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“Dark Ballet” thread

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If you search for the song on Twitter it seems that 70% of the comments are from Brazil, and fans are loving the song. Didn’t see this sort of reaction when the other ones came out. A lot of people are saying  “ THIS is the Madonna we’d been waiting for.”

She’s still such an icon in Brazil. It breaks my heart that she doesn’t think we’re relevant enough for a leg of the tour here  


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7 minutes ago, toujours said:

mon Dieu!

"dark ballet" a masterwork in short horror film. malevolence pervade its visual and aural orchestration. for the less perceptive, the video might even contain "demonic" elements. 

but the messaging is very clear...

omnipresent to this day are the religious, political, cultural, and social inquisition of people in the fringes and margins. the dark ages never came to past but was tempered only by science and modernization. prejudice lurks in the minds and hearts of those who refuse to step beyond their bubbles, towers and zones.

the divide remains. the battlefields are still there. people might have discovered cures for epidemics. but none yet for today's pandemic disease of rage and ignorance that are magnified by mass media and digital technology.

and yet like cascading water, the vulnerable will continue forging a path for their redemption. orders and systems be damned.   

triumphantly, emmanuel and madonna have realized their artistic vision. they found a brilliant conduit in mykko. surrounded by a lovely cast of actors, he personifies the persecuted lot of this world that soldier on. and the third person narration of madonna, more heard and little seen, give more focus on the film's message. 

"dark ballet" is a fine addition to Madonna's exceptional videography. 

You said it best! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

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I don't like the actual song much, but I appreciate the experimentation. 

The video has some very beautiful parts for sure.

I really like that you don't see Madonna much at all. Reminds me of how Dead can Dance film beautiful videos, and you will never see any of the band members in them.

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15 hours ago, Mensch said:

You said it best! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

my pleasure, @Mensch.  

i must add that the metamorphosis of the song "beautiful game" into "dark ballet" is indeed bizarre but more importantly, beautiful. the instrumentation, production, and vocals are oh-so-fine.

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Anyone else obsessed with the outro piano part...it’s very dark and experimental in its scale (I wish I knew more about sheet music and scales to elaborate) but it ends wonderfully. 

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This video is absolutely stunning and it's breathtaking from start to finish. I must say that I admire the fact that she decided to back away from being the leading character in this video. She chose a queer POC to represent the opressão made by religion in our society and the pain that reflects upon minorities due to the prevalence of patriarcal values. She truly came to make a BIG statement with this video and song. It really made me think of how important and necessary her activism has been through all these  years and how she refuses to shut up while defending human rights. Once more, I'm so proud to call her my queen and to be part of her fandom. There's only one Queen and it's Madonna, bitch.

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Just now, alexis said:

This video is absolutely stunning and it's breathtaking from start to finish. I must say that I admire the fact that she decided to back away from being the leading character in this video. She chose a queer POC to represent the opressão made by religion in our society and the pain that reflects upon minorities due to the prevalence of patriarcal values. She truly came to make a BIG statement with this video and song. It really made me think of how important and necessary her activism has been through all these  years and how she refuses to shut up while defending human rights. Once more, I'm so proud to call her my queen and to be part of her fandom. There's only one Queen and it's Madonna, bitch.

And to think she still has god control to unleash!!! Wtf!!! This era is really magical and we all just have to begin appreciating it more!!! 

Also future sounds really good following dark ballet now (maybe it’s because of Eurovision and yes I know god control follows but as of now it’s the next song available)

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4 minutes ago, Mensch said:

E pensar que ela ainda tem o controle de deus para libertar !!! Wtf !!! Esta era é realmente mágica e todos nós só temos que começar a apreciar mais !!! 

Também o futuro soa muito bem seguindo o balé escuro agora (talvez seja por causa do Eurovision e sim eu sei que o controle de Deus segue, mas a partir de agora é a próxima música disponível)

God Control is even better than Dark Ballet? MY GOD I AM NOT PREPARED FOR MADAME X

About Future: I thought the same thing! The Dark Ballet frames appear on the Eurovision screen before she sings Future

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The visual and musical tonal shifts, on my first go around, were jarring and pretty cool. I hope this gets some attention. All the videos have been ACE...Brava Madonna!



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I am obsessed with the piano, the classical part and her speech from the middle of the song. Her most experimental and avant-garde track she has ever made. 

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Her artistic output right now is unparalleled. It's of a whole different magnitude. I'm still absorbing the song and video...so sonically and visually astonishing.

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From Madonna.com:

Madonna today released “Dark Ballet,” the fifth and final song to be previewed before her highly-anticipated new studio album Madame X debuts globally on June 14. Produced by Mirwais Ahmadzai, the accompanying music video to the sonically innovative track was directed by Emmanuel Adjei and stars Mykki Blanco. Listen to “Dark Ballet” and watchthe video now!

“Dark Ballet” was inspired by the story of Joan of Arc. “She fought the English and she won, still the French were not happy,” Madonna says. “Still they judged her. They said she was a man, they said she was a lesbian, they said she was a witch, and, in the end, they burned her at the stake, and she feared nothing. I admire that.”

The powerful and moving video, directed by Emmanuel Adjei, stars the innovative hip-hop queer pioneer, Mykki Blanco as Joan of Arc and tells the story of the kind of dance we’re all dancing in the world right now, this dark ballet. The video closes with an important message of inspiration from Mykki, “I have walked this earth, Black, Queer and HIV positive, but no transgression against me has been as powerful as the hope I hold within.”


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5 minutes ago, Jairo said:

From Madonna.com:

Madonna today released “Dark Ballet,” the fifth and final song to be previewed before her highly-anticipated new studio album Madame X debuts globally on June 14. Produced by Mirwais Ahmadzai, the accompanying music video to the sonically innovative track was directed by Emmanuel Adjei and stars Mykki Blanco. Listen to “Dark Ballet” and watchthe video now!

“Dark Ballet” was inspired by the story of Joan of Arc. “She fought the English and she won, still the French were not happy,” Madonna says. “Still they judged her. They said she was a man, they said she was a lesbian, they said she was a witch, and, in the end, they burned her at the stake, and she feared nothing. I admire that.”

The powerful and moving video, directed by Emmanuel Adjei, stars the innovative hip-hop queer pioneer, Mykki Blanco as Joan of Arc and tells the story of the kind of dance we’re all dancing in the world right now, this dark ballet. The video closes with an important message of inspiration from Mykki, “I have walked this earth, Black, Queer and HIV positive, but no transgression against me has been as powerful as the hope I hold within.”


Just beautiful :clap:

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Very touching video. I'm really impressed. I wish she had been Joan too. I miss her in the video. 

The track is beautiful. Not a track casual people though. She's very bold releasing this one week before the album. It's as if she doesn't mind or even wants alienate part of her fans and only the very core to stay with her. 

I will always be in the core.

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Very strange song.  It’s not my favorite of the songs released, but I can appreciate that she’s experimenting and not playing it safe.  Overall, I like it more in the context of the video than as a stand alone.

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I'm not sure if I'm reaching ,but Madonna is playing THE HOLY DEATH in the video.

First, on the close up, her eyes doesn't look blue.

Second, Clearly on the panoramic shot with the other women she looks way more pale than the rest. Even skull-ish.

And it makes sense, as she's only being a witness to mykki's death.







Screen Shot 2019-06-07 at 12.41.15 AM.jpg


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Guest Katypatra
4 minutes ago, jmlanz said:


I'm not sure if I'm reaching ,but Madonna is playing THE HOLY DEATH in the video.

First, on the close up, her eyes doesn't look blue.

Second, Clearly on the panoramic shot with the other women she looks way more pale than the rest. Even skull-ish.

And it makes sense, as she's only being a witness to mykki's death.







Screen Shot 2019-06-07 at 12.41.15 AM.jpg


I love that!! 

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1 hour ago, svperstar said:

The song itself was interesting enough, but the video takes it INTO FUCKING ORBIT.

Jesus, THIS is the Madonna we dont deserve. The artist and conceptualist before the pop performer. And she does it better than anyone.

This very much 

35 minutes ago, Monsieur X said:

She is the best, no one ever can and has and will ever come close. 


I don’t have any tattoos but I may get a DARK BALLET tattoo . 

And this !!!!!! What a fucking masterpiece. I wanted to have a rebel heart tattoo at some point but Dark Ballet!! I will fit so much more. 

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The Video is beyond just a video. This is pure art. It’s a movie. The song and the visuals will be praise for decades pretty sure.  This is history. 

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1 hour ago, Mensch said:


Also future sounds really good following dark ballet now (maybe it’s because of Eurovision and yes I know god control follows but as of now it’s the next song available)

Yes I agree! It sounds even better hearing it right after Dark Ballet!

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