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18 minutes ago, XXL said:


Well yes

All countries should be doing that

Then you have the two extreme cases

The UK and the US 

But then again they are led by two morons

Still pondering if and but ...

Failing to realise the danger is HERE & NOW


Aaarggg yes. I’m really scared about US and UK. Feeling sorry for the people under their idiotic governments.

11 minutes ago, XXL said:


No panick darling

Besides, up until the previous page you were "praying to Kylie Minogue" that everything would be fine, too much of a contrast, some way in the middle is great

BahahaahahhahahahahhaaahhjhjaahjaahhahahaahhbhHBahababhaa i wish she would hurry up with the vaccine. I repent all my sins to Saint Kylie.

11 minutes ago, Martin B. said:

Remember: follow the prescribed hygiene guidelines, respect government requests, avoid reading social media all day long which only increases your anxiety watching others' anxiety and reading information not always of quality. Yes, it is a pandemic. Yes, it is more virulent than simple influenza. Yes, we are all looking forward to a vaccine but remember, if you are healthy, young and follow the instructions, you will have only mild to moderate symptoms. Panic and anxiety are never good advice.  The current solution is to react collectively in the most calm, respectful and united way possible. In a few weeks, things will be much better.Hugs.

That’s true. Anxiety isn’t going to solve or do anything. In fact, it’ll just make you sick or make the condition from Corona worse.


The UK death toll has doubled today. 2A4EBmi.gif


It's been remarkable and scary for me to watch people say things like, "All this over 100 cases? We're doing fine" - as though we'd never learned what exponents were in school. :wacko:

1 hour ago, Jitterbug said:

But people in Italy are dying left and right, something’s not right. It seems to be easier to catch the infection in Northern Italy than anywhere else.


Italy or Spain, as other Mediterranean countries, have a large elderly population because of our longer life span. But mainly no health system is able to support the big amount of critical cases at the same time. That's why Boris Johnson is sentencing to death many people by not taking any measure. Next week won't be pretty in the UK. I expect that on Tuesday urgent measures will be established in the UK but it will be late.

21 minutes ago, MadFan said:

The UK death toll has doubled today. 2A4EBmi.gif


It's been remarkable and scary for me to watch people say things like, "All this over 100 cases? We're doing fine" - as though we'd never learned what exponents were in school. :wacko:

Just wait. 

I bet Johnson will be forced to resign very soon. His lack of measures is his political end.


My advice to UK and USA people is to stay home. All day. And only leave home to buy essential groceries and go to work. 

Spain is closing today all shops for two weeks, following Italian example. People won't be allowed to be outside unless is to buy essential means or going to work 

Don't wait for your stupid rulers to approve the law. Just do it to content the virus. Do not let your kids play in parks or go for a walk. Do not go for a drink or restaurants! Stay home. If you have elderly relatives, offer to do their shopping so they're not exposed. 

Believe me. I was non chalan just a couple of days ago but this is not joke. Your health systems cannot support a high pike of cases and doctors will have to choose who lives and who dies because there's no treatment for all. 

This is not panic speaking, this is already happening in Italy and it's expected in Spain and our health systems are free, public and among the best of the world 

20 minutes ago, karbatal said:

My advice to UK and USA people is to stay home. All day. And only leave home to buy essential groceries and go to work. 

Spain is closing today all shops for two weeks, following Italian example. People won't be allowed to be outside unless is to buy essential means or going to work 

Don't wait for your stupid rulers to approve the law. Just do it to content the virus. Do not let your kids play in parks or go for a walk. Do not go for a drink or restaurants! Stay home. If you have elderly relatives, offer to do their shopping so they're not exposed. 

Believe me. I was non chalan just a couple of days ago but this is not joke. Your health systems cannot support a high pike of cases and doctors will have to choose who lives and who dies because there's no treatment for all. 

This is not panic speaking, this is already happening in Italy and it's expected in Spain and our health systems are free, public and among the best of the world 





Some friends of mine live on a Greek island called Leros.

Everything shut down yesterday. Only supermarkets, pharmacies, petrol stations and takeaways are allowed to open. 


The Americans & Europeans governments had 2 months time to carry out the precaution measure when China was having the outbreak but they didn't 'cos they thought it's an Asian thingy and white will be spared from the virus.

Look what happened now.

1 hour ago, horn said:

The Americans & Europeans governments had 2 months time to carry out the precaution measure when China was having the outbreak but they didn't 'cos they thought it's an Asian thingy and white will be spared from the virus.

Look what happened now.


Exactly what I meant before

They're all a bunch of 🤡

US Secretary of State Pompeo renaming it the Wuhan virus rather than utilising the scientific name (as everybody anywhere else has been calling it) COVID19 or Coronovirus says it all, people instrumentalising the problem against China or the Chinese are the worst

Then when the issue appears in your own backyard it's a whole different song, isn't it. And thank God China and other South East Asian countries have managed well in terms of containment and significant decrease in new cases

43 minutes ago, XXL said:


Exactly what I meant before

They're all a bunch of 🤡

Secretary of State Pompeo renaming it the Wuhan virus rather than utilising the scientific name (as everybody anywhere else has been calling it) COVID19 or Coronovirus says it all, people strumentalising the problem against China or the Chinese are the worst

Then when the issue appears in your own backyard is a whole different song, isn't it. And thank God China and other South East Asian countries have managed well in terms of containment and significant decrease in new cases

To be fair XXL, while this is obviously not the average Chinese citizen's fault nor should we tolerate sinophobia, the reality is that COVID-19 most likely originated in China's wild animal markets that should have been banned after SARS if not before. They remain a totalitarian state with a dangerous government who have vastly underreported their cases, censored and very likely killed one of their whistleblower doctors and tried to censor others, used propaganda that the US military started the virus, and still have trade in ivory, bear parts, etc. Among their many other crimes against humanity, democracy, free speech, and society. There's nothing exemplary about that.

Nor does the "blame" lie entirely on China. We all have to ask questions and hold our governments (and others) to account.

The South Korean people, leadership and healthcare system appears to be far more competent than the majority of the "first world" countries. They have data, they are using it, and they are moving forward. Once we're all through this we need to ask why we aren't meeting their standards.

We also need to rethink our relationship with meat and the environment, immediately. If we continue to eat and encroach on wildlife habitats mindlessly, we will have more global pandemics to come.

15 minutes ago, MadFan said:


The South Korean people, leadership and healthcare system appears to be far more competent than the majority of the "first world" countries. They have data, they are using it, and they are moving forward. Once we're all through this we need to ask why we aren't meeting their standards.

Sorry but no. 

It's all about having another way of life that normally (when there's no dangerous pandemic originated by people brewing bats and eating them) is far more healthier. No wonder in South Korea the population was restraint when they're enslaved by 60 hours a week system and are usually treated like robots. Not to mention that China is a dictatorship. 

This is the first dangerous pandemia we suffer in the first world during globalisation and open borders and obviously we are not used to this. But I'm not changing my way of life in the future, once this is over. I'm not becoming a sheep.

1 hour ago, horn said:

The Americans & Europeans governments had 2 months time to carry out the precaution measure when China was having the outbreak but they didn't 'cos they thought it's an Asian thingy and white will be spared from the virus.

Look what happened now.

It's easy to judge once things are developing. But let me remind you of the expired vaccines we have in our countries because SARS was going to kill us all in 2009. This is a first time. 

If there are not scaremongers in the future crying wolf I'm sure that we'll react much faster and efficiently.

52 minutes ago, karbatal said:

Sorry but no. 

It's all about having another way of life that normally (when there's no dangerous pandemic originated by people brewing bats and eating them) is far more healthier. No wonder in South Korea the population was restraint when they're enslaved by 60 hours a week system and are usually treated like robots. Not to mention that China is a dictatorship. 

This is the first dangerous pandemia we suffer in the first world and obviously we are not used to this. But I'm not changing my way of life in the future, once this is over. I'm not becoming a sheep.

Huh? Lol I don't wanna change my lifestyle either, I'm just saying how, amidst a pandemic, they tested for the virus earlier, and more widely, than almost any other country. Free of charge.

Early and widespread testing appears to be a better indicator of success in outcomes - see: the very low death rates in Germany.

There are a few reasons for why this may be. E.g.

1. Early testing means faster ID and quarantine and slower spread, giving the health care system a fighting chance.

2. Early ID means faster medication intervention if needed, leading to better outcomes.

3. ID'ing all of the cases increases the denominator and lowers the fatality rate.

Our health agencies should always have plans for an outbreak not sit around with their thumbs up their asses until one happens. :lol: :fag:💋

44 minutes ago, karbatal said:

It's easy to judge once things are developing. But let me remind you of the expired vaccines we have in our countries because SARS was going to kill us all in 2009. This is a first time. 

If there are not scaremongers in the future crying wolf I'm sure that we'll react much faster and efficiently.

First of all, SARS outbreak occured back in 2003, not 2009.

Secondly, there's no vaccine for SARS. 

The current flu vaccine only helps to prevent seasonal influenza.

I believe those vaccines you had mentioned are seasonal flu vaccines.

As for why there are so many seasonal flu vaccines unused, ask your government.

Ask them why they didn't roll out these vaccines to school, hospital etc? Why didn't maintain a healthy level of vaccines + practising FIFO?

And while China is having COVID-19, why didn't they educate and emphasis personal hygeine before the outbreak? and implement temperature screening at airport for travellers from affected area? warning of traveling to affected area? 


14 minutes ago, horn said:

First of all, SARS outbreak occured back in 2003, not 2009.

Secondly, there's no vaccine for SARS. 

The current flu vaccine only helps to prevent seasonal influenza.

I believe those vaccines you had mentioned are seasonal flu vaccines.

As for why there are so many seasonal flu vaccines unused, ask your government.

Ask them why they didn't roll out these vaccines to school, hospital etc? Why didn't maintain a healthy level of vaccines + practising FIFO?

And while China is having COVID-19, why didn't they educate and emphasis personal hygeine before the outbreak? and implement temperature screening at airport for travellers from affected area? warning of traveling to affected area? 


Oh I meant N1H1. It's called A Flu in Spanish and I didn't recall the name given internationally. Very expensive vaccines were made, brought and left unused because that flu was not as dangerous as scaremongers said. 

Hygiene???? Oh dear, now it seems that we don't wash our hands in Europe. 

And trusting that temperature screening was a mistake in the first place as people incubating and not giving symptoms are the most dangerous.


The only way to control a population when there's a first time like this is having an authoritarian regime or people having zero sense of freedom. 

When a second time comes things will be different.


David P. Ropeik is an international consultant, author, teacher, and speaker on risk perception and risk communication. This interesting interview he gave yesterday puts people's reaction so well into perspective.


15 minutes ago, karbatal said:

Oh I meant N1H1. It's called A Flu in Spanish and I didn't recall the name given internationally. 

H1N1 you mean? It was associated with swine flu (not Elton) which was very common among pigs and transmission to human are not common but somehow it managed to to spread of human... someone must have fucked an infected pig eaten some uncooked pork or the virus was spread via cross contamination.

It started in the America but strangely, the US didn't call it as American flu. But now, the US government is calling the covid-19 as wuhan flu.

15 minutes ago, karbatal said:

Hygiene???? Oh dear, now it seems that we don't wash our hands in Europe. 


1 hour ago, MadFan said:

Huh? Lol I don't wanna change my lifestyle either, I'm just saying how, amidst a pandemic, they tested for the virus earlier, and more widely, than almost any other country. Free of charge.

Early and widespread testing appears to be a better indicator of success in outcomes - see: the very low death rates in Germany.

There are a few reasons for why this may be. E.g.

1. Early testing means faster ID and quarantine and slower spread, giving the health care system a fighting chance.

2. Early ID means faster medication intervention if needed, leading to better outcomes.

3. ID'ing all of the cases increases the denominator and lowers the fatality rate.

Our health agencies should always have plans for an outbreak not sit around with their thumbs up their asses until one happens. :lol: :fag:💋

True! Germany is a good example on how to deal with this. Imo the secret of their success is that they included young population in their tests, not only people at risk. 

1 minute ago, horn said:

H1N1 you mean? It was associated with swine flu (not Elton) which was very common among pigs and transmission to human are not common but somehow it managed to to spread of human... someone must have fucked an infected pig eaten some uncooked pork or the virus was spread via cross contamination.

It started in the America but strangely, the US didn't call it as American flu. But now, the US government is calling the covid-19 as wuhan flu.


There's always been a rumour that it was a put out of proportion so a certain medicine manufactor got incredibly rich. It may be urban legend but the over reacting to N1H1 is what most of us didn't pay attention to Corona.


They were trying to create a vaccine for SARS but SARS disappeared too quickly and they didn't have enough sample for testing.


Spanish president just made the announcement. All resources are to be at service of the state and we all can't leave homes. I'll revisit all Madonna tours and TOD :wow:

5 hours ago, karbatal said:

My advice to UK and USA people is to stay home. All day. And only leave home to buy essential groceries and go to work. 

Spain is closing today all shops for two weeks, following Italian example. People won't be allowed to be outside unless is to buy essential means or going to work 

Don't wait for your stupid rulers to approve the law. Just do it to content the virus. Do not let your kids play in parks or go for a walk. Do not go for a drink or restaurants! Stay home. If you have elderly relatives, offer to do their shopping so they're not exposed. 

Believe me. I was non chalan just a couple of days ago but this is not joke. Your health systems cannot support a high pike of cases and doctors will have to choose who lives and who dies because there's no treatment for all. 

This is not panic speaking, this is already happening in Italy and it's expected in Spain and our health systems are free, public and among the best of the world 

I agree. Of course to many people it's annoying and frustrating to stay home if they are healthy and feel fine. BUT they may not be showing symptoms. Staying home is not really so much about containment at this point but hopefully creating a buffer so all the cases don't crush and keep crushing the healthcare systems that can't keep up. 

I'm blue in the face explaining to young, healthy or extraverted people to just stay home for the good of everyone. It's a selfless thing to do. I actually hope most countries go on mandated quarantine for a few weeks so people feel obligated to stay home rather than it being a choice. The government mandate means that people with jobs that can't be done remotely get to stay home too. 

Stay well everyone. 

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