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"You're going to have to be more specific". Madame X annihilates Dutch interviewer

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It felt very uncomfortable during the whole interview actually. It’s interesting how relaxed she is in some interviews and so cold in some others. In this one, again, she looked / sounded like she couldn’t be bothered. And the ESC question! 🤣🤣🤣 she scares me! 

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When he asked about her performance at the ESC you could tell his testicles ascended and a trickle of diarrhoea dribbled into his Y-fronts after that look she gave him!:queenbitch:

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11 hours ago, Herfaceremains said:

I’d imagine that as no one asked her about the Eurovision performance in any other interview, it probably was listed as topic non grata. He probably breached that agreement, which is why he was immediately shut down. She had ample time to address what he was masking in euphemism. She was clearly aware of it, and her response of staring him down and playing ignorant was as brilliantly defiant as it seemed steeped in foolish pride. That said, she seemed irritable from the beginning. I can’t imagine how dull it must be to do a press junket for two days, but in all honesty she really doesn’t have to approach her promo this way. She’s chosen to do it in hyper-concentration for over twenty years, and it always seems to try her patience to such a degree that she can come across as frankly rude and condescending. 

Really, bitchy  interviews aren't doing her any favors.  Either do some kick ass performances like she used to do with the MTV awards, or do some sit down interviews with people she likes or feels comfortable with.   Or don't do any, pay for some other type of promo like TV ads/billboards, etc.

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9 hours ago, Jeby said:

Bravo to him for trying. I would imagine Madonna secretly admired his chutzpah! I wish they had let it continue. I wanted to see how he would get to his question and I wanted to see how she would handle it. 

Would actually like to know what Madonna really thought about Eurovision performance and social media's reaction.

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Guest eroticerotic

ITs a double edged sword. There are probably rules of things not to ask.  She likes people who break the rules. But creatively. He almost got it in. He’s a hero lol.

if i meet Madonna i think we would like each other but we would be arguing quite a lot. I would not mince my words! If I were an interviewer I would try real hard to be creative to ask questions most would be afraid to but in an effective way! And get an answer.

I wish people weren’t so run by fear.  🤷🏻‍♂️ 

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17 minutes ago, Nick said:

Would actually like to know what Madonna really thought about Eurovision performance and social media's reaction.

I like him. Madonna should support talking truth to power and she really could have owned it.

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I think the interviewer was cloying and creepy. I don't feel like she came off rude at all, she gamely answered his banal questions and when he went for the brass ring (the Eurovision question) he totally fumbled the ball and ended up looking like an amateur. This is just another in a long line of interviews where the music sadly wound up taking a backseat to a bunch of boring questions the likes of which People magazine would ask.

But she looked gorgeous! :inlove:

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"A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That's why they don't get what they want."

You want an answer, don't IMPLY a question, ASK it.

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Watching it again, I think she handled herself just fine. Not quite as bad as we're making it out to be. He tried it...and failed. That's not on her, it's on him to come prepared if he wants to go there. As said before, I think she would have answered fairly honestly if he had the guts to go for it. But you've got to play on her level, or you're out of the game.

As for being 'cold', I actually think most of these Madame X interviews so far have been quite good. Oddly enough, she actually seems more open and certainly more enthused than she did during the RH promos. But I don't think she's in a "I want/need to appeal to the masses" kind of space (or project) right now... as she said, "no fucks to give" is kind of where she is. So come prepared, and don't bullshit her. The good interviewers have done that, and those have turned out pretty good so far.

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Guest neeto_mosqueeto
4 hours ago, rocknrolla said:

Really, bitchy  interviews aren't doing her any favors.  Either do some kick ass performances like she used to do with the MTV awards, or do some sit down interviews with people she likes or feels comfortable with.   Or don't do any, pay for some other type of promo like TV ads/billboards, etc.

The nerve of you. Don’t bloody watch the interviews. I swear it’s lame ass “fans” like you that are really the worst.

Stupid shit like this, and the sheer volume of it online really gets my goat. 

You get the “M.o.r.o.n.” badge of the week. 

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I am too lazy to pull it up - but the perfect  example of a junket journalist GOING THERE is when some European journalist (Bedtime Stories era) flat out asked Madonna about her alleged abortions. Just flat out asked. It caught Madonna off guard but she answered the question with a (surprisingly gentle) "I don't think that's necessary to discuss with you. Why do you want to know?" which is the perfect example of a non-denial denial. 

Now, I absolutely think it was horrible of that journalist to ask Madonna about something so incredibly private. But the reaction was not a sudden shuffle and scramble to get the woman outta the room, Madonna answered the question with vague language but still told us quite a bit with her answer and did so pretty calmly.

Imagine if this guy just flat out did that. Maybe we'd have gotten somewhere. Instead he played games. Madonna did what she always does - she checkmates out of the question. He shouldn't have given her room! 

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29 minutes ago, neeto_mosqueeto said:

The nerve of you. Don’t bloody watch the interviews. I swear it’s lame ass “fans” like you that are really the worst.

Stupid shit like this, and the sheer volume of it online really gets my goat. 

You get the “M.o.r.o.n.” badge of the week. 

She already had a bad reputation among the general public, if they think she's acting like bitch it's not gonna inspire them to check out madame x

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The GP can eat a bag of dicks.  I am here for M in bitch mode. I just think the journalist even though he chickened out was brave enough to go there being the only one to even dare. And even when he was cut off he still stuck to a Eurovision themed question. I wish he had gone for it. She would have respected him more. 

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47 minutes ago, rocknrolla said:

She already had a bad reputation among the general public, if they think she's acting like bitch it's not gonna inspire them to check out madame x

The general public already think she's a bitch....they have thought this way for 38 years!

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This interview is soooo heavily edited, it is hard to tell if the answers/reactions match the questions. A highly poor and trashy interview. Unwatchable.

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Guest Future feat Quavo

When she was doing interviews at the time of the 2015 BRIT awards, interviewers weren't as reluctant asking about the fall. Why should this be any different? Anyway he did need to be more specific. I wish someone would just ask a real question about that performance 🙄

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I think her PR handled it stupidly. I think she should have been allowed to answer and answer it honestly. I still think it got something to do with the technics, she probably couldn't hear herself. He should have been more pushy and hopefully she knows she fucked up this performance.

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43 minutes ago, Future feat Quavo said:

When she was doing interviews at the time of the 2015 BRIT awards, interviewers weren't as reluctant asking about the fall. Why should this be any different? Anyway he did need to be more specific. I wish someone would just ask a real question about that performance 🙄

Because the LFL performance was actually engaging and she pulled through like the professional trooper she is. Plus it wasn’t really her fault the cape didn’t open as planned. 

Whereas the ESC performance  felt like such an odd ball and her vocals didn’t help. It all seemed unrehearsed and - considering her usual level of professionalism - subpar. It comes across as more of a personal failure, even though it maybe wasn’t, but since no one asks we will never know. 

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3 hours ago, Ladyplus said:

This interview is soooo heavily edited, it is hard to tell if the answers/reactions match the questions. A highly poor and trashy interview. Unwatchable.

You are right. A part of what made me uncomfortable throughout the interview is that they edited it to fit a preconceived notion of what Madonna is; imperial, imperious, and impenetrable. The problem with that is that while she is not always those things, she can often get testy in interviews when she isn’t in the mood, and she generally shuts down once she reaches that state of mind. This comes across as arrogant, and even petulant to many. 

Yes, it is the responsibility of the journalist to direct the interview in a way where that won’t happen if that is indeed the goal. However, this Dutch interviewer was clearly seeking a reaction. He didn’t get it as Madonna handles herself with the utmost professionalism, but as a fan it definitely feels like a missed opportunity. If it had been better approached as a question, we might have had a definitive response that would have put the Eurovision elephant outside the room once and for all. Oh well. 

Thank you to everyone who expresses differing opinions on these matters without just shutting people down for not agreeing. It really helps me as a fan to reassess the way I experience Madonna, and challenges me to gain. a broader perspective. 

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13 hours ago, IsaacHarris said:

B A M 💥


This is why I love her!!! Madonna is straight shooter, so you have to come at her w/ the same energy OR you’re FINISHED before the interview even begins.

Exactly. She’s a very driven and badass QUEEN who never ceases to be an inspiration. She stared him down with her eye. :chuckle: 

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5 hours ago, Jeby said:

The GP can eat a bag of dicks.  I am here for M in bitch mode. I just think the journalist even though he chickened out was brave enough to go there being the only one to even dare. And even when he was cut off he still stuck to a Eurovision themed question. I wish he had gone for it. She would have respected him more. 

You have a way with words!:lol:

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Guest CzarnaWisnia
4 hours ago, Future feat Quavo said:

When she was doing interviews at the time of the 2015 BRIT awards, interviewers weren't as reluctant asking about the fall. Why should this be any different? Anyway he did need to be more specific. I wish someone would just ask a real question about that performance 🙄

Good comparison. But the fall was 100% not her fault, and she was the victim in that situation. For Eurinvasion she was (allegedly) responsible for the bad vocals (though who knows really what happened), and the public was the victim. It's a sour subject for her I'm sure, and it's unseemly to bring it up in an interview. It's simply impolite. The look she gave him is a mix of anger and sadness. I didn't find her bitchy at all in that interview, just very tired (probably end of a long fun day of answering questions on camera). Her first answer to the EV question was very fake and rehearsed, which is why he went further, but if he really wanted to know he should have just asked point blank: did you have vocal problems at EV the public is dying to know, will the tour be prerecorded.

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Guest CzarnaWisnia
9 hours ago, BangGangUK said:

Wow..she really couldn't contain herself here.. :chuckle:

"I bet you're REALLY super proud of that"


Jun-24-2019 01-51-43.gif

Wow, is that really what she said? I don't even remember hearing her say it. She knows the game. Edit: Oh yes! It was just after, about the Dutch singer winning the competition. :lmao:

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