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BBC Radio 1 Boycotts Madonna. Fans rally and ANNIHILATE ageist DJs!

Guest lautnerfied

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I think she is a big fan. I think she said smth in defence of Madonna recently: that she cant win: she gets criticized for looking old and for going under the knife.

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Guest lautnerfied

Lardy fans are trying to block the boycott and enter the group


Have been reliably informed that a certain singers fans have heard about our group and are intending on reporting the group to get us shut down

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So they made the facebook boycott page private....how does it get awareness then. Why on earth would it get shut down anyway? Fucking monsters...have no idea what battles they should be supporting smh

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Lardy fans are trying to block the boycott and enter the group


Have been reliably informed that a certain singers fans have heard about our group and are intending on reporting the group to get us shut down

Those bloody Gag fans have a lot to answer for. I wish they would fuckoff and stop interfering!!!

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*Just MORE publicity for the album! lol The uproar over this will just make more people (causal fans, ex-fans and maybe even some borderline haters) come to her defense by buying the album in protest(in addition to her fans/loons who were gonna buy 'at least' 1 copy anyway) lol. Madonna ALWAYS ends up on top and winning!!

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Nick prick Grimshaw needs to be banned! Can't stand the shit!!! Isn't he over 40? Bloody looks it if not. I have seen many comments on FB regarding him, how people wish he was banned.

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