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28 minutes ago, Hector said:



Santorum is one of the worst, most vile, horrid politicians out there. And not just because of his BLATANT anti-gay stances. He's a self serving, narcissistic, hypocrite on every level. 

This is a man who claims to be a child of God, yet he backs someone who stands against every single teaching of Christianity. 

When will this just all be over? It's seriously getting worse by the day. 


Ted Cruz now announcing his 'support' for Trump. lmao. zzz WHO the hell thinks this is even semi legit. Ain't buying it. Looks 10x more pathetic and worse that he's doing this just 6 weeks before the election. Someone prob found a profile of his on some gay porno or a Rentboy kind of site and was gonna disclose it if he didn't support him Lol. 


Does Trump have ANYONE around him that is not a total and complete nutcase?  If he wins The White House is going to be The Island Of Sociopathic Misfits.


Um...what ever happened to Melania and Tiffany Trump? lmao

2 hours ago, Ciccone's Cheeks said:

Um...what ever happened to Melania and Tiffany Trump? lmao

Melania never even had the press conference about her immigration status that they promised.

Did you guys read this interview Ivanka did with Cosmo? She walks out of it because she couldn't handle what the reporter was asking her about lol



Yikes..though most of the media hasnt been all over this (except for Fox of course), anyone see her 'video conference call', plea or whatever from the other day. Almost thought this was a joke at first! lol She's screaming, angry, bitter, screechy lol etc. Something doesn't seem right :/ Looks medicated and out of it. And yet again her damn campaign actually put this out! lol. Wasn't like these awful optics (so far) have been 'leaked'  Look at the amount of dislikes on this 8*o. lol

Dunno how on earth this isn't gonna show at the debates ('cause that's who/what she really is). I'm reeally hoping she somehow comes across likable..enough, poised and relaxed. She truly does not have a good speaking voice and aura. It's almost even worse when she tries to sound personable. Trump at least is able to bs it way better than her at times. I'm afraid he's wins if he carries himself that way the entire time and knows 'just enough' abt. policy. 



She does not look medicated. Lol. She's just awkward because she's trying to be boisterous while reading off of a teleprompter and she's not very good at it.

Her speaking voice is fine. I don't know why people are so fixated on this. Trump is screaming, angry, and bitter at all of his rallies but he gets a pass? Bullshit.


Yeah I really don't see whats wrong with the video. When has she not been "angry bitter screechy?" What president has not been "angry bitter screechy?"

5 hours ago, impr3ssive_instant said:

She does not look medicated. Lol. She's just awkward because she's trying to be boisterous while reading off of a teleprompter and she's not very good at it.

Her speaking voice is fine. I don't know why people are so fixated on this. Trump is screaming, angry, and bitter at all of his rallies but he gets a pass? Bullshit.

I def agree about Trumps speaking voice. Its basically as bad if not worse many x. Was just saying he also has the ability to be somewhat soft spoken and even likable when his chemicals are briefly balanced. That, or it's just totally fake and calculated for votes depending on where he's speaking. 

20 hours ago, Ciccone's Cheeks said:

Ted Cruz now announcing his 'support' for Trump. lmao. zzz WHO the hell thinks this is even semi legit. Ain't buying it. Looks 10x more pathetic and worse that he's doing this just 6 weeks before the election. Someone prob found a profile of his on some gay porno or a Rentboy kind of site and was gonna disclose it if he didn't support him Lol. 

There was a very small moment in time after Cruz did what he did at the convention where I had a modicum of respect for him. I figured he'd resort back to his slimy, shitty, ways and endorse Trump. He's protecting  his own hide from being embarrassed in 2018 either by losing his primary or the general. It'd be sweet irony if he still lost. 

After looking at FiveThirtyEight the last couple weeks, it's starting look like Iowa is pretty much gone for Clinton. Ohio too unless Trump completely implodes. I'm shocked as to how close Nevada is, but I still think she'll win it. 

North Carolina and Florida remain the two true battle ground states in my opinion. I think she wins both by 1% or less. 


Instead of attacking Trump and his lies 24/7, Clinton should work on HER campaign and HER image. Nobody cares about facts. Trump is getting closer and closer to winning and all the left can do is attack Trump? 

The Mexican peso took a nosedive thanks to the Trump debacle. My money is worthless now. Now not only is my home country in danger, but my escape country is going in the gutter too thanks to the Trump mess. 


Trump brought up Gennifer Flowers in a response to Marc Cuban being in the first row zzzz. If he was semi serious here wouldn't have he said someone like James Comey or the like vs. classic sleazy Trump. Hopefully 'that's' a very clear hint hint where this shitfest debacle is going and he basically hands it to her and laughs at America for falling for the biggest punk/scam job of ALL time, he drops out or loses big, GOP goes down in a bloodbath then he gets Trump TV by mid November! lol 


Every single thing about this election is off the wall lol. Even the electoral map seems 'off the chart' The fact that Ohio. FL and VA may not be the most crucial deciding battleground states since like forever but NC, WI, CO and slim possibly PA...crazy lol VA and CO as of now are more dark purple when they were def bright red 10 years ago (right before Obama). OH and even WI def seems more red than vs purple/blue.  I thought WI hated Trump yet he's almost neck/neck. FL more than ever..dunno wtf is going on as always Lol. 

4 minutes ago, Ciccone's Cheeks said:

Every single thing about this election is off the wall lol. Even the map is 'off the chart' The fact that Ohio. FL and VA may not be the most crucial deciding battleground states since like forever but NC, WI and CO and possibly PA...crazy lol VA as of now is very dark purple now when it was def bright red 10 years ago (right before Obama). OH def seems red and more ever vs purple. FL..dunno wtf is going on as always Lol. 

It's a mess. And I honestly believe it's the start of the U.S.'s downfall. Well, not its downfall, but it's like Americans are doing everything in their hands to pass the torch to the next biggest super power.


I updated my post but from ur quote also meant to add that GA and AZ are also def showing signs of going blue! 8*o lol. Theyre like the new VA (via 2008). If the Dems had a better candidate (anyone but her lol!) that person would be ahead...possibly big. Guarantee it. Unless  this shit IS rigged and she already won the Dems oughta be equally ashamed w/ themselves for force feeding people this woman when they know she's awful and anyone else would be destroying Trump. 

2 hours ago, Ciccone's Cheeks said:

I updated my post but from ur quote also meant to add that GA and AZ are also def showing signs of going blue! 8*o lol. Theyre like the new VA (via 2008). If the Dems had a better candidate (anyone but her lol!) that person would be ahead...possibly big. Guarantee it. Unless  this shit IS rigged and she already won the Dems oughta be equally ashamed w/ themselves for force feeding people this woman when they know she's awful and anyone else would be destroying Trump. 

AZ or GA will go blue in next election. At least one of them will. 

Wisconsin will stay blue in 2016 but has potential to go red in the future. Along with Ohio and Iowa as I stated before. 

The Dem's path to will grow into a more coastal victory  Maine down to Florida. Oregon to California, Nevada, Arizona, & Colorado. 

I think it's really a matter of time before the entire rust belt goes red. 



I also predict (one has to be clueless to think this wont happen) if Trump somehow does win, Warren absolutely will run w/ Castro or Booker and prob get the landslide loss he/ the GOP should've gotten this election. That's if Trump is still even in office lol. Have a feeling it will be Pence by 2020 :##. But the country may be so far right by then it'll be a 1 term dud. If the Dems lose, they'll obviously super finally get it. Bernie changed everything like Trump did to the GOP. No more boring old white men like Kaine, Pence, or Bush's, Clinton's etc..

If it wasn't for the damn Supreme Court would be as potentially horrific. That's exactly why the Millennials are so retarded for the most part. They have NO idea what they're doing w/ their 'protest' vote. Even if you don't like Hlllary she'll positively give them exactly who they want on the court. No idea why Hillary and the Dems aren't pushing that more. Trump is doing it left/right. This new president may appoint up to *4 judges! Besides Scalia, endless buzz that Thomas wants out and RBG looks like she's gonna topple over any second and Kennedy is 80. Still salty she didn't retire in 2014.



I honestly don't see Trump finishing up his 4 years either if he wins.  He will pass the reins to Pence at some point.   He doesn't want this freakin job and all the work that comes with it.  He just wants the title for a second to inflate his bloated ego.  And I don't believe for a second he will totally hand off the reins of his business to his kids and be totally fine with them running the show while he has no control.



17 hours ago, ULIZOS said:

It's a mess. And I honestly believe it's the start of the U.S.'s downfall. Well, not its downfall, but it's like Americans are doing everything in their hands to pass the torch to the next biggest super power.


Yeah, I agree with that. 

It's all fucked up.

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