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Madonna on Ellen! Week long extravaganza!

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Oh wait until I put my Cher drag on and perform in your trailer for you with your dogs Biscuit and Bango

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Much prefer this version/demo to the album version. She sounds fantastic.

Love this!!

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Whys everyone so sure she's gonna do Take A Bow? In the promo for tomorrow she had on the same black dress that she wore when she performed Ghosttown on that French TV show so that's definitely tomorrow. Friday I have no idea what she'll do. It might be something new or something classic but TAB? Call me skeptical.

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Why would she do older songs on a tv show like Ellen? I would think if she's trying to sell copies of Rebel Heart, she would do just new songs from that? I would like to hear her perform Devil Pray.

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Why would she do older songs on a tv show like Ellen? I would think if she's trying to sell copies of Rebel Heart, she would do just new songs from that? I would like to hear her perform Devil Pray.

She's also trying to sell tickets to the tour though.

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I can't believe I won't be seeing M live for another 6 months :cries:

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Guest material_boy

So, there were a bunch of #madonnaonellen tweets about her filming both "Ghosttown" and "JOA" -- but only "JOA" got aired? Is "Ghosttown" just airing tomorrow? Does that mean she's not filming anything new for the show tomorrow? I thought she was on all week?

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Mar1920150016enter.gifCan't wait for tomorrow's entrance :inlove:

oooooo thank you! No video but a gif is the next best thing. In fact it's better cuz i can watch it ova and ova.

edit: I love her Benny Hill salute LOL and her walk is diva-licious as always. Such grace! She really knows how to walk.

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Why would she do older songs on a tv show like Ellen? I would think if she's trying to sell copies of Rebel Heart, she would do just new songs from that? I would like to hear her perform Devil Pray.

Probably so the general public remember she was responsible for that huge ballad back in the 90s, making them intrigued by her new album?

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oooooo thank you! No video but a gif is the next best thing. In fact it's better cuz i can watch it ova and ova.

edit: I love her Benny Hill salute LOL and her walk is diva-licious as always. Such grace! She really knows how to walk.



Yep, she is a real star through and through; it just emanates from her in everything she does.

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Guest material_boy

She's gotta do "Ghosttown" since it's the next single -- and I'm guessing she ends the week with a classic. "Ray of Light," maybe?

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What an incredible performance. This era is unreal. Wow. I've said if before but when the era is this epic it's like no other singer exists. So enjoyable to watch all of this. She looks as though she is loving it aswell which we haven't honestly seen for YEARS

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Surprised no one is discussing her and Bieber. Do you think she was just being nice or did she have the hots for him? He didn't seem remotely intimidated by her, which is a plus in her book.

Yeah I know he's a dumbass skank, but....she's dated worse. At least he has his own money ,

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