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some shows are sold out even at resale sites....

....still sad i won't be there (was my birthday too... :( )

Guest gang bang

Italy , my body is so ready , wowoow


So here we are. The only place she's performing 3 back-to-back sold out shows in the same arena.

I seriously hope she still remembers Italy is the country she is received the best. It will be by far the best audience for this tour so far and i can't wait for the videos :D

Her European Tours are always so much more interesting to see. So many different countries, cultures, places, etc...

Shame about her not really treating us Europeans the same way she did the american fans though.

Ghosttown should be at ever Italian show...now that will make them go crazy!


I wish she'd film the tour DVD here. Italians are always the best audience to be honest.


I wish she'd film the tour DVD here. Italians are always the best audience to be honest.

Absolutely, Italians really deserved it and it would be great to film this amazing show in Torino again, 28 years after WTG tour.


Preach it Goddess. Madonna is already in Torino, according to Italian press sources. Rocco seen rollerskating in the centre. She arrived from Nice at 3am with a private flight. Security measures beefed up.



I'll be there at the last show, on the 22nd. Can't wait!

I really hopped they would film the tour there because the Italian crowd is simply the best and they love her.


from a Turin newspaper

Countdown to the return of Madonna in Turin. On his arrival, expected in the night in Caselle with his private plane last night loomed fog, that already around 20 had put a strain on airport operations. An expected return, however, marked by the attacks in Paris. Yesterday was she performed in Herning, Denmark, for a stop on his "Rebel Heart Tour." He finished the show, was scheduled his departure for Turin.
His plans initially were others: until yesterday morning, the pop star had decided to sleep in Milan, home of her friend Donatella Versace, then fly to PalaAlpitour every day, doing the "commuter" for tests and for the three shows. Then he changed his mind and chose to stay here until Sunday, November 22, the date of his third tour of Turin. The other two on Thursday 19 and Saturday 21. Also at 20.
Like U2
His staff arrive this morning. They have booked 40 rooms at the Golden Palace in via dell'Arcivescovado: there are about sixty, between managers, costume designers and collaborators, who will occupy two entire floors of the hotel. About the hotel where she will stay there are still no official confirmation, but the fifteen son of Madonna, Rocco, was spotted and photographed by a fan, yesterday afternoon, in via Roma. It is therefore likely that the star overnights at Principi di Piemonte, where they had also stayed bassist Adam Clayton and drummer Larry Mullen of U2.
Caselle airport yesterday was tightly sealed, as will all his movements in the city. And after the massacre of Paris, the concert being a sensitive target, at the entrance of PalaAlpitour will be intensified checks.
The event
There will be explosive detection dogs and a verification of the identity of each viewer. Procedures are surely inevitable that lengthen the time of entry into the sports hall, as will happen on Saturday at the Stadium for the match Juventus - Milan. It was feared that Madonna could cancel his tour in respect of mourning French, and instead it was the star to confirm his presence.
Guest Rachelle of London

Can't wait for these shows


another one from the same journal

Unattainable, because the fog, the airport of Caselle, Madonna landed Tuesday night at 2:30, at the airport of Nice-Cote d'Azur. His private jet and then took off for Turin-Caselle lunchtime. Meanwhile, in front of the Principi di Piemonte they are gathering fans. This is the hotel chosen by the pop star for his nights in Turin, ahead of the first of three concerts at PalaAlpitour, scheduled for Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Madonna, in absolute secrecy, has already reached its suite. Outside, at the entrance of Via Gobetti, I have already appeared some men of the staff is one of the bodyguards.
Meanwhile, before the PalaAlpitour came the first Madonna fans, who will spend two nights in a tent and sleeping bag waiting for the first leg of the concert. Antonio Rotunno, 20, Milan, has the stamp on the hand number "1": "I arrived with five friends, we will not budge a centimeter to not miss the amazing location." Roberto Lipizzi of Avellino landed in boxes; backpack has tickets for all three dates at Pala Alpitour pop star. But one of the first fans of the singer in front of the entrance there are those of "Rebel Heart Tour" has already seen the date of Cologne, Prague, Berlin and Stockholm.

some shows are sold out even at resale sites....

....still sad i won't be there (was my birthday too... :( )

you don't go to the show because it's your birthday ?? WTF !!!???!!!??? &*?*&?*(&?*(&?$*&%%?/$"$&)/*)$&)%( chow!


fuck you everyone!!! :lmao: chow!!!

no....i can't afford it...i had to choose...so it's paris....(and with the paris travel i could have seen all three turin shows.... :lol: )


fuck you everyone!!! :lmao: chow!!!

no....i can't afford it...i had to choose...so it's paris....(and with the paris travel i could have seen all three turin shows.... :lol: )

oh !! You're going to see her in Paris ?

Ok then. You're all forgiven.



It would be great to have these shows filmed, but unlikely with the additional time required for the extra security, since it would make the show run way too late.

Madonna_fan1988, just want to remind that NYC also had 3 sold out shows back to back! (even though one happened to be in a different arena in the same city) NYC really really deserves to have a dvd!!! But obviously it won't be this time around unless she adds some more shows later...


the translation is here: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tgcom24.mediaset.it%2Fspettacolo%2Fmadonna-in-concerto-a-torino-allerta-sugli-spettatori-stranieri_2144547-201502a.shtml&edit-text=

i have to say.. people buying tickets from saudi arabia and afhanistan for a M show? and 1,200 tix? (i could understand about a hundred but 1200?)

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