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RUMOUR: LiveNation to announce new 2016 tour dates?


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Does anybody seriously believe M is going to finish this tour on March 20th, 2016, then begin preparations to record another album, do promo for it, then spend months planning and rehearsing a new tour all within a year? I don't think so.

I would love it...

I want her to release an album every two years. Hahaha. It's the truth.

But anyway I saved lots of demos which I'm not listening very often for the post tour down

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Guest jamesshot

If she were to ever extend a tour, this tour seems to be a natural one to extend. She seems to greatly enjoy it and she is doing a good balance of new/old material (for her tastes anyway). Though, she has played so few hits over the years it would seem so many of her hits would be new to her now. LOL I mean, she has rarely played songs in their original version actually performing them in their original version would be new to her.

IF this tour is going to continue, I don't think it has been decided yet. I think there is interest but nothing for sure. If she did, I would think she would play SA and terrorities like Asia she has barely played.

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#RebelHeartTour and #Madonna have been trending for a while today on my Twitter at different times, so I thought she might have added new dates. I suppose it's also because the tour is about to start again for 2016. So exciting!

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If she comes back to Europe I might go see RHT again. The show was so good!

But somehow I feel she wont do it.

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I WANT HER TO DO NYC again!!!!!!

but, she think she's not popular there anymore.


I would seriously consider hopping on a plane and seeing her there again.

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I WANT HER TO DO NYC again!!!!!!

but, she think she's not popular there anymore.

OMG me too. I was SO wishing she'd come back to Barclays again this month while she's back in the States. That was such an incredible show.

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Guest material_boy

Why would she extend the tour in Europe and not the U.S. if she was going to extend it? Wasn't there some speculation that the European shows would be less profitable because of the exchange rate with the strong dollar?

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Why would she extend the tour in Europe and not the U.S. if she was going to extend it? Wasn't there some speculation that the European shows would be less profitable because of the exchange rate with the strong dollar?

Lower revenues in dollars? Yes. Roughly 20% simply because of the lower exchange rate. Profitabilty? Hard to tell since the cost side is unknown. One could argue that the local costs are lower in the same way the revenues are down. But there are too many variables. But I guess if she wouldn't make a certain amount she wouldn't do it.

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