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39 minutes ago, Raider of the lost Ark said:

I hate how the media handled the pneumonia thing. As if she is the first human that continued to work even if the doctor tells you not to. As FreeMySoul just said, you go on because you have to. Because you have to finish a project or out of respect for your colleagues in times when employers keep the amount of staff members at a minimum. So you have a flu? You should stay in bed. But what do do you? Make Wick Medinait and Wick Daymed your best friends to get some sleep and to survive the day. Both should be taken only up to 3 days? I take that shit for like 10 days until I feel better and ignore the advice.

Really, those pesky reporters. She should show all of her medical records, the public deserves to know. All the time I had the scene from Luc Bessons "The messenger" in my mind where Joan d'Arc is examined by nuns in front of the French kings court and then they announce that she is still a virgin. Maybe Hillary should do that? How degrading! And Donald Trump goes to Dr. Oz ....

At least some journalists finally come out and say that so far the overall reporting has been very unfair to Hillary and that Trump is held to much lower standards which is not okay considering both "apply" for the same job.



The whole onslaught of media coverage over her getting sick was absurd on all levels.  Shows we don't have a biased left wing media like the right claims.  We have a lazy media that doesn't do its job.  All the major issues facing this country and the fact that a sociopath might be elected to lead it and we have spent the last week talking about Hillary's coughing fits and her pneumonia.


Hillary is back and she's on fire :queenbitch:



21 hours ago, Moka said:

Hillary is back and she's on fire :queenbitch:



She is back on twitter?

1 hour ago, fuck yeah! said:

She is back on twitter?

She's back in the campaign, she also did 2 meetings.

For someone who is supposed to be dead, she looks really alive :popcorn2:


Michelle! She alone would *destroy Trump and all his deploreables for good. Pitch f'king perfect. Was kind of painful though as good as she is the Millennials just are NOT feeling Hillary. All they wanted was 4.more.years of Obama! You can truly see it in Michelle's eyes she really does not mean a word she's saying about Hillary lol. Beyond fcked up whatever dirty 'deals' were cut to guarantee Billary the nomination in 2008 or esp 2012. Bill saved Obama. now, the Obamas are being force fed and gagged to hook up Hillary when they sooo wish it was Biden/Warren! Hope to god or who/whatever if she blows the debates and or plummets off a cliff in the polls by early October plan (B)iden is their backup and part of the 'clause'! lol


Soo wanna be put into a medically induced coma for the next 50 something days, woken up and ANYthing/anyone but Trump wins (even Bush or Kasich at this point!)  then told this whole fking year was hideous joke of a nightmare lol. This is truly TOO fkng close and scary! Yes she's awful, robotic, bland, corrupt zzz Okay. Hope every establishment, silicone valley nerd, Hollywood etc etc..are doing 'whatever' they have to do (or already did) to prevent this beast from coming semi close to winning. Also hope she's already won and the polls etc..are all a media created thing for ratings and drama. He cant just lose by a bit- gotta be huge. 


She's bouncing back in the polls

it will be back and forth from now on until the debates

the moderators need to be as hard on trump as they will be on Hillary

he won't be able to keep himself under control when challenged


Heard on CNN *Bill Gates just seriously trashed talked Trump  (kinda sorta Clinton too) but most def. Trump (didnt hear what he said about Clinton yet). I guess Colin Powell style. They are ALL gonna start coming out in droves little by little but not all at once obviously. Between earlier yesterday and the same night basically hint hinting his followers to fking shoot her...this is beyond insanity out of control now! Sick fucker has a bad day and he loses it at least twice! Total textbook Putin like sociopath.

Beyond tired of he's 'being non PC, media sucks, shake things up' b-shit.. this man is Satan/ Hitler remastered! Too many powerful and sane people out there but more the 'powerful' who will figure out something. I wouldnt be surprised if its at least 1 out of the 2 candidates who drops out before 11/8/16 lol! Also a lot of buzz now Bill Weld may renounce his VP slot w/ that dopey useless fucker Gary Johnson 'cause they're actually destroying Hillary w/ Millennials (majority who are out of their minds in a different way than Trump)! Sanders is now even pleading w/ them to get over it and vote even if its just against Trump!   


Even if Hillary wins I still say if Biden was in it now he'd be 10x better and at least 10-15 points ahead. The guy would be slicing/dicing the orange cactus daily. His response to Trumps admitting Obama was born in the US "He's a real patriot" w/ the best shady smirk lmao. So natural and non scripted unlike... her who has to take 1/4 of a day to give a 'formal' perfectly punctuated response via her campaign # zzz. Thats NOT how you combat and take down someone like Trump. She's still stuck in the pre 2008 era. Biden would have already drowned him in the gutter 3 months ago! 

7 hours ago, FreeMySoul said:

She's bouncing back in the polls

it will be back and forth from now on until the debates

the moderators need to be as hard on trump as they will be on Hillary

he won't be able to keep himself under control when challenged

This. All those journalists should finally come to their senses. For way too long this has been really unfair. They can't stop digging and digging when it comes to Hillary about the most ridiculous stuff but they are walking on eggshells when it comes to Trump. And the reason why? Because Trump and his team made sure from the very beginning that people will believe the so called liberal media is biased when it comes to Trump and they will tell nothing but lies about him. In result CNN and MSNBC also the Washington Post and the NY Times became really tame in their reporting even if there are so many instances in the Trump campaign that are nothing but lies. All the racist, xenophobic, homophobic, misogynist, unpatriotic and even treasonous remarks. Every other candidate would have been ripped to shreds by merely reporting the facts, the truth. But no, they all keep quiet. Instead they go on about Hillarys e-mails. When is enough enough? The justice department did not find anything, the FBI did not find anything, the investigation committee in congress could not find anything that was illegal. Republicans even formed an investigation committee about Benghazi and even admitted this was only done to destroy her, it is common knowledge in Washington that this was a witch hunt. They checked her tax releases for the last 30 years and couldn't find anything. They are calling for the Clinton foundation to shut down, yet it is one of the most respected organizations on the planet and no evidence was ever found of so called "Play for Pay". What ever happened to the principle that you can only be charged when there is sufficient proof of your wrongdoing? Instead there seems to be a McCarthy mentality of "Guilty by suspicion" out there.

I'm sick and tired of this situation. Especially since Trump seems to get away with all of his shady stuff, with all the proof that is out there that he is not the great business man he claims to be, that he does not really care about the American worker if it does not serve him in the first place. There is a very long list of his failings that subsequently hurt many many people. What about Trump university? And above all: what about his tax returns? Let's play devils advocate. There must be something in it. Otherwise where is his problem? What exactly are his financial relations? Who are his creditors? Is there a good chance for his own "Play for Pay"? I want him to be grilled on it. But of course he has once again pulled the "biased media" card by branding Anderson Cooper as "super biased" making sure his supporters will later claim he was so unfairly treated during the debate. It's a toxic cycle because Trump will never admit responsibility. Just like yesterday when he finally said that Obama was indeed born in the U.S.. Apologies for his despicable behaviour? No way! Instead coming up with another lie. Hillary (and/or her campaign) started the whole birther thing. Thank God, this time most journalists were not in for the lie to go unnoticed and fact checked and branded his claim as "false, false, false".

To see how unfair the whole thing is, just play a little game. Make your mind up what would have happened if Hillary said the things Trump said recently and what the public response would have been.


Jean-Marie Le Pen, father of Marine and ex head of the National Front Party wanted to express his support to Donald Trump but called him monsieur Plump by mistake



Trump making lite about the idea of Hillary being assassinated in a speech YET AGAIN.

The man is a certified nutcase.


Only thing Trump 'accomplished' for WAY too long was hijacking the media from day 1 w/ his turd of a campaign. He suckered them to the the likes we've never seen. They unintentionally gave him billions of free publicity by showing every single one of his kkk rallies in full hoping for something 'provocative'. They got it and ate it up but in no way took him or his supporters seriously just like every one of his opponents during the primaries.

Free endless interviews, coverage etc etc...He's a master manipulator con man. Only NOW are they starting to actually not show the rallies in full (but just show 'highlights' or the low points) after they're over. What happened yesterday defined his entire campaign. Was all 1 big middle finger to the media- they thought it was gonna strictly be a press conference regarding his 'apology'. But just ended up promoting his hotel, getting his saggy orange crack licked by 'generals'..many who are pro birther and insane as he is. Telling you..something positively changed yesterday. Gonna be full on war now from endless directions until they take him down. In a way it's a good thing that happened yesterday while there's still 50 days left. It woke the whole world the F up finally on how seriously dangerous he is. None of it is funny or 'entertaining' anymore in any way. 

18 hours ago, Ciccone's Cheeks said:

Michelle! She alone would *destroy Trump and all his deploreables for good. Pitch f'king perfect. Was kind of painful though as good as she is the Millennials just are NOT feeling Hillary. All they wanted was 4.more.years of Obama! You can truly see it in Michelle's eyes she really does not mean a word she's saying about Hillary lol. Beyond fcked up whatever dirty 'deals' were cut to guarantee Billary the nomination in 2008 or esp 2012. Bill saved Obama. now, the Obamas are being force fed and gagged to hook up Hillary when they sooo wish it was Biden/Warren! Hope to god or who/whatever if she blows the debates and or plummets off a cliff in the polls by early October plan (B)iden is their backup and part of the 'clause'! lol

I think Michelle means every single word she's saying about Hillary with every fiber of her being. And I certainly don't think they're being 'force fed' anything to get her elected. Obama wants her in the White House to continue his legacy at all costs. 


12 hours ago, Ciccone's Cheeks said:

Heard on CNN *Bill Gates just seriously trashed talked Trump  (kinda sorta Clinton too) but most def. Trump (didnt hear what he said about Clinton yet). I guess Colin Powell style. They are ALL gonna start coming out in droves little by little but not all at once obviously. Between earlier yesterday and the same night basically hint hinting his followers to fking shoot her...this is beyond insanity out of control now! Sick fucker has a bad day and he loses it at least twice! Total textbook Putin like sociopath.

Beyond tired of he's 'being non PC, media sucks, shake things up' b-shit.. this man is Satan/ Hitler remastered! Too many powerful and sane people out there but more the 'powerful' who will figure out something. I wouldnt be surprised if its at least 1 out of the 2 candidates who drops out before 11/8/16 lol! Also a lot of buzz now Bill Weld may renounce his VP slot w/ that dopey useless fucker Gary Johnson 'cause they're actually destroying Hillary w/ Millennials (majority who are out of their minds in a different way than Trump)! Sanders is now even pleading w/ them to get over it and vote even if its just against Trump!   

Oh no, Bill Gates is trash talking Trump and now others of his ilk are coming out too??? What a disaster for the Trump campaign!



3 hours ago, Sloane said:

Oh no, Bill Gates is trash talking Trump and now others of his ilk are coming out too??? What a disaster for the Trump campaign!



Eeasy there sweet thing. I meant Bob Gates not Bill. 

Guest Rachelle of London

Monsieur Plump



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