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Which Madonna Are You? (Buzzfeed)

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I got: M-Dolla Madonna

I'm all about living big! The more expensive and fabulous the better. Money’s never an object when one is an icon. #Bling


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You got: “Ray of Light”-era Madonna

You seek out knowledge wherever you can find it, to aid you on your path through life. You never sweat the small stuff and are always open to expanding your horizons.
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Guest Rocco Papa
You got: “Like A Virgin”-era Madonna

You’re sweet and innocent with a positive outlook on life. Love’s always around the corner when someone’s as great to be around as you.

Awww :blush:

I got the same! :laugh:

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You got: Disco Madonna

You’ve got the club going up on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and you might rest on Monday… if you feel like it. You’re not the life of the party, you are the party.
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