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I know for sure his heart is here with me
Though I wish him back, I know he cannot see
My hands trembling
I know he hears me sing

I light this candle and watch it throw
Tears on my pillow
And if there is a Christ, he'll come tonight
To pray for Spanish eyes

And if I have nothing left to show
Tears on my pillow
What kind of life is this, if God exists
Then help me pray for Spanish eyes

He had to fight like all the rest
In the barrio all the streets are paved with fear
I don't understand
At least he was a man

I light this candle and watch it throw
Tears on my pillow
And if there is a Christ, he'll come tonight
To pray for Spanish eyes

And if I have nothing left to show
Tears on my pillow
What kind of life is this, if God exists
Then help me pray for Spanish eyes

How many lives will they have to take?

How much heartache?

How many suns will they have to burn?

Spanish eyes, when will they ever learn?

You were not the Maravilla in our minds
We were proud to fight but we cannot win this blind
Stand your guns against the wall
Who's next in line to fall?

I light this candle and watch it throw
Tears on my pillow
And if there is a Christ, he'll come tonight
To pray for Spanish eyes

And if I have nothing left to show
Tears on my pillow
What kind of life is this, if God exists
Then help me pray for Spanish eyes

Tus lagrimas de tristeza
No me dejan olvidarte
Your tears of sadness
Will not let me forget you

How many lives will they have to take?
How much heartache?
How many suns will they have to burn?
Spanish eyes, when will they ever learn?

This penultimate track from the LAP album is a touching spanish-flavored ballad. It can be taken literally as someone pining away for a loved one who is off at war but it has been said that this is a metaphor for the AIDS struggle which makes sense since Madonna was one of the first celebrities to really bring attention to and speak out in support of those afflicted with the disease even when it wasn't "cool" to do so. Whatever your interpretation of the song, it is a beautiful song delivered with compassion, vulnerability and strength. This was always one of my Mom's favorite M songs and always makes me think of her although she thought for a while that she was singing "My life's a candle" in the chorus :laugh: I know it will probably never happen in a million years, but would love to hear an acoustic version on tour in the future. One can dream...

Favorite Lyric: How many suns will they have to burn?

Favorite Musical Part : That final guitar into the chimes

Favorite Vocal Part : The gorgeous bridge section


One of her best, most beautiful ballads. All the feels.


Love this song.

Love how she just belts the hell out of the chorus as well. Miss that more soulful voice at times.


I love it as well... I also love the male voice that accompanies Madonna's vocals. Is it Patrick Leonard? The two voices really add to the song.


it was probably the song the impressed me the most at the time of its release, after EY

now has lost some position, but it remains one of the most raw and emotional vocal interpretion by madonna ever....

love your post as always, mooncrown


I remember it was my favorite song when the album came out.

I still love it so much. Such a great song. Love her voice. And really really love the lyrics.


A masterpiece that should have been a single.

And that's the problem with Like A Prayer; Spanish Eyes, Till Death do us Part and Promise to Try could have all been singles as well. That's 9 beautiful and totally original singles from the one album :) did leave off Love Song and Act of Contrition- great songs just not single worthy :)

I thought Spanish eyes was a single in Spain or possibly promo single?

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