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Something's missing and I don't know why
I always feel the need to hide my feelings from you
Is it me or you that I'm afraid of
I tell myself I'll show you what I'm made of
Can't bring myself to let you go

[bridge (first time without first "I"):]

I don't want to cause you any pain
But I love you just the same
And you'll always be my baby
In my heart I know we've come apart
And I don't know where to start
What can I do, I don't wanna feel blue


Bad girl drunk by six
Kissing someone else's lips
Smoked too many cigarettes today
I'm not happy when I act this way


Bad girl drunk by six
Kissing some kind stranger's lips
Smoked too many cigarettes today
I'm not happy, I'm not happy

Something's happened and I can't go back
I fall apart every time you hand your heart out to me
What happens now, I know I don't deserve you
I wonder how I'm ever gonna hurt you
Can't bring myself to let you go

This way

[chorus1, repeat]
I'm not happy this way
[chorus2, substituting "someone else's" for "some kind stranger's"]
This way

I'm not happy this way
Kissing some kind stranger's lips

Erotica's emotional centerpiece and its 3rd single release finds Madonna lamenting a love gone wrong that she just can't seem to let go. Instaed of facing the situation head on, she uses other vices (cigarettes, drinking, strange men) to escape her reality. Even though the character in the song describes herself as "bad", Madonna's delivery paints a picture of a very sad and vulnerable woman who you empathize with rather than revile. Her versatility on the vocals - going from a high head voice to her deep somber lower register - further emphasizes the emotional roller coaster the song's protagonist is going through. Is this autobiographical or just an observation of someone she met or knew in her life? I don't think she has ever revealed the inspiration and I'm not sure I want her to - I like that there's a mystery to it. It's a shame that this song has never found its way into a concert tour but at least until or if that ever happens, we have this incredible SNL performance to savor:

Favorite Lyric: Is it me or you that I'm afraid of

Favorite Musical Moment: The outro

Favorite Vocal Moment: The last "I'm not happy this way" at the end

One Word That Sums Up This Song: Hurting

What do you think of this song?

Posted (edited)

YES! Bad Girl! One of her most underrated song ever! It really deserved a spot on Something to Remember...it's one of her best vocal performances and I love how it's a real act of contrition on Erotica. Should've been performed on tour at some point.




Edited by JimmyJimmy

This is the song that has been the biggest grower for me of all Madonna songs. I liked it at first but now adore it. Plus, the video clip is one of the best ever and captured the sadness of the song in the most beautiful and tragic way.


This is really a special track. Also, what a surprising choice for third single off Erotica. At the time I did not expect it be released after D & D.


One of the best Madonna songs. The melody, the lyrics, the voice... I like the extended version a million times more than the album one, i always thought that the beginning of the album one was a bit weird. When i heard the extended i was in heaven!

The video is incredible, one of her best videos


This is really a special track. Also, what a surprising choice for third single off Erotica. At the time I did not expect it be released after D & D.


i remember at the time that they intended to release it as second single, meaning "after the night in the club fucking, remorses come in the morning". They released Deeper and Deeper as a kind of damage control because of the horrid critics about the book and all that.

Of course then there was no internet, so that info came to me from another fan from my city, so maybe she made it up, hahaha. But i love the idea of wild sex/ remorse. I find it brilliant.


I'm not into that song.

Not bad, but I don't know... I think I get tired of the chorus !



i remember at the time that they intended to release it as second single, meaning "after the night in the club fucking, remorses come in the morning". They released Deeper and Deeper as a kind of damage control because of the horrid critics about the book and all that.

Of course then there was no internet, so that info came to me from another fan from my city, so maybe she made it up, hahaha. But i love the idea of wild sex/ remorse. I find it brilliant.

I read about that too! I think it's pretty logical considering the received a lot praise from critics. As far as I can remember it was supposed to have an x-rated video too, but that was scrapped when they've decided to release D&D instead.


I can't imagine an X rated video for Bad Girl, unless she has flashbacks about her night out. Thank God we got the real video, it's truly a piece of art.

That pause at the very end, when the music stops, the hiss of the cat, the dude with that thing for the mouth, and how the music starts again!

Guest PRPapi

One of my aboslute FAVORITE M songs ever...in history! I sing it to myself quite often, as I love everything about it: the melody, the lyrics, the delivery, the subject at hand. It's a GENIUS song and it shows M's real talent.

It also provided us with what I consider to be her BEST video ever, and where she looks amazingly gorgeous! Whenever I wanna shut a hater up who yaps their ignorant mouth on how "Madonna can't sing," or "Madonna can't write," I pop this baby on the radio and make 'em eat their words.

That live performance is LIFE! I remember being 14 years old, disobeying my mom who had vehemently sent me to sleep, so that I could stay up and watch SNL that night. I was mesmerized, and still am to this day with this performance. One of her best! I still can't believe she didn't include it on Something to Remember or on any of her tours. Hopefully, the latter will change in the future.


I LOVE this song. Musically and lyrically it's perfect. But i don't really like her vocals on it, too nasal. The live SNL version is way better vocally.

Guest PRPapi

I LOVE this song. Musically and lyrically it's perfect. But i don't really like her vocals on it, too nasal. The live SNL version is way better vocally.

I think the nasal quality to her voice was done purposefully by M. To me, it denotes how one would sound like singing while crying, or singing after a bout of crying. Who knows? Maybe she actually was while recording it.


I think the nasal quality to her voice was done purposefully by M. To me, it denotes how one would sound like singing while crying, or singing after a bout of crying. Who knows? Maybe she actually was while recording it.

yes I think so too, I quite like the nasal parts :)


This is my favorite Madonna song ever. The video is a masterpiece. The SNL performance is everything.

I hear so much sadness in her voice, I feel so much emotion when I hear it.

When I was younger, I could totally relate to the lyrics. And I still can.


It's a beautiful song & love her vocals, really raw & emotional.

Wish she'd perform it live more.

Posted (edited)

One of my favorites singles. A truly stunning masterpeice, shame it has never been included on any tour nor performed on The Girlie Show.

Edited by Martini123

It's my most favourite Madonna song ever.

Guest whatatramp

My favourite Madonna song, I love it more than I can explain

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