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  1. Today
  2. Elon Musk can go fuck himself. Just like Donald Trump he is one of the worst human beings to ever grace this planet. Another egomaniac. And he has a cult like following like Trump. Both lying about their so called achievements. One says he is a billionaire, when it should be very obvious at this point he is clearly not. Thinks he is one of the greatest builders of all time when all "his" buildings have no architectual significance whatsoever unless one thinks mediocre or subpar design and downright ugliness (Trump Tower) are of any imporance. Well, they come as warnings. The other one may be rich, filthy rich. But he is not this great inventor his followers often claim he is. From my perspective he is merely an investor and was lucky when he got into projects at the right time. But is he really that good? Future will tell. But at this very moment, most of his projects are not going too well. He basically paid (had to pay) more than 40 billion dollars for Twitter because of his ego he made a serious mistake by making an offer that made no sense financially. Tesla is not delivering as expected and is highly over-valued. They are still selling their 90s looking models and the only new "car" is that super ugly truck for a target group of men with tiny genitalia and men with anger issues. His cult followers often say: BUT the software is far more advanced. They refer to autonomous driving. Problem, it does not work properly (yet they are selling their cars with this feature, which is basically lying from my perspective) and fact is other car companies have developed way better technologies to deal with this in the future. What else? That tunnel thing is going nowhere. Neurolink is no better than other systems in development at universities around the globe. SpaceX, some technologies work, some not. Trump and Musk, two of the worst things the U.S. have ever created.
  3. Yesterday
  4. He's going to win thanks in part to things like this conviction.
  5. They can ll choke on their snowflake tears! Traitors and turds.
  6. Hi Jonski. How are you?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Crux


      Yes, you're probably right.

      Not been on Infinity for a while, so I'm not aware of them liking Gunt.

      Did you watch it on HBO? What a mess.

    3. Crux


      There's a snippet of her new single on Twitter and it's typical, generic Gaga. 

    4. jonski43


      I can't watch or listen to anything by herl. Wretched woman. I did read it's clear she's not singing live though! 

      But I did listen to the clip of the supposed new song and yes, same old generic pop she's served since day one. 

  7. Last week
  8. Trump guilty on all 34 charges! Could be jailed on July 11th! Of course he's saying it's rigged and so are people like Caitlyn Jenner.
  9. It's all a simulation of goodwill from Putin part. Afterwards he'll be saying "Look, i tried to make peace and stop useless bloodshed but Zelenski refused and chose to continue putting on the line the lives of many innocent people".
  10. They're so used to living in and being treated like shit by their government. And they're very obedient and will continue to keep their head bowed down to their Kremlin leader, brainwashed or not.
  11. Yes, it’s a scary world we live in. And I fear we’ve well gone beyond the tipping point. There’s just too many people who have been systematically ill educated, who then ‘Quelle surprise’ vote these people in.
  12. I don't think that a ceacefire is possible because that requires admission of defeat from Zelenski given the fact that Russia now controls a large part of Ukraine
  13. it´s weird, because I have also read the opposite, that he wants a sease of fire...it´s so difficult to know what´s happening nowadays
  14. He knows very very very well that Russia will be turned into a wasteland if he tries anything…. he also knows that he’ll be immediately dead as well as every member of his surroundings
  15. Earlier
  16. I think that's what Putin relies on. People underestimating him. Hopefully he is full of shit. But I can't forsee any scenario whereby he'd willingly back down and retreat from Ukraine. Plus he's surrounded by people who are itching for an all out war.
  17. They're bluffing. They have more to lose if they use them. It's like the dog that barks all the time but doesn't bites
  18. It's very frightening reading all the articles online about the Russians being prepared to use nuclear weapons against Ukraine. Putin needs to chill the fuck out.
  19. Hey @svperstar hope you are well!

    My ability to send and receive private messages has disappeared!?!

    Could this be restored please hun?

    Thank you x

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