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Alright bitches and bastards, time for an all new album ranking!


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1. True Blue

2. Bedtime Stories

3. I'm Breathless

4. Madonna

5. Like A Prayer

6. Erotica

7. Like A Virgin

8. Ray Of Light

9. Confessions On A Dance Floor

10. Music

11. Hard Candy

12. MDNA

13. American Life

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Guest CzarnaWisnia

1. Ray of Light

2. Bedtime Stories

3. American Life

4. Music

5. Erotica

6. Madonna

7. Like a Prayer

8. Confessions on a Dancefloor

9. I'm Breathless

10. MDNA

11. Hard Candy

12. True Blue

13. Like a Virgin

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1. American Life

2. Erotica

3. Madonna

4. Ray of Light

5. Bedtime Stories

6. Confessions on a dancefloor

7. Music

8. Like a Prayer

9. True Blue

10. I'm Breathless

11. Who's That Girl

12. MDNA

13. Hard Candy

14. Like a Virgin

15. Evita

Edited by SupEvan
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Guest CzarnaWisnia

If I were rating based on my feelings and listening patterns right now:

Hard Candy





The Rest (excluding Confessions, that album is dire).


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Guest material_boy

1. Ray of Light

2. Like a Prayer

3. Music

4. Bedtime Stories

5. Erotica

6. Madonna

7. True Blue

8. Like a Virgin

9. Confessions

10. American Life

11. MDNA

12. Hard Candy

Struggled with this. Numbers 1 - 3 are virtually tied -- I could put them in almost any order and still be happy. Same goes for 4 -5, 6 - 9, and 10 - 12.

Maybe the best way to describe my thinking is this:

Tier 1 albums (perfect): Like a Prayer, Ray of Light, Music

Tier 2 albums (excellent): Erotica, Bedtime Stories

Tier 3 albums (very good): Madonna, Like a Virgin, True Blue, Confessions

Tier 4 albums (OK to good): American Life, Hard Candy, MDNA

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  1. Madonna
  2. Like A Prayer
  3. Ray of Light
  4. Music
  5. Erotica
  6. True Blue
  7. Bedtime Stories
  8. Confession
  9. Like A Virgin
  10. MDNA
  11. Hard Candy
  12. American Life
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1. Ray Of Light

2. Like A Prayer

3. Confessions

4. Erotica


6. Madonna

7. Music

8. Like A Virgin

9. American Life

10. Bedtime Stories

11. True Blue

12. Hard Candy

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1. Erotica - sexy, dark, spoken-word, bassy, brassy, gender-bending awesomeness!

2. Madonna

3. Ray of Light

4. Confessions on a Dancefloor

5. Like a Prayer

6. True Blue

7. I'm Breathless

8. Music

9. Hard Candy

10. Bedtime Stories

11. MDNA

12. American Life

13. Like a Virgin

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Poor MDNA..... the album has been placed mostly toward the bottom of many lists. :confused:

Well at least HC has started to creep up toward the top of lists even though a few years back the album was heavily criticized.

I definitely appreciate "Hard Candy" more over time.... it has moved up my list for sure...

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Always changes, but right now it is...

1. Music

2. Confessions On A Dance Floor

3. American Life

4. Ray Of Light

5. Bedtime Stories

6. Madonna


8. Like A Prayer

9. True Blue

10. I'm Breathless

11. Hard Candy

12. Erotica

13. Like A Virgin

14. (goddamn new album I can't listen to cause it's not out yet, dammit!!)

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1. Music

2. Ray of Light

3. American Life

4. Erotica

5. Confessions on a Dancefloor

6. Like a Prayer


8. Hard Candy

9. Bedtime Stories

10. Madonna

11. True Blue

12. I'm Breathless

13. Like a Virgin

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