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Hatred of Madonna ... Or not?


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IsaacHarris, you probably elicit that strong reaction when you tell people you like Madonna because you're so young.

I'm in my early 30s , but look mid 20s and I get that too

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If Madonna would've stopped after IC or even Sex/Erotica and everything from 2012 onward were just the same as it is, Madonna would be getting her ass kissed like none other right now. The MDNA album would be labeled brilliant and the tour would be seen as revolutionary as Blond Ambition. Sadly, the fact that she's managed to stick around all these years and her success (in the grand scheme of things) has never really faltered so therefore she pays a price for that. Instead of going away and coming back reminding people of the Madonna/themselves of "the good old days", she's aged right along with us and has remained under the magnifying glass. It's fucked up how that works......we (as a society) seem to celebrate those we can pity on some level, Madonna has always DEMANDED we NOT pity her.....imagine the pity Gaga would've demanded (and received) for falling off a horse or getting the shit beaten out of her for adopting a dying child, Madonna doesn't play that bullshit. The fact of the matter is though, it's always been the way it is now. We just have more access to the opinion of every asshole under the sun thanks to social media and the tabloid industry in general which is a much bigger beast than it was in the 80's and 90's. Madonnas career wouldn't be the same without the detractors. In some twisted way, they are as integral to her success as we are as diehard loons.


I still remember hearing in the street that she wasplanning on fucking a bull in take a bow's video...that was real hate!

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It's weird, though. I felt like she was at a high point with the Super Bowl, winning the Golden Globe, pre-orders for MDNA, etc, but then the tide turned after the album dropped. And it was by no means poorly reviewed, but I wonder if it had received ROL-Music-COADF levels of praise, if that would have helped her ride out a good wave for a while longer. Seems you never know how the public will go with her. I mean even when she's hated, she gets like three times the applause and cheers at awards shows as anyone else.

I totally agree. I remember the growing sense of anticipation in the build up to MDNA in the UK. I even remember conversations with casual music listeners who had heard that M was 'coming back' to reclaim her pop throne from the pretenders. We'd had a great appearance on the Graham Norton show, her Golden Globe and big 'fuck you' to Elton . Then we had the Superbowl, the amazing album cover and the great preorders. Everything seemed to be perfectly in place for the mother of all 'comebacks' and then it all went meh!

I know this had been discussed to death but I still feel the first nail in the coffin was GMAYL as lead single. If we put aside the fact that it was not a particularly strong kick off single - the silly fuckers gave it away with preorders of the album so it charted miserably in the UK, the first time in years that a lead single from an album failed to make an impression. I think the media in the UK latched on to this and then all of a sudden she was the biggest flop going and it went from there. The album made number one but then plummeted despite what appeared to be warm reviews. Everyone I mentioned the album to had no idea that Madonna even had a new album out! This to be was actually disturbing but what did I expect really given that Madge did bugger all to promote the product?! That's why, as much as I love the album, MDNA always seems like a wasted opportunity and something that she's gonna have her work cut out for her to recover from in the UK! For some reason, the UK media seem to have it in for her at the moment and from what I can see, it's rubbing off on the general public. I still think it's possible that she could bring it back but SHE'S going to have to give a shit to make people give a shit!

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Madonna has made herself a target for both love and hate. I can see why she dislikes the branding of Re-Invention (other than the tour of course) because she's just creating what feels right for her at the time.
The general public sees/hears only that she's a great businesswoman and marketing genius that doesn't contribute so much to her art.
But by having a "different persona" and look with every era, she's given people the ability to pick and choose which they relate to and those that they don't.
Hell half the fans can't agree what is her best work or persona, and those of us older fans that have been around from the beginning get accused of being stuck in the past. (I love all her work and get excited as everyone else for new music, so I just keep up with the changes. Because I change too.)
Bottom line for me is that she's accomplished the impossible task of painting herself into multiple corners in terms of pleasing her audience(s).
No musician has ever undertaken so many style/genre changes and been successful like Madonna has. She is an enigma to most people, and her contradictory, bratty and rebellious attitude can be a turn on or a turn off depending on her message at the time.
When she does try to do good, she's desperate or calculating, when she's being self indulgent or too left of center she's weird and calculating.
She's never won this battle over her, because it's not her battle to fight.
The fact that she still gets under people's skin after all this time is proof that the "new Madonna" is just Madonna. I can't wait for the 2014 model to make her debut!

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The big one back in the day was that Madonna fucks horses......people truly believed that. At least we've moved on from that somewhat....lol.

she was fucking them during confessions. the after-sex-cigarette atop the worn out horse shot, is iconic.

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Does Kelly Ripa still have a morning show with Regis, and has she commented on Madonna lately? She used to praise her a lot, nice contrast to the vile venom spewing on The View.

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Guest whatatramp

So one of her crimes is simply that she has lasted, which we would applaud in a doctor, teacher, truck driver, lawyer or any other career.

MJ, Whitney, George Michael, Janet, Cyndi etc. are earlier for people to accept because they either died, imploded, or stopped having hits when they "should have."

It's definitely because she's lasted and evolved, the envy is too real

so glad we don't have to put up with 'the essential madonna' 'madonna: number 1's' 'like a virgin and 12 other hits' 'madgeical christmas: madonna sings the standards' 'like a version: madonna re-invents 8 80's hits with wannabe house djs' and all the other tripe the other previously "big" names now turn out

Edited by whatatramp
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I do get frustrated at times about the amount and constant stream of vitriol going Madonna's way.. but then I realize that, yes, she's hated (by the media, etc.) yet she's still standing-- the ONLY one standing-- on top after all these many years. While those who get inordinate amount of love and respect have each fallen by the wayside. Or are nostalgia acts.

The universe works in mysterious ways.

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So one of her crimes is simply that she has lasted, which we would applaud in a doctor, teacher, truck driver, lawyer or any other career.

MJ, Whitney, George Michael, Janet, Cyndi etc. are earlier for people to accept because they either died, imploded, or stopped having hits when they "should have."

So true. Madonna never played the game and she managed to stay relevant for more than 30 years. The others artists got it easier for the reasons you mentionned.

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If Madonna would've stopped after IC or even Sex/Erotica and everything from 2012 onward were just the same as it is, Madonna would be getting her ass kissed like none other right now. The MDNA album would be labeled brilliant and the tour would be seen as revolutionary as Blond Ambition. Sadly, the fact that she's managed to stick around all these years and her success (in the grand scheme of things) has never really faltered so therefore she pays a price for that. Instead of going away and coming back reminding people of the Madonna/themselves of "the good old days", she's aged right along with us and has remained under the magnifying glass. It's fucked up how that works......we (as a society) seem to celebrate those we can pity on some level, Madonna has always DEMANDED we NOT pity her.....imagine the pity Gaga would've demanded (and received) for falling off a horse or getting the shit beaten out of her for adopting a dying child, Madonna doesn't play that bullshit. The fact of the matter is though, it's always been the way it is now. We just have more access to the opinion of every asshole under the sun thanks to social media and the tabloid industry in general which is a much bigger beast than it was in the 80's and 90's. Madonnas career wouldn't be the same without the detractors. In some twisted way, they are as integral to her success as we are as diehard loons.

SO TRUE :clap: :clap:

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Madonna is not hated as much as her fans make it out to be.

Go online and every famous person has haters, I've seen RIDICULOUS things written about Taylor Swift and Beyonce (including that she faked being pregnant for publicity aftee the 4 album "flopped").

M must be doing something right if she still has haters

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Madonna is not hated as much as her fans make it out to be.

Go online and every famous person has haters, I've seen RIDICULOUS things written about Taylor Swift and Beyonce (including that she faked being pregnant for publicity aftee the 4 album "flopped").

M must be doing something right if she still has haters

That is true to a certain extent. It's the nature of the Internet that there are people that say really hateful things about celebrities and musical artists. But if you look at press articles and reviews of Madonna, a lot of times when there is praise of her work, it is begrudging, there is always a but to any positive and a lot of writers always fit in the negative too. Or people will praise her for her work ethic or her business sense, but then say she can't sing or she's not that talented. Whereas with other legends like the Stones or someone the praise is more unequivocal, there's not the backhanded compliments that she gets in a lot of press articles.

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^ which is funny since Jagger can't sing for shit, Madonna has about 1000xs more talent than him.

Bob Dylan can't sing at all either and he gets praised a lot too.


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^ which is funny since Jagger can't sing for shit, Madonna has about 1000xs more talent than him.

Bob Dylan can't sing at all either and he gets praised a lot too.


TOTALLY AGREE ABOUT IT. It always annoyed me how Bob Dylan and Mick Jagger NEVER got shit for their voices when they really can't sing at all. Madonna IS a better singer than them yet everyone keeps saying she can't sing, is talentless, etc...

Sexism is a part of it for sure but it's also about Madonna herself, she gets more shit than others female artists. Just look at Britney and Rihanna, they can't sing for shit yet they never got the backlash Madonna got (from a vocal perspective).

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Madonna and Katy Perry's PSA about anti gay propaganda and gay rights is drawing a lot of criticism at Towelroad website

The first comment, probably by a monster, is "there goes that old ass Madonna desperately trying to get attention again."

I can't, I just can't

People can come at Madonna for a lot of things but how dare other gay people bash her, when she is speaking up and fighting for GAY RIGHTS!



I bet if Madonna ever did Gay Pride people would be calling her "desperate".

Everybody go on the website now with FACTS on Madonna's gat history and deluge the comments section.


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A smart person or even your average Jo would think this is stupid. Monsters need to disappear up their own backside.

What's funny is that nobody was criticizing Katy Perry who is apart of it with Madonna

It's ALWAYS Madonna who gets criticized for EVERYTHING

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When she wore little clothes they called her a desperate old granny . When she covered herself up ( like at the Grammy ) they called her a desperate granny who wanted to latch on to the latest 'IN' trend /band/singers whatever.

She knows they are going to stick it to her no matter what she does so she is going to do whatever she wants .

At the end of the day she gets to go beautiful home and be with her beautiful family .

What do those hates get to go home to ?

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Before I write anything, please remember: I LOVE & ADORE Madonna. I live for this woman. But, we seem to be forgetting one thing. Madonna can be a total BITCH. The Entertainment industry is a dog eat dog world (WAY MORE than casual fans are aware of). Between 1985-1994, Madonna pissed off a LOT of people in the industry (peers, songwriters, critics, producers, directors, photographers, etc etc. Between 1989 -1994, she PISSED a lot of people off (many who claimed she had gotten too big for her britches). A lot of these artists held a grudge. Artists from Bonnie Raitt, Elvis Costello, Mick Jagger, Roger Waters, Elton John, Morrissey, Paul McCartney, Michael Jackson, Sade, TAFKAP among MANY others (members of the VOTING academy of who wins a Grammy) are an example of why Madonna's "Bedtime Stories" album didn't win after being nominated for Best Pop Album at the 1995 Grammy Awards. Despite the massive influence that her R&B producers had at the time, (who were producing hit after hit after hit for other R&B artists). Dallas Austin, Dave "Jam" Hall, Babyface couldn't save her from losing.

Madonna's "kinder & gentler" personae with "Ray of Light", was a true turning point in how everyone saw her. Even thought she still had her bitchy moments (comparing Celine Dion to beige carpeting to SPIN magazine "it's fine, I just want it in my house". LOL!

My point is, Madonna made a lot of people resent her for being so self centered, for SO LONG.

BUT, like I said in my earlier post, Madonna has come a LOOONG way. The hatred aimed at her is mostly what we see on the internet (which we should ignore) and not from the critics. And no, Piers Morgan doesn't count.

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