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Madonna at Tidal presentation [merged]

Guest CJM

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You don't sell products by insulting your customers. The marketing campaign on Tidal is a mess.

how are they insulting customers? for asking money to pay songwriters, producers, artists etc?

you people are so spoiled. you want everything to be free. music is a luxury item. people even pay to take a shit in a public bathroom these days but asking $ for good quality music is "insulting costumers"? how about insulting artists who work years on their music?

SMH i don't get this spoiled mentality. people are so entitled

maybe we should make food free too. or traveling. nature is for "everyone" isn't it.

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how are they insulting customers? for asking money to pay songwriters, producers, artists etc?

you people are so spoiled. you want everything to be free. music is a luxury item. people even pay to take a shit in a public bathroom these days but asking $ for good quality music is "insulting costumers"? how about insulting artists who work years on their music?

SMH i don't get this spoiled mentality. people are so entitled

:clap: :clap: :clap:

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I use Apple Music. Its a mess right now because it just started, but having an iPhone + Macbook, its very easy. All the music I get from Apple Music is synchronized with the music I already have and bought. If I really enjoy an album and have a need to support the artist. I'll usually buy both the vinyl and the CD. Then I'll rip the CD and have good copies of it digitally. This is what has always worked for me. A subscription service + physical music that I really enjoy.

I tried Tidal, and for me, it was way too over hyped. No better or worse than Spotify. But that's just my .02.

I had/have several issues with Apple music. Firstly the playback was pretty shitty. Some tracks just refused to play and there was a noticeable 3-4 second buffering when a new track would play. (On spotty it will play instantly). I found it messy that it mixed up my paid for iTunes music with my "cloud" music. It wasn't very clear which sings I had available for offline listening and which were cloud. I also found the "store" confusing and not user friendly because I wasn't sure if I was looking at streaming stuff or stuff to buy separately. It seemed to switch between the two. People only like it because it's "Apple". Tidal was better but still spotty works great so I do t see a reason to switch.

Btw I'm not an Apple hater either. I'm dedicated Mac iPhone and iPad user but Apple music just sucks ass.

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I still buy CDs too! And I'm in my 20s...:sneaky:

Most of the times I can't live with compressed lossy music, that's why I rarely use Spotify or the likes. That's also why I think Tidal could have worked great because what they offered was something the rest of the streaming business still lacks - lossless music. I think it could have taken off too, but NOT by charging 30 dollars every freaking month. As superior as lossless music is to compressed one, that is just too high of a price to ask for. Of course most people keep their free Spotify then, even if the quality is inferior.

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I used to be like that and always got CDs for the quality but honestly it's too much hassle.

It's all about convenience, that's why CDs replaced records and tapes, now mp3s are what takes up less storage space. I can't be doing with all that clutter.

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I used to be like that and always got CDs for the quality but honestly it's too much hassle.

It's all about convenience, that's why CDs replaced records and tapes, now mp3s are what takes up less storage space. I can't be doing with all that clutter.

Same here! I don't even have a Rebel Heart CD :lmao: yet

I had/have several issues with Apple music. Firstly the playback was pretty shitty. Some tracks just refused to play and there was a noticeable 3-4 second buffering when a new track would play. (On spotty it will play instantly). I found it messy that it mixed up my paid for iTunes music with my "cloud" music. It wasn't very clear which sings I had available for offline listening and which were cloud. I also found the "store" confusing and not user friendly because I wasn't sure if I was looking at streaming stuff or stuff to buy separately. It seemed to switch between the two. People only like it because it's "Apple". Tidal was better but still spotty works great so I do t see a reason to switch.

Btw I'm not an Apple hater either. I'm dedicated Mac iPhone and iPad user but Apple music just sucks ass.

Really? The playback was good. I found it better than Spotify. There's a phone icon (or not) to each song to indicate whether the song is your iTunes music or not. If not, it's on the cloud. There are two places now in the store: Apple music and the iTunes store. It's not confusing at all. And I loved the Recommendations on Apple music. There are songs on Apple music not on Spotify. That was a plus for me.

how are they insulting customers? for asking money to pay songwriters, producers, artists etc?

you people are so spoiled. you want everything to be free. music is a luxury item. people even pay to take a shit in a public bathroom these days but asking $ for good quality music is "insulting costumers"? how about insulting artists who work years on their music?

SMH i don't get this spoiled mentality. people are so entitled

maybe we should make food free too. or traveling. nature is for "everyone" isn't it.


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Thing is, I can somehow 'rationalise' if people pay something in the region of £10 for a digital copy of a brand new album if they want to hear it right here and right now and can't be bothered to wait a few days until the CD arrives - fair enough. Even though of course nowadays with Amazon you can still get the instant download of the mp3 when you buy the CD.

But if you're buying an older release from a few years ago, then it's ridiculous to pay £9 or something in that region when you can buy the CD itself second hand on Amazon for the shipping price which works out to about £1.50 or something. You can always bin the CD afterwards or give it to a charity shop if you don't want the clutter but it is actually cheaper to buy it on CD than to buy them mp3!

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And why do people don't search on Google like "Ellie Goulding Madeon full album" and then click on download and save 10 euro?

Whenever i feel that we are lost as human beings, i remember that some people still pay for something that can be found free and I feel much better. Generosity exists. :)

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Guest CzarnaWisnia

I still wait for the cd singles to be released on 12" vinyl :lmao::lmao::lmao:

I still wait for the Town Crier release.


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how are they insulting customers? for asking money to pay songwriters, producers, artists etc?

you people are so spoiled. you want everything to be free. music is a luxury item. people even pay to take a shit in a public bathroom these days but asking $ for good quality music is "insulting costumers"? how about insulting artists who work years on their music?

SMH i don't get this spoiled mentality. people are so entitled

maybe we should make food free too. or traveling. nature is for "everyone" isn't it.

It's like a cosmetic company saying "you are old and ugly so you have to buy my products because i have stakeholders who don't have a beach house yet and they need one"

People see artists like they all have a lot of money already.

The focus of the campaigne shouldn't be " we artist deserve and need your money" it should be "we have this amazing service and you are going to be very satisfied if you use it".

My English is not good do I don't know I if what I wrote made any sense.

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Amazon don't pay taxes, don't give a fair share to the authors, songwriters etc...I don't like how Apple has subjected the world to its law.

These are the real enemies but since they are faceless it's easier to attack superstars. It's like racism distracts from the banks and greedy share holders who are responsible for the economic crisis we're all in.

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omg I had completely forgotten about this. What ever happened to this shit program?

Madonna needs a new mansion, so she's telling people to stop being cheap and buy her music on Tidal.

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Do you ask every person you pay money to what they are using that money for. The mention above of faceless companies is right. They are awfully smart to get people to actually target the artists themselves. The use them and profit off them and the music buyer has a problem with the artist making money off their own sweat and tears. Are people that jealous of successful artists? I feel no jealousy towards them for something like money.

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God at these moaners, thank god some of you didn't live before 2000 where you would buy music for 10,15 bucks and you felt proud to own it! Moaning over paying 25 dollars a month for thousands of songs?!! Madonna is right! You all just a bunch of cheap whores! Lol

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It's like a cosmetic company saying "you are old and ugly so you have to buy my products because i have stakeholders who don't have a beach house yet and they need one"

People see artists like they all have a lot of money already.

The focus of the campaigne shouldn't be " we artist deserve and need your money" it should be "we have this amazing service and you are going to be very satisfied if you use it".

My English is not good do I don't know I if what I wrote made any sense.

They did say this and that Madonna interview is very recent. She's answering about all these greedy moaners that want everything for free! It's not just about the artists, it's about those who work in the studio, engineers, writers etc.

Face it! Kids today are spoilt brats that want everything handed to them free! They moan about paying 25 dollars and yet have iPhones, iPads, laptops, every single gadget you can think of! Greedy morons! lol

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Anyways I find streaming annoying. I'm an old fashion girl that likes to own music. I don't go to a supermarket and expect things to be free even though these companies make billions.

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God at these moaners, thank god some of you didn't live before 2000 where you would buy music for 10,15 bucks and you felt proud to own it! Moaning over paying 25 dollars a month for thousands of songs?!! Madonna is right! You all just a bunch of cheap whores! Lol


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Anyways I find streaming annoying. I'm an old fashion girl that likes to own music. I don't go to a supermarket and expect things to be free even though these companies make billions.


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Face it! Kids today are spoilt brats that want everything handed to them free! They moan about paying 25 dollars and yet have iPhones, iPads, laptops, every single gadget you can think of! Greedy morons! lol

So true and sad. The whole "for free" attitude totally reflects what's going on at the moment. And from an educational standpoint it is desastrous to society because it no longer supports the idea that you have to achieve something first to get the praise, that you have to earn something first before you can afford something. Basically, you have to work first. That is what gets you ahead, what brings progress. All this seems gone, all the youth seems lazy and of course entitled. I have mentioned before that I experience this kind of behaviour a lot because my job requires to deal with trainees. It's frustrating. I sometimes feel more like a social worker who has to introduce these people to social norms etc., all the stuff their parents failed to do. I mean, this is a world where you have to explain that it is important to show up for work on time. It's ridiculous. They would not understand that back in the day (before the early 2000s) it was quite common for kids and teenagers to do little jobs to make some pocket money to buy stuff, mostly music. Do you still see kids cutting the lawn or delivering the newspapers?

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Amazon don't pay taxes, don't give a fair share to the authors, songwriters etc...I don't like how Apple has subjected the world to its law.

These are the real enemies but since they are faceless it's easier to attack superstars. It's like racism distracts from the banks and greedy share holders who are responsible for the economic crisis we're all in.

THIS! THIS! and THIS! Especially Amazon. Although I have heard they start to pay income taxes now in the countries they generate their profits. But I think this rather has to do with the fact that there might be some European law in the works that requires them anyway. Finally. Luxembourg will not be the tax haven it used to be. Of course all these companies saved billions of Euros in the meantime. People should really educate themselves about companies like Amazon, Apple etc. There are tons of documentaries and reports around. Especially Amazon. The company that praises itself as the number one customer friendly in the world. If people knew about the shady stuff they are doing, people might decide to shop elsewhere even if this costs a little bit more. But the problem is that Amazon has redefined customer service in a way that people became way more entiteld and brainwashed about the consequences. If people believe certain things are in the name of customer service, they are fooled. For Amazon this is not about customer service, it is about eliminating the competition, dragging smaller companies out of business to gain more power. Talk about return policy. Nowadays more than 50% of all items are send back. Items that can no longer be sold as new. In result the seller is losing money on this very fact alone. Amazon with its huge financial backing might be able to handle this, but smaller companies not so much. Amazon Marketplace. A lot of sellers could tell some very interesting stories how this works. Don't look at me wrong, I shop at Amazon, but that is usually CDs that you cannot get anywhere else and I use Prime Instant Video.

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God at these moaners, thank god some of you didn't live before 2000 where you would buy music for 10,15 bucks and you felt proud to own it! Moaning over paying 25 dollars a month for thousands of songs?!! Madonna is right! You all just a bunch of cheap whores! Lol

Of course she's right, but you don't tell the truth to your customer's faces. That's not how business work.

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