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Flip The Switch

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About Flip The Switch

  • Birthday 08/25/1982

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  • Favorite Madonna Song
    Ray of Light

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  1. You have a boxer?!? 😍 I had no idea!! So cute and adorable! (We had two growing up... and have since had two bull mastiffs.) What’s your puppy’s name? Sending extra smooches for you gorgeous pooch! 😘

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. peter


      :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: Lola is beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing her glamour shots! She looks so happy — I bet she adores you. And how could you not adore her?! Congrats — 8 months is just a puppy yet! (Though, I don’t think they ever get too far beyond puppy in their minds. Haha!) xoxo to both of you!! (Sorry if I’m late to the party in welcoming Lola to the furry MadonnaNation family... I have found the “post a photo of your pet” thread to be heartbreaking sometimes ... so I’ve done the immature thing of avoiding it altogether for the most part. I should probably re-visit — look at all that cuteness I’d be missing!)

    3. Flip The Switch

      Flip The Switch

      OMG sorry for the delay! Thank you Peter! Love Lola so much. Such a loyal and cute little boxer. She gives me so much life! 


    4. peter


      Oh, no worries, friend! You didn’t have to reply at all — I’m so grateful you did, though! Hope you and Lola have been enjoying a lovely weekend together! xo

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