Pop is NOT a genre, it just means popular. The word "pop" has been used to descirbe ANY kind of music who happened to be popular at some point.

Katy Perry and Lorde have VERY different music, you just can't call them "pop" (outside of them being popular at the moment) because that would mean that their music style is the same. Which is CLEARLY not the case.

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"Heart Upon my Sleeve" love this one. :smooch:

Avicii probably delivered the best demos of all who sent and now recorded new songs together :madonna2:

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Totally agree. Pop is NOT a genre, it just means popular. The word "pop" has been used to descirbe ANY kind of music who happened to be popular at some point.

Katy Perry and Lorde have VERY different music, you just can't call them "pop" (outside of them being popular at the moment) because that would mean that their music style is the same. Which is CLEARLY not the case.

That's like saying Brandy and Mary J. Blige aren't R&B because their music doesn't sound the same. Again, tell me what genre Katy Perry's "Roar" is. Or Lorde's "Team."

I'm waiting.

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The definition of pop has been discussed here before many times. I think it has both meanings people here are referencing. One word can be used by different people to mean different things. Pop can be a genre, you can make pop music without it being super successful or popular and it can mean anything popular on the current charts. The same with indie, it can mean anything on an independent label or a certain kind of guitar based rock oriented music, that is not mainstream rock.

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Andre Betts was a hip hop producer, and he produced a chunk of Erotica, as well as The Beast Within. Just sayin. Now that I think about it, he's a very unspoken about producer of hers, who did really amazing work with her. #andrerules

oh.. my.. i love the beast within. i never knew this.

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I haven't proven anything. I mentioned one pop album, True Blue. The MUSIC on that album is pop music. What else would you call it? It's not dance music. It's not R&B. It's not rock. It's not country. It's pop, pure and simple. You completely ignored my questions. What genre is Katy Perry's "Roar"? What is Lorde's music? It's pop. Yes, yes, yes, "popular music" encompasses anything that is popular at any given time. But "pop music" is something different. It's a genre, whether you like it or not.

Wrong. You have this point of view because you have been persuaded to by popular media. It's brainwashing for the sake of commercial success. That's why 'anti popular' can sometimes be just as popular as popular is. It's all about commercial viability...the opportunity for SELLING. If you wanted to create a sonic genre known as 'pop' you have to be able to tell me what the characteristics of that genre are. I think you're confusing mainstream and 'pop'. If bubblegum pop were to be considered a genre then it could have notable characteristics which explain it...despite it being birthed by Motown girl groups itself.

Katy Perry's Roar is a fusion of a diverse bunch of influences. Stadium rock and electronic being the two most obvious influences. Lorde again is a mix of a ton of different influences with no tangible destination. WELCOME TO POSTMODERN. The reason this began is because marketers started to understand that appealing to a diverse crowd meant you would make more money/have more success. Why do you think Michael Jackson was considered a crossover artist and 'King of pop'? It's because he merged 'black' and 'white' sonic flavours in a very obvious and consumable manner (hello slash)! Nothing is really worth being considered belonging to a genre anymore. Music can only really be identified by it's soul and that's why I don't spend much time listening to Katy Perry and Lorde I'm afraid. Maybe while you're bopping to it you can read some music history...

Totally agree. Pop is NOT a genre, it just means popular. The word "pop" has been used to descirbe ANY kind of music who happened to be popular at some point.

Katy Perry and Lorde have VERY different music, you just can't call them "pop" (outside of them being popular at the moment) because that would mean that their music style is the same. Which is CLEARLY not the case.

Yep. You would think that was obvious. I have to expand on what you said by stating that I'm sure you didn't mean 'identical' but sharing characteristics. The rhythms, soul claps, vocal repetitions, conversational discourse etcetera are all characteristics of soul music. Jazz then has a much more diverse range in pitch and a more aggressive climax with a shout chorus and heavy instrumental focus. Then you got soul music with jazz influences. It's about identity based on sound and from where those identities were derived. Jazz is a fusion itself between the African heritage of American slaves and the music tradition of the white population. If you care about music (as I do) you can feel where music is coming from and what it means. That's why I adore soul music so much.

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The definition of pop has been discussed here before many times. I think it has both meanings people here are referencing. One word can be used by different people to mean different things. Pop can be a genre, you can make pop music without it being super successful or popular and it can mean anything popular on the current charts. The same with indie, it can mean anything on an independent label or a certain kind of guitar based rock oriented music, that is not mainstream rock.

I agree.

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Wrong. You have this point of view because you have been persuaded to by popular media. It's brainwashing for the sake of commercial success. That's why 'anti popular' can sometimes be just as popular as popular is. It's all about commercial viability...the opportunity for SELLING. If you wanted to create a sonic genre known as 'pop' you have to be able to tell me what the characteristics of that genre are. I think you're confusing mainstream and 'pop'. If bubblegum pop were to be considered a genre then it could have notable characteristics which explain it...despite it being birthed by Motown girl groups itself.

Katy Perry's Roar is a fusion of a diverse bunch of influences. Stadium rock and electronic being the two most obvious influences. Lorde again is a mix of a ton of different influences with no tangible destination. WELCOME TO POSTMODERN. The reason this began is because marketers started to understand that appealing to a diverse crowd meant you would make more money/have more success. Why do you think Michael Jackson was considered a crossover artist and 'King of pop'? It's because he merged 'black' and 'white' sonic flavours in a very obvious and consumable manner (hello slash)! Nothing is really worth being considered belonging to a genre anymore. Music can only really be identified by it's soul and that's why I don't spend much time listening to Katy Perry and Lorde I'm afraid. Maybe while you're bopping to it you can read some music history...

I'll ignore your condescension and laughable assumptions about the breadth of my music history knowledge for the moment, and just focus on your misstatements of fact. R&B is a genre, borne from rock and blues. That's all genres are - combinations of other styles and influences that create something new. "Roar" has some rock elements (not really hearing much electronic, at least any more than any pop song that uses synthesizers, which has happened since the '70s), but again - you haven't told me what genre it is if it's not pop. Doe Katy Perry transcend genre? What a genius! Lorde has some electronic and R&B influences. But it's pop. The Beatles have some psychedelic rock influences, but they're pop. Pop evolves and is influenced by other genres, but it does have defining characteristics. Bubblegum pop in particular has very specific traits. I would call it a subgenre though.

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Apparently she blocked some fans on IG who told her they did not like her working with Avicii. :laugh:

...and so she should.

One of these days people will learn that she's THE artist, not them.

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Apparently she blocked some fans on IG who told her they did not like her working with Avicii. :laugh:

I love this :lmao:

She is clearly super confident and happy with her current choice and path and anyone who doesn't like it can FUCK off.

"I line 'em up and block 'em allllllllllllllll"


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...and so she should.

One of these days people will learn that she's THE artist, not them.

But that means the fans aren't allowed to have an opinion? I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if the same people on here who say these kinds of things are also the ones who believe she went public with Avicii as a "trial balloon," or that she purposely played tracks from MDNA loudly outside her apartment so fans would hear them, or that Guy intentionally leaked GMAYL to get fans' reactions.

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nothatkind Tell More • 18 hours ago

hey guys, Madonna has just blocked me on her instagram profile.I only expressed my disapproval on avicii collaboration, but i did it in a polite way without insulting her (i'm her fan i would never do that) but she evidentely can't accpet critiques even if they come from devoted fans

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nothatkind Tell More • 18 hours ago

hey guys, Madonna has just blocked me on her instagram profile.I only expressed my disapproval on avicii collaboration, but i did it in a polite way without insulting her (i'm her fan i would never do that) but she evidentely can't accpet critiques even if they come from devoted fans

#Revolutionoflove :crazy:

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I wonder if M really blocked the fan? :drama: I would understand if the person was being an asshole, but otherwise it's not good if the fan was just expressing feelings regarding the collaboration. I also hope that M does not waste her time reading people's very demeaning comments on Instagram.

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nothatkind Tell More • 18 hours ago

hey guys, Madonna has just blocked me on her instagram profile.I only expressed my disapproval on avicii collaboration, but i did it in a polite way without insulting her (i'm her fan i would never do that) but she evidentely can't accpet critiques even if they come from devoted fans

I saw this person repeat this same comment on both Gagacheat and Pawsdown, and I bet they recycled it on oven more places. I don't even think Madonna reads the comment that closely.

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Apparently she blocked some fans on IG who told her they did not like her working with Avicii. :laugh:

:queenbitch: serves them right! they should wait to hear the album before they get their buttplugs in a twist.

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Apparently she blocked some fans on IG who told her they did not like her working with Avicii. :laugh:

I can't see her doing a joanne and reading social media comments daily and blocking ones that she doesn't like. :rotfl:

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