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Supreme Elitists
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About mtzlplk

  • Birthday 01/02/1974

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  • Favorite Madonna Song
    Nothing Really Matters

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  1. Near death experiences can really change a person... but probably not MADONNA and her filtering ways
  2. Is Kamala really the most formidable Dem they got? I am curious since most if you are Dems here, why aren't you guys pushing for Michelle Obama?
  3. How embarrassing that was? To introduce Zelenskyy as Putin... He's not doing anything to help his own campaign nowadays... But we know it is just age... If the DEMS will not come up with someone stronger, why not someone who is a stronger VP support than Kamala that would convince them to vote for Biden anyways?
  4. The DEMS had four years to look for a viable candidate and they didn't. BIDEN will be 82 when he starts his second term if elected... Did they really think Biden's senility will not show in televised debates and would scare voters? if they lose this November it would be through their own doing.
  5. And it normally doesn't show up in England, right? They say it may last up a week because there are lots of sunspots.
  6. We are having a geomagnetic storm from CMEs of the sun, and it was quite strong that you can see the Aurora all the way down the Italian latitude.
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